To celebrate her birthday, the very sweet natured Rebecca of Chow and Chatter came up to New York City with family and friends for a fun filled weekend of sightseeing. Of course, since she was coming to town she called the very sociable Cindy of Chubby Chinese Girl, who called me to meet up for lunch. See how blogging has turned me into a lady who lunches?

We all met up at Gyu-Kaku, a Japanese grill house in mid-town Manhattan that offers a grill set built directly into the table for foodies looking to cook their own meat. We don't have too many opportunities to grill out here in Manhattan, so I was totally jazzed with the idea.

Cindy got a plate of various cuts of beef which included beef tongue, short rib and hanger steak. The pile of large thin slices sprinkled with black pepper is beef tongue, the pile marinated in dark soy sauce is short rib and the other pile is hanger steak.

Since this was my first time visiting this place I told the waiter that I'll have the same thing, not knowing what I had just ordered. Watch Cindy demonstrate for me how to grill meat, lay flat, and sear for 30 seconds on each side.

Smoke puffs from under, sizzling and crackling and brandishing beautiful grill marks onto the meat.


How was the beef tongue? Well, if I hadn't been told that it was beef tongue, I wouldn't have assumed it was different from any other cut. Juicy, tender and flavorful, it was as good if not better than the other options on the platter.

Rebecca, who had her very cute daughter in tow, ordered the garlic chicken noodles. Look at Jasmine, those eyes say, I want food! Rebecca enjoyed the noodles, although noted that there was a lot of garlic in it.

Before I headed off to the airport for my own travel plans, we quickly took a picture. Unfortunately, Rebecca is a bit blurry; it's my only picture of us and I wanted to share anyway.

I'm blogging in-flight from 38,000 feet. Isn't it cool how far technology has come? Guess where I'm headed. Stay tuned to find out.


Gera@SweetsFoodsBlog said...

I'd like to taste the Gyu-Kaku sounds delicious :)
You've had a beautiful meeting both Christine and Rebecca!
Enjoy your weekend.



LizNoVeggieGirl said...

FABULOUS celebration and meet up!

Christo Gonzales said...

I was going to meet you guys but the right details were lost in delivery - oh well some other time I guess!

Unplanned Cooking said...

If it's Minneapolis, come have lunch with ME! :)

Velva said...

Christine, how cool is it to meet up with your fellow bloggers. Another pro for living in NYC!
This is really neat. Rebecca has met a few bloggers these last few months...what a lucky girl!

Yes, it is cool to break out your lap top and enjoy wi-fi in the sky! Hope you enjoy your vacation. I am looking forward to reading all about it.

Kelsey B. said...

I am SOO bummed I missed you! We had a tough day, but hopefully we can all meet up soon.

Fresh Local and Best said...

Thanks everyone for your kind comments!

Doggybloggy - sorry to hear that wires got crossed. Will keep you in mind for next meet-up.

Unplanned - Good guess, but given that I'm still on the plane, I'm going further out. We definitely should meet for lunch the next time either one of us in other's hometown.

Kelsey - I'll keep you in mind for the next meet-up.

Unknown said...

Gyu-Kaku is fantastic, isnt it? I work in midtown , so was delighted to see your post. Your blog is great! So good to see another NYCity blogger :)

Pam said...

What a fun meal...I like that you cook at your table. Blogging from the plane is awesome. Have a great time wherever you're going!

El said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun. Glad the meet-up was a smash hit!

Sarah said...

I would love to meet all of you but since I live on the opposite side of the country I guess i'll have to be satisfied with your lovely blogs!

3 hungry tummies said...

oh how wonderful!!! happy birthday!

The Blonde Duck said...

It sounds like such fun! Have a good time!

Erica said...

Rebecca is such a sweet girl!!!!The food looks delicious.

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

what a great post... oddly enough, nothing like this in the BBQ capital of the world (at least in our own minds), Kansas City.

This is a great thing of blogger get togethers. i love that

Joanne said...

The food looks great! I wish I could have made it.

Have a safe flight wherever you are going...can't wait to find out.

chow and chatter said...

HI Christine was a lovely lunch so nice to meet you both come to NC next time have a safe flight love Rebecca

Simply Life said...

Oh that looks like a great time with delicious food!

Unknown said...

Wish I was able to make it, especially to meet Rebecca in person! Christine, hopefully when you come back to NYC, we'll get together again! I'm guessing you were blogging from Virgin America on the way to San Fran since I did the exact same thing on the way back from the Foodbuzz Festival!

Beth said...

How cool that you grill your own meat at the table!

Have a great trip!

Michelle said...

How fun! Now my husband would love this just to get the tongue!

Looks like you guys had a great time!

Mardi Michels said...

How fun!!! San Fran - is that where you are heading for the holidays???

Heather S-G said...

That's so cool! I want to have a blogger meet up, so badly. The food looks awesome, too. I actually really enjoy beef tongue. Hmmmm...can't wait to find out where you are!

Heather S-G said...

That's so cool! I want to have a blogger meet up, so badly. The food looks awesome, too. I actually really enjoy beef tongue. Hmmmm...can't wait to find out where you are!

Lick My Spoon said...

ah to be a lady who lunches in NY...can I apply for that position? looks like you had a delicious time!

Anonymous said...

What a fun lunch meet up and the food looks excellent!

Deb in Hawaii said...

Looks like you guys had a wonderful lunch--always so nice to meet up with other bloggers. Have a wonderful trip!

Claudia said...

How fun - to all meet up in NYC and go to a new place - the lunch does lookvery delicious. I am a New Yorker and when you guys blog about the city - I wax nostalgic.

Tina said...

Sounds like fun. I'd love to meet some of the bloggers I write and visit. So cool!

Meals by Misty said...

You are such a fun girl! I give you a big thumbs up on eating the tongue. YIKES. I don't think I would have the stomach for it. One of these days I will have a blogger meet up!

Reeni said...

That's so sweet that you all met! Jasmine has the most gorgeous eyes. Hope you had a safe trip! Can't wait to find out where you are.

Selba said...

Whoaaaa.. how nice to meet up with other bloggers!

Anonymous said...

Being a lady who lunches is absolutely divine daaaaaahling! And good for you for trying the beef tongue. I've actually had it before and its pretty good, not scary at all :) What a wonderful place to eat. Looks fab.

Diana Bauman said...

Christine, I want to have lunch with you, Rebecca, and Cindy as well, k ;) Looks like you all had a great time!!

Dolce said...

I have never seen such center grills! Lovely!

Are you heading to San Francisco ??

Chubby Chinese Girl said...

Beef tongue is so lean and tasty, we should eat more of it. When it's sliced so thinly, and the original shape is unrecognizable, I'm ok... yuuummmm

Christine, next time... duck tongue =) (no joke, i like'em)... don't judge me ppl! LOL.... =)

Unknown said...

how fun that must have been!

Esme said...

How fun-when are you coming to So. Cal-I like Rebecca a lot.

tasteofbeirut said...

sounds like a lot of fun! I love New York ! I spent 2 months there in the eighties in Soho.
Happy New Year!