I don't need to elaborate on which countdown I am referring to. You already know. Long before the turkey was allowed to go cold and even before the cranberry sauce hit the table, chatter abounded about Black Friday. After all there were only a few hours to ration before the stroke of midnight, when the real consumption began.

I had already felt the pressure Thursday morning when we drove through New Jersey passing a ginormous mall to get to our family. As we advanced past the glittering retail shops, my eyes grew bigger and bigger. No, not at the shopping emporium, but at the dense and elongated traffic heading in the opposite direction.

"What is going on?" I asked
"They're probably going to the mall," my husband speculated.
"Really? Stores are open today?" to my surprise and ignorance.

Even I, someone who is resilient to the message of spend to save, began to imagine what I may have been missing out on. Bargains on beautiful designer clothing, fancy electronic gadgets that would make life easier, and all of the DVDs that I would enrich my entertainment collection. Actually, it's something more like beautiful clothing that I won't fit into tomorrow, fancy electronic that I won't know how to use, and DVDs I won't have time to watch. No! Shush! Those are sacrilegious thoughts! At least, according to the International Shopping Council. Evident before my eyes were droves of people who were willing to risk getting stuck in traffic on a day reserved for family togetherness. Although, I'm sure several of them were together in their high octane pursuit for bargains. I was getting dizzy with all of these thoughts.

But as we moved further and further away, transitioning into the scenic pastures of New Jersey, my spike of excitement and panic eased. What was I thinking? I have all that I needed with me, today and tomorrow.

Did you have a strategy for Black Friday?


  1. My Black Friday strategy = avoid it! No shopping for me today - too many crazy people out, haha ;)

  2. You go Veggie Girl! It has truly become a frenzy on par with feeding piranhas.

  3. I will say ditto. My plan is to stay home! Besides, what do I really need? I've got it all at home.

  4. My strategy is to stay home! Still in my PJ's. We may go into the city for lunch later, but other than that and my niece's swimming lesson, it is going to be a day for relaxing!

  5. I can't get over your pictures. They manage to capture everything I miss about NYC -- that aura of the holidays (and the excitement of them).

  6. I love staying home instead, haha

  7. I'm ashamed to admit that I had fully intended to boycott Black Friday, but the $5 magazine sale was too tempting to resist. How dare they come right to my inbox!

  8. Wendy - That sounds like a good deal, I'm going to check it out! The temptation of 5th Avenue is going louder as the day wears on. I may walk down the street out of curiosity. But of course, it's only out of curiosity! ;)

  9. same strategy I have used for years - avoid it! I am a constant shopper so binge shopping never appeals to me....

  10. My strategy is to stay home, too...I steer as far clear of the madness as I possibly can. As a matter of fact, I'm still in my jammies :) Hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving!

  11. yes! has begun the countdown here too, we in Italy is unfortunately not a very happy, there are many people who are at risk of losing their jobs, and this is sad ...
    I hope that the arrival of Christmas bring us all much joy, and serenity ...

  12. My strategy was to skip it this year!

    Last year my mom and sisters and I went to Woodbury Commons (outlets in NY), and the traffic was so bad that people were letting passengers out of their cars to cut through the woods to the stores!

  13. I"ll stay home and start making chutney and gifts for friends and love ones :)
    Indeed there are too many things we could have bought but really do we need any of them?

  14. Megan - Unreal!

    3 Tummies - That is a good idea!

    Nancy - Sorry to hear about the conditions in Italy. The environment is fairly similar in the US. Hopefully it improves soon.

  15. My strategy has always been avoid it at all costs. I decided long ago the money saved is not worth the cost of my sanity! ;-)

  16. I stayed in today too. That's just crazy that people were shopping on Thanksgiving! I'd rather spend it with my family. My town is small and unfortunately we live very close to the only mall - from now until after Christmas traffic is gridlocked for miles and miles. UGH!! Just leaving the house is a chore. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.

  17. My husband was so tempted to go shopping today but I told him not to so he didn't. :) You save money by not shopping right? he he Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  18. Spent the day with friends and family - no shopping for us! Like "doggybloggy" we're constant shoppers too and none of the deals seemed enticing anyway. Hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family!

  19. As always, gorgeous pictures! I'm glad I made it through Black Friday and didn't buy a thing! :)

  20. I can't imagine anything worse than battling all those crowds the day after the turkey fest. Staying home sounds like a good call!

  21. I loved this post. My mother was always such a proponent of going shopping on Black Friday. But she is definitely the kind of person who feels that it is her obligation to use every coupon that she receives. She still doesn't understand that not spending any money at all is better than spending money on things you don't really need, even if you get a certain percentage taken off.

    My strategy - i DID go to Modell's yesterday to see if they had any winter running stuff and I'm glad I did because I went for a long run this morning and definitely needed it! There weren't that many people in the store though.

  22. Joanne - I've never visited Modell's but I need winter running clothes too! I'll keep this place in mind. Thx!

  23. You are totally right. Besides, as much as i like shopping, its no fun when you are being pushed in a crowded and hectic atmosphere. Also, truth be told, the best bargains are AFTER christmas.

  24. Shopping is a hard job....I think I go with online shopping!

  25. I couldn't agree more. We're actually telling people not to buy us presents this year. We'd rather have them give to a charity or save for their child's college fund. And frankly, after being sick for over 2 months, the only thing I want for Christmas this year is my health.

  26. I have never shopped on the day after Thanksgiving, just never gave it a thought. I'm not one to feel I got a deal if I have to wait in line for an hour, My time is too precious and I'd rather be home in a nice, warm home watching football with my family.

  27. Hi FLB!!
    Did you get your shopping on? We avoided the early morning shopping, there's nothing fun about mile long lines and deal hungry customers all in one place.

  28. I used to go at 3 am when the kids were a bit younger, now I get up in my PJs at 3 am or so and try to catch onnline deals:)

  29. No Black Friday here in Canada, but we have the equivalent on Boxing Day, which is the day after Christmas. I stay home. I don't like material things enough to want to line-up at some ridiculously early morning hour to fight the crowd just to save a few dollars.

  30. I hate shopping and the thought of sale racks, crowds, and conspicuous consumption makes me want to crawl into a little hole, wrap my arms around myself, and find a happy place. My strategy? Anything that ends with a .com. Online shopping, from my sofa with a cup of tea, is the best.

  31. I went to Black Friday once and I will probably never do it again. I can't compete with real shoppers. They're nuts.

  32. my black friday strategy? stay home and send the child who just got her drivers license to the grocery store cuz she's still at the "i'll run any errand for you just so I can driver" phase.

  33. I like how you captured the Black Friday mayhem!

    I iced and assembled a wedding cake on Black Friday. But I wasn't too busy to order a few things online. But online shopping is always my preferred method--no lines and no circling for parking!

  34. The best strategy is to definitely AVOID it! My sanity is worth more than any savings a store can offer!

  35. It is dizzying!
    Happy to say that I opted out of the Black Friday fray---
