Whenever I walk through the San Francisco Ferry Building, I can always gauge the types of food people have affinity towards. Typically the sweet tooth variety will immediately will be attracted to Miette, a patisserie shop which always has three or four large jars stacked high with macarons to entice innocent passerbyers.

Reading the recent daring baker challenge, French macarons, and seeing fellow bloggers wistfully take on this task, made me truly appreciate the diligence and attention to detail needed to create such a delicacy. The attempt and achievement of producing a macaron from the comforts of your own kitchen deserves congratulatory praise. I'm still afraid of the impending disasters that may unravel in my kitchen if I tried. Instead I'll readily hand over my $1.50 to Miette for their macaron. Chewy, airy and delightfully sugary in two or three bites, which is all you need until the next visit.
As I write, it occurred to me that the bite-sized macaroons and cupcakes are the only items I've ever tasted from Miette, everything else I've purchased from here has been gifted to friends and family. And why not? Could you bear to slice into any one of these beauties? I may be confused, but it appears that perhaps a significant purpose of these cakes was to stun and dazzle you with its simple elegance.

If not the creation itself, Miette does a great job gift-wrapping every crumb that it produces, so that you can always rely on it to present a delicious surprise to loved-ones.

If beautiful French cookies weren't enough, there are two chocolate sources within the Ferry Building. Since we're on the subject of beautiful consumable luxuries, Recchiuti goes over the top with descriptions such as an 'intoxicating revelation' and a 'pleasure beyond words' all wrapped up in beautiful ribbons. Enticing, isn't it?

Wine pairing collection, 9 pieces ($25).This is a gourmet gift for chocolate and wine enthusiasts. This box contains chocolates selected by Michael Recchiuti to pair with suggested red wines. Included are star anise and pink peppercorn, spring jasmine tea, and force noir.

Burgundy Box, 32 pieces ($83) Notes: Alluring flavors and elegant indulgence. Three layers of inspired silky ganache chocolates and delicate pates de fruits.

Black box, 16 pieces ($44), This box includes Recchiuti's original 16 handmade pieces, including the signature burnt caramel.

And you've probably have already heard of the other chocolate shop, Scharffen Berger, whose products can be found in grocery stores across the country. It's hard for me to believe they have only been making chocolate since 1996. They've certainly succeeded in garnering a large fan base in the last decade. Scharffen Berger produces some of my favorite chocolate products to bake with and nibble on.

Scharffen Berger 3oz. chocolate bar ($5). I always enjoy reading these tasting notes to see if my palate is sophisticated enough to detect such nuances. Is there a career in chocolate tasting in my future? I'm afraid not.
48-Piece variety box ($28.95)

Next door to Miette is Ciao Bella Gelato shop which features interesting gelato and sorbet flavors such as Valrhona chocolate, Rose Petal Champagne Sorbetto and the seasonal eggnog gelato.  I split three scoops ($5) with my best friend from high school, Karina, while I was in town.
It was the perfect way to end a sweet day at the Ferry Building.


  1. Love the chocolate shops and your photos are as always wonderful!

    San Francisco is by far one of my favorite cities to visit. So much going on and so much fun!

  2. So nice to be able to satisfy your sweet tooth with such decadent looking pastries and chocolates.

  3. Ha, you would do this to me...not one 'no' in the bunch...

  4. Looks like you are having a fabulous vacation!!

  5. I was talking about Macarons few days ago..I miss to eat real macarons!! & now I really want them...
    Everything looks so is really a great time of the year...

  6. I immediately focus on these gorgeous Macarons! Lovely pictures!

  7. I immediately focus on these gorgeous Macarons! Lovely pictures!

  8. I think between the three--macarons, chocolate and gelato, I would have to go for gelato. We have some fantastic gelato here in Baltimore (made with local ingredients!) and I always love it as a treat!

  9. Macaroons, gourmet popcorn and chocolates, Ciao Bella gelato... HOLY YUM!

  10. So many wonderful sweets and treats. I would rather shop for these than shop for clothes.. at the moment. :D

  11. Yes, I think I was last in the Ferry Building last January, and we certainly sampled those macarons! Delicious!

  12. i don't think I stopped by Miette while I was there, which is QUITE unfortunate since everything looks amazing. I definitely sampled some Scharffenberger though. Getting a variety box of those chocolates would be the perfect foodie gift. they make the best chocolate for baking!

  13. ok, i'm officially hungry for chocolates and dessert at 9:30 in the morning! yum, these look wonderful :)

  14. The gelato! It's freezing over here but I am still craving that gelato!!

  15. Fabulous! And while I love macarons and the beauty of French pastry, I must admit that the Gelato---especially the treat you photographed---would win out every time!

    Thanks for sharing all the temptations. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  16. There was a ciao bella in the college town where we used to live and it was sooooo good! As for miette, I have ordered macarons from them before and they are delicious!

  17. Wow talk about tempting treats! I can honestly tell you after reading your post and looking at your photos, I'll take one of everything!

  18. Thanks for bringing back great memories of my time there in November. I would love to see it now with all the Christmas stuff out!

  19. I would love some of those Scharffen Berger chocolates right now!

  20. What a delicious post! I am especially loving that gelato.

  21. what a treat to see your photos and here your descriptions. Been years since I "did" San Francisco. I really need to get back

  22. 'WOW!" is all I can say! This bakery/chocolate shop is out of control. I have been to San Francisco a couple of times and have a VERY vague recollection of this place - your post makes me want to run back there immediately for some of those delectable macaroons!!! Thanks fr the post!

  23. Thanks for taking us along on a tour of the sweets of the Ferry Building! I really loved the tour! :)

  24. Love the cookies in polka dotted wrap! Fantastic tour....

  25. Awww all those great macarons... Sigh... Luckily in 2 days I can eat Laduree macarons, ah!

  26. Who wants a macaroon when you can have Recchiuti's burnt caramel?! Not me! I adore everything Recchiuti and the Scharffen Berger stuff too.

  27. No one says no to a macaron. It's impossible!

  28. I want to sample everything! The gelato looks divine - even in the cold!

  29. Your photos are wonderful. Wish I could sample the chocolate bars!

  30. The best kind of window shopping! And what beautiful packaging. I love brown-paper-wrapped packages, pretty much regardless of what's inside.

  31. great macarons eat and be merry girl tis the season!

  32. You're so right about the beautiful treats and beautiful wrappings. It would be hard to mess it up by taking that first bite! Wonderful photos!

  33. I was lucky enough to try the macarons at Miette when in San Francisco. We hope your Christmas is filled with joy, laughter and many kitchen successes in the New Year.

  34. What a perfect place for Christmas gifts! Nice photos!

  35. The San Fransisco Ferry Building sounds like it has a lot of diverse goodies to meet everyone's tastes. I think everything looks pretty amazing.

    Thanks for sharing how you and your husband balance your eats. I hope that whoever I marry will be ok with my mostly veggie diet. :-)

  36. Have a very Merry Christmas Christine! it was great meeting you gals this year... cheers to many more blogger meet ups =)

  37. Macarons are one of my favorite things ever! I could stand and drool at the cases forever. (Although also at the cheese and salami ones too--I am an equal-opportunity drooler!) ;-)

  38. OMG, so jealous...
    Happy Holidays :)

  39. WOW! It all looks so good but I would def go for the caramel popcorn- YUM!

  40. tes photos sont superbes j'aime beaucoup
    bonne soirée

  41. I can't support the sweet images... too much for me...swoon...

    Rose petal champagne sorbetto, wow never'll be delicious!

    Happy Holidays!



  42. Love your post and love the pictures. Have a wonderful Christmas and nice holidays, gloria

  43. Photos impressionnantes. BRAVO!!

  44. I'm still looking for a real Mac in my town! Next time I'm in San Fran I'll know right where to go.

  45. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! I, too, am starting to appreciate why food costs what it does in restaurants. Once you start trying to cook yourself, you understand what an art form it can be!

  46. Well, you know where I'd be spending my time at the market. Any of the aforementioned shops will do just fine! I hope you and yours had a very Merry Christmas. Happy New Year!

  47. Lovely post ! When I was in the Ferry Building, so were 200 other food bloggers so my "writeup" was not as comprehensive as yours. Looking forward to heading back there this summer when it might be less crazy!
