"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Juliet may have been talking about Romeo, but this statement might as well have been applied to the quince. This dense, pithy and astringent fruit is similar in appearance to a golden delicious apple, tastes like a bitter intersection of apples and pears, but is related to neither fruit. Believe it or not, the quince is related to the well-loved and thorny rose.

Quince is rarely eaten raw because of its bitter, astringent and dry flesh. However, knowing this didn't keep me from stopping my husband when he took a large bite out of curiosity. He spat it out immediately, and looked at me incredulously. I rather thought it was funny.

When cooked, this fruit is magically transformed. The pithy flesh softens and bitterness melts away, revealing beautiful ambrosial flavors reminiscent of pears poached in red wine with provocative nuances of ripe stone fruits, sweet spices and rosy floral notes. Cooking quince extracts the fruit's naturally high pectin content, making it an ideal candidate for jams and jellies. In this recipe, the seeds and core of the quince, which are particularly high in pectin, are also utilized by wrapping in a cheesecloth and simmering with the quince flesh to help solidify the jam.

When choosing a quince, rely on your nose to tell you which ones are ripe. Pick those that are fragrant with a lemony-yellow exterior. The aromas from this antique fruit should be strong and reminiscent of tropical fruits, notably pineapple.

This is a recipe dedicated to Sherry Page, who grows quince among many other beautiful fruits and vegetables in her bountiful garden. The first photo in this post is a bowl of gorgeous quince fruit freshly picked from a tree growing in her front yard. In addition to growing her own delicious food, Sherry faithfully visits and supports local farmers in northern California, searching and gathering the best produce she can find.

As a culinary instructor, Sherry has garnered a tremendous reputation over the years with Culinary Getaways, where she hosts amazing food events, sharing her extensive knowledge and passion of cuisines local to Napa Valley, Paris, Provence and Tuscany. A recent review of a Napa Culinary Getaway by an attendee says it all. Sherry has demonstrated enormous love, generosity, and creativity in her approach to food, which I admire tremendously. For that reason, I consider Sherry a foodie soul sister.

Each quince is different, for that reason I recommend starting with two cups of sugar and adjusting to taste. Riper quince will have the most pronounced flavors and aromas but if you are making jam or jelly, throw a few green ones in the batch, they'll add a high pectin content. 


  1. To prepare the quince, rinse and peel the fruit, taking care to save the core and seeds. Because the flesh is quite hard and dry, you may find it easier to quarter the quince prior to peeling. Cut the quince into small chunks, diced or chopped, the smaller the size the faster the quince will cook. Gather the cores and seeds and tie the bundle securely in a cheesecloth.
  2. In large pot, preferably enameled cast iron, add all of the ingredients, except for the vanilla bean and rose water. With the vanilla bean, split open the pod and scrape out the vanilla seeds, and place pod and seeds into the pot. Simmer on medium-low for 2-3 hours. When the quince is ready, the flesh will become a rosy orange color. Allow the quince to cool to room temperature or let it sit overnight.
  3. Once the cooked quince is cooled, remove the vanilla bean, cinnamon stick and bundle of seed, and set aside. Using a hand blender or food processor, blend the pulp and liquid together until the texture is creamy. Taste the quince jam. If you feel that it could use more sugar or honey by the tablespoon, blend and repeat until you're satisfied with the level of sweetness. Return the cinnamon stick, seeds and quince jam to the pot (if using a food processor), simmer for 1-2 hours or until the quince jam reaches a desired consistency. Keep in mind that the jam will thicken when cool. Add the rose water, if using, in the last 10 minutes of cooling, so that the delicate floral flavors remain intact. Allow the quince jam to cool down. Remove the cinnamon stick and cheese cloth.
  4. Store in sterilized jars.


  1. thanks for stopping by my blog, i really enjoy yours too! i used to live in marin, i miss it too since i get the central valley heat now... coupled with menopause, need i say more?!

    i have another blog called food with style, look on my sidebar and visit the site, i would love to incl your pics and blog, let me know if this would work out for, all pics link back to your blog. drop me an email if you want to join in~ thanks jain

  2. Nice post! I have never eaten a quince fruit but, seeing your husband's reaction to taking a bite, I might hold-off. Now, eating it in a great jam, now we are talking. Your recipe looks wonderful.

    By the way, I am also checking out Sherry's Culinary Getaways. We are looking for a great summer vacation next year!

  3. Hi ! could you please tell me where I could buy quinces from ? I mean online or in Oklahoma...as I cannot really go to California just for that. I'm almost desperate to find some.

  4. Velva,

    It's great that you are planning to attend one of Sherry's events! Are you planning to attend a Napa Valley getaway? I'd like to attend a Provence Getaway next year. Whichever one you visit, I'm sure it will be amazing!


  5. oh what an interesting post and love this jam, oh Jams are always big in our house

  6. promise to make this jam as soon as i put my hands on some quinces. poor hubby, I dragged him all through town Saturday looking for a fresh market. needless to say, all the farmers were gone at almost 5 in the after-noon when we were there

  7. I haven't tried making anything with quince yet. I am putting it on the list for fall. This jam sounds so yummy.

  8. oh my, this looks FABULOUS! Next quince season, I will definitely have to give this one a try :)

  9. Hi I am living in Napa for the fall-winter and stumbled across some bags of quince at the Browns Valley market and spontaneously purchased.... however they still had green on them and didn't smell very strongly so I'm wondering if they were actually ripe. I've left them a week and a half and they do smell better but I'm trying to replicate the incredible flavor of confiture de coings from france and so I'm on the look out for any other source of really ripe quince... do you know when these would be available and who might provide them here? Is the season already passed? Thanks for your help!

  10. School or Food? It sounds like you may have a bag of unripe quince, which will be okay to make jam, you will simply have to add more sugar to tame the astringency. Quince should be available from September to through early December. I would check out the San Francisco Ferry Building for quince in your area, or call apple orchards in Napa. Many of the apple producers have quince trees that do not produce enough for them to sell at the market. I am sure that they would be more than happy to offer them to you if you visit their farm.

  11. Christine, my Food Soul Sister! I am blown away by your kind and generous post. You know I love quince and now have to try your jam recipe with the rose water. I'm sure it would be amazing paired with a nice sheep's milk cheese! Thanks for the very nice comments regarding Culinary Getaways and me!

  12. What a beautiful post. I LOVE the top picture. I actually only discovered quince last year and used it to make membrillo. I can't wait to try your jam!

  13. wow great and informative post save me some to try on Thursday he he he
