I'm dedicating most of my time today and tomorrow to devising a plan of attack for Friday evening's big event. Eating a high fat, high protein diet of dried nuts, cheeses, and cured meats, drinking plenty of fluids to stay well-hydrated and making sure I have plenty of rest so that I can hit the ground running. What event am I training for? He-he-he. Wine Spectator's Grand Tasting in New York. I'll be like a kid in the candy store! Yippee!

I'm strategically shortlisting the tables I will be hitting, sorting out whites to reds, regions, varietals, etc, and mapping them out. With over 250 wineries presenting, I'll have to pace myself. Hopefully, my efforts will not be in vain. I'm imagining the execution to be something similar to an episode of Amazing Race, but with formal attire, high heels and lots of handshaking in between swirling my wine glass.

Hopefully, I won't be too hungover the next few days to share with you my discoveries, and more importantly, I hope to remember tasting notes of the stand-out wines.

On a separate note, I wanted to thank everyone for leaving such thoughtful feedback under each of my blog posts. The feedback helps to lend insight into what topics / photos you are interested in seeing, in addition to creating a warm feeling inside. :) Your comments are very much appreciated, and I love hearing from each and everyone of you, so keep them coming! If there is anything you would like to see more of such as photos of certain types of cuisines, architectures, neighborhoods, etc. let me know, and I'll do the best to accommodate.



Update: Link to Wine Spectator Grand Tasting post


  1. How exciting! I can't wait to see and read all about it though your eyes. Good idea to train well, clearly you'll need your stamina! ;)

    Personally, I'd have to train for the high heels ... they'd really slow me down. LOL

    So true about the comment, its crazy how much they can lift your blogging spirits. I love what you're doing here, such great variety, so I'll just say - keep it up, I'm a fan!

  2. Ohh I see great wines in this event, tell me later what wine blends or varietals you tasted :)



  3. Oh my gosh! You are too funny. Can't wait to here about how your adventure goes! Good Luck. I have faith you will do great!!

  4. That sounds great! I would totally be planning out my route around the event too!!

  5. Simply Life - I think this will be one of my memorable events, I'm very excited!

    Diva - Yes, it truly does lift your spirits! Thank you so much for your kind comment!

    Gera - I glad to know that you recognize some of the players on the list! It's impressive isn't it?

    Kathleen - I hoping to come back with some funny stories!

  6. I knew I liked you, but now, I think you are my hero!

  7. Mardi - Will you be attending the event too?

    Misty - You're hilarious! You have no idea how hard your comment made me laugh. You're so sweet!

  8. Unfortunately no, I live in Toronto.... Enjoy and we will live vicariously through you!

  9. You are too funny! I love your preparations! Your a girl after my own heart. Have a wonderful time - can't wait to hear all about it!

  10. Hi Christine,

    Have a fantastic time tomorrow night! Can't wait to read about the event!


  11. How fun, can't wait to hear all about it!

  12. Ha! i do the same thing. I always plan everything out lol :D

  13. Smart to be so prepared! Have a great time!

  14. Madison's Food and Wine Show is this weekend, too. I hope to make it! I look forward to reading about your wine tasting experience.

  15. Can't wait to see the write-up! We went to a Chateauneuf-du-Pape tasting (the winery is here for the Wine Spectator event) and enjoyed the products! We'll be posting all of our NYC events this week.

    Btw, love the photos on each and every one of your posts!

  16. This sounds great!! I live in Amsterdam right now, so I'm definitely jealous. As for things I'd like to see, how about some more stuff from your kitchen?

  17. Ciao ciao Christine! Thank you so much for your message! You made my day;-) I hope you enjoyed it.



  18. Wow, that'd be fun! But don't drive after drinking, hahaha.

  19. This sounds fun! How many do you plan on tasting ? (and not spit out the wine, that is) ??

  20. Thanks everyone for leaving such kind comments!

    Dolce - I think I'm going to spit my tastings out. I know it's a crime to spit Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Marguax, but I'm such a light weight.

  21. Pretty blog. I clicked on over from Lettuce Eat Kale. As I'm in California, I never thought about how long the New York Farmers' Market season is. I'll read more later. Looks like you have a fun time at what you do!
    Cheers, and Happy Harvesting.
    Anna Chan, The Lemon Lady

  22. What fun! I just finished reading Peter Mayle's Toujours Provence, and he talks about drinking a big spoon full of olive oil before wine tasting, to coat his stomach.

  23. I can't wait to hear about this! You made me laugh, thought you might be gearing up for a marathon, haha!!

  24. Natashya, the olive oil tip is a great idea!

    Diana, I'm glad you found this funny. I have quite a few notes to review as I'd like the posting to be comprehensive. I'll probably have it posted later this week.

  25. Holy cow Christine! I just want to go with you!

    Why WHY why am I stuck in Idaho??


  26. Laura, I had so much fun! Hopefully one day you can attend this amazing event! :)

  27. Sounds like such a good time. I thoroughly enjoy wine tasting but have only attended a few of them. Hopefully, there are more in my future!

  28. Hi Christine,

    Just wanted to send a quick note to say Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

    Have a great day. El
