Over the holidays I received a couple of gifts in the mail, including The Best of New York in Just 10 Seconds, a compact travel guide to visiting New York City. I've read the book several times over, looking for ideas for places I'd like to eat, and I must say that I am quite impressed with how handy this little book has become, even for someone who lives in the city.

Ideas, Ideas, Ideas
Whether you're seeking a great restaurant, show, or simply to go shopping, Just in 10 Seconds gives a concise list of smart recommendations. For example, looking for a good sushi bar? Just in 10 Seconds suggests: (1) Sushi Yasada, (2) Masa, Blue Ribbon and Sushi of Gari. The first two have been ranked by New Yorkers as the top sushi venues in the city. What about free stuff to do in New York? Just in 10 Seconds suggests (1) walking on the Brooklyn Bridge, which is a spectacular way to view the city, (2) Forbes Buildings and Galleries, which holds a unique and eclectic collection from Faberge eggs to a signed copy of Lincoln's Gettysburg address, (3) Live TV show tapings, while you're here why not try to attend The Daily Show, Colbert, Letterman, Saturday Night Live, Martha Stewart, The View or the Rachael Ray Show. It's impressive the ideas in this little book. 

Location, Location, Location
Wherever you decide to stay in New York, the people of Just in 10 Seconds have organized visiting New York in a manner that is logical, coherent, and smart providing good recommendations for places to eat, sight see, shop and stay by location, which is key because getting around New York isn't always easy. It's almost like having an iPhone printed in a compact book, wherever you are in the city, there are good ideas in the book. The book features 40 maps that highlight the best places to visit within each neighborhood, also giving insightful detail to the varying and eclectic characteristics of each. Even for someone who lives in New York, I find the overview of Manhattan quite handy.

All Ranges of Budgets, Even For Those Lucky Bastards Who Don't Have One
It can get quite expensive in New York, anything and everything will cost you. The people of Just in 10 Seconds have laid out the best places to stay, eat and visit for all ranges of budget, so that you won't be surprised when the bill arrives. If you'd like to take a peek, take a look at a couple of these links to the hotel recommendations from bed & breakfast inns, business friendly to luxury and value. Before reading this book, I had no idea that there were bed & breakfast inns in New York City. I wish I had these handy to recommend for when Rebecca of Chow & Chatter who recently visited with her family. It would have been helpful to be able to make these suggest a couple of good places. 

The people of Just in 10 Seconds have given me three extra copies to giveaway to my readers. I think this would be a great book to have for those of you who are planning to visit New York or know someone who may be traveling here soon. Each book is valued at $22.95.

Leave a comment telling me what you're looking forward to seeing in New York. That counts as one entry, for more chances, read on...

EXTRA ENTRIES - Leave a separate comment for each entry

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Entries will be closed after January 10th. Three winners will be chosen by and announced on January 11th. Best of luck!


  1. What a handy little guide! I hate travel books that are totally overwhelming and this one looks perfect! Hope you're having a good week so far ;)

  2. Heard a lot about New York. Hope one day I'll be able to visit it.

  3. I miss NYC! Other good cheap-eats? Chinatown - Amazing 88 and El Melacon (one on 93rd or so and Amsterdam and other up in Washington Heights - the best chicken and plaintains). I actually never ended up seeing a show...doh. Can I add you to our blogroll??

  4. Christine this book looks really great. I actually ended up chucking my guide book on one of my trips to NYC and just using my iPhone because the book was way too cumbersome! The problem with NYC is it's just overhweling--so many things to see and eat!

  5. The hubs & I have been wanting to visit NYC for awhile. There is so much to see there but I'm looking forward to Chelsea Market

  6. I've never been to NYC, but I'm sure a book would be helpful for such a huge city. The first thing I would do is see the statue of liberty. After that I would be open to anything, but it would probably be shopping :D

    I remember watching Michael Chairello on Top Chef. What a wonderful experience you had at Bottega. The food looks out of this world and that beet salad is absolutely stunning in the photo!

  7. Mostly, I'm looking forward to seeing my son but we are always on the prowl for new discoveries ... and then there's my next visit to Sur La Table!

  8. I have never been to New York, but it's one place that I can't wait to visit! My 14-year-old sister loves New York (even though she's never been) and I'm hoping to take her there hopefully soon! This book would be so helpful for us, especially because we are used to living in a small town! Big cities are a little scary to me!!

  9. i have to say - to see a broadway show. i've been NYC a couple times. either i missed the matinee schedule or simply couldnt get any ticket to the show i wanted to see. and so now i regret to tell my friends that i've been NYC for so many times, but still hvnt seen a show!

  10. What a great giveaway Christine. I was just in NY in Sept. and I would love to go back and spend some time in SoHo and the West Village.

  11. uh, isn't the number one reason to want to go to New York the food????

    : )

  12. Christine, I just became a follower even before I saw this giveaway. Lucky me.

  13. I have a good friend living in Gramercy Park---I want to come up in late spring for a visit, once the green market(s) are becoming bountiful...and the city is in bloom.

  14. Wild! My daughter is in NYC with her friends right now!

  15. Definitely a Broadway show and a pizaa form Lomardi's!

  16. I love that little book! I need one for Chicago. I'm still learning all the ropes. Hope I can make it out to visit NY one day!

  17. Great book review! You are definitely making me want to go visit!

  18. and if you are looking for a suggestion, the Greenwich village walking tour of restaurants is a great trip for locals, tourists or locals who entertain tourists...

  19. What a great little guide..I've only been to New York once and it was in the winter. I'd love to spend some time exploring Central Park!

  20. I just came over here to follow you after you left me a lovely comment on my blog! Lucky me..extra entry!
    I am your newest follower!

  21. I'm still so excited to see the MET! great book!

  22. Boy! I wish I had waited to visit NYC! We just got back a couple of days ago, but this book would have been super helpful! The next time I go, I would love to visit the empire state building!

  23. Wow, this sounds like such a great resource. Even though I've lived here more than half my life - I still get stuck trying to either find places in unfamiliar 'hoods, or recommending places to visitors. Sounds like "in Just 10 seconds" would come in mighty handy ... thanks for the recommendation!

  24. At first glance I thought you were saying do NYC in 10 seconds, phew!

    I am a follower :)

  25. Following you around the city, no on here :)

    Oh I thought I would give it another go!

  26. Christine, this book The Best of New York in 10 seconds has my name written all over it (smile). We have been discovering NYC -Our first trip, we did most of the major tourist attractions Our second trip, we spent our time discovering neighborhoods ate our way through the neighborhoods, and shopped. We still have to experience a Broadway play, continue to discover local neighborhoods and food establishments.

  27. Well, the statue of Liberty of Course!

    great giveaway!

  28. Since I have never been to NYC, I want to see it all. Best option would be to have you as tour guide.

  29. Of course I'm a follower.

  30. Actually, I just wanted to say hi! It would be cool to zip down to the city and have fun. Sigh. One day! And for the record, I am totally a fan on FB. Of course!!

  31. Great compact NYC guide! Would love to win a copy for my friends who come to visit the city. One of my fave spots is Chelsea Market.

  32. Following you on Twitter too...

  33. ...and now tweeting about it...

  34. I was given one when my friends returned from NYC a few days ago. A great little useful book like you have mentioned.
    We are thinking of creating one for Melbourne using the same format :)

  35. Although I live in New York State it always amazes me the sheer number of things that are to do in NYC. I never seem to cover everything!

    Would love this book to discover something new and interesting!

    madmerkf at aol dot com

  36. You've been Stumble'd!

    Just found your site - love it!

  37. I always stop at Tiffany's when in New York.

  38. Well, I'm not sure I'll ever make it to the big apple but if I did this would be a terrific guide to carry with me. :D

  39. I am definitely making my way to New York this year to EAT!!! of course.

  40. I have a Not For Tourists Guide to NY that seems similar to this. I love that thing. It comes in handy all the time. This would definitely be a great gift for someone traveling to NY.

  41. Any suggestions for a sushi restaurant for my boyfriend's birthday? We have reservations for Morimoto but not entirely sold on it. Looking for high quality sushi without necessarily subjecting ourselves to the bells and whistles of an Iron Chef.


  42. I'm visiting NYC in August--this would be a great help!

  43. What a great give-away. I'm already a follower but this would make a great gift for anyone planning on visiting the city.

  44. I love NY.That is a great give away!

  45. I am visiting NYC in May and excited to see central park and eat my way through NYC!!

  46. I want to go to New York someday! This book would be very helpful. :) I'm already following you on here. Thanks, Christine!

  47. Sounds like a neat little guide, must be so helpful for going around New York!

  48. I am looking forward to meeting YOU in NYC this May!

  49. I love the museums of New York. I'm a huge fan of the Metropolitan (I could move in) but the smaller museums like the Morgan Library are real gems!

  50. I would LOVE to get this book (more than Julia Child's book...)! Because I'm possibly visiting NY in next month. It's not my first time, in fact it'll be my 4th time, but this time I'm definitely interested in discovering new places - fun places to visit, restaurants that local people love, etc. Please please. I'm crossing my fingers. ;)

  51. I just realized that it's already 11th at Eastern time... :(
    It's still 10th at 11:26pm in CA! Does that count?

  52. Kitchen M - No worries, I'll include your first comment. :)
