Recently I receive a copy of Julia Child's cookbook Mastering the Art of French Cooking from my sister-in-law, Susannah. As many of you know, this is the cookbook that transformed the way Americans cooked, and for many people, this is the book that taught them how to cook.

Julia Child's cookbook was a well-intended and thoughtful gift from my sister-in-law, but as it turns out, I already have a copy. Darn it! So I instead of returning it, I decided that it would make for a great addition to the book collection one of my readers.

I also have some exciting personal news. Remember my lunch at Bottega with Sherry Page? I was lamenting about how I'd love to attend one of the Culinary Getaways in Provence or truffle week, but unfortunately these trips get booked up months in advance, and with my husband's unpredictable schedule, we'd be unable to commit. As it happens, Sherry read my post and contacted me a few days ago about a last minute cancellation for one spot. With the blessing of my husband, I immediately snatched it up. So in a few weeks, I'll be bringing back photos of a place that I've heard magical descriptions. Viva Provence! And even more spectacular, I'll be tasting and learning about fresh truffles, which is an incredible experience in itself. I don't know what to expect because I have very limited experience with truffles, but I'm sure it will be eye-opening.

I will also be in Paris for a few days, if any of you have travel advice, please leave a comment or e-mail me, I would very much appreciate it! The last time was in France was December 2001 when the euro was $0.88, unbelievable, right? I don't know what the the euro is trading at now, but I bet it's expensive. Again, any advice would be appreciated!

Last chance: Don't forget you have two more days to enter to win the book Best of New York in 10 Seconds.

Leave a comment about what comes to mind when you think of Julia Child. That counts as one entry, for more chances, read on...

EXTRA ENTRIES - DON'T BE SHY! - Leave a separate comment for each entry
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  5. Stumble this post using the Stumble Upon icon below
  6. Blog about this giveaway with a link back to Fresh Local and Best. Leave a comment on this blog with a link back to your post.
  7. Place this giveaway on your sidebar.  Leave a comment on this blog with a link back to your post.
If you already follow me on Twitter, Facebook or this blog, please leave a separate comment saying that you do so.

Entries will be closed after January 13th. Three winners will be chosen by and announced on January 14th. Best of luck!

Unfortunately, because of the cost of shipping this book, I will not be able to offer it to international addresses. Apologies!


  1. I don't need to win the book, already have it. But I am so envious about your trip to France. Have fun!! Will you report back to us?! We'll have to have lunch to talk about it when you return. Safe travels!

  2. Christine, I am so excited for your cooking getaway. Wow, that is going to be amazing. I am really looking forward to seeing those posts.

    I do have a recommendation for you in Paris. There is a resturant supply store that is featured in this month's Saveurs that looks really fabulous-It's ranked #73 out of 100 readers favorites. It's called:
    E. Dehillerin Cookware Shop, located in Paris on the Rue Coquilliere, near the Louvre museum. The website is

    P.S. This month's Cooking Club theme is the Art of French Cooking. My husband and I have to prepare an appetizer from Julia's cookbook. ;-)

    P.S.S.- Did you know you were featured on Foodie Blogroll as one of the random blogs today?

  3. Kelsey - We definitely have to do lunch!

    Velva - You are a such a wonderful resource of information! I just saw FLB on the foodie blog roll, I'm thrilled!

  4. Ooooh, and love to get my hands on The Art of French Cooking. My boyfriend and I aren't cookbook or recipe people, but this is certainly an exception!

    I recently got a copy of a New Yorker anthology of their best food-related pieces. One of them is about Julia Child when she first appeared on the scene! I have this thing about reading books "in order", but am definitely looking forward to this one.

    As for what I think of when I think Julia Child? Culinary prowess aside, I think of a truly inspirational woman who showed that you can develop a passion (and new career!) at any age.

  5. Other than the can you not think of that voice and her height! Love it! Recently saw the movie and thought it was so different.

    I have no travel advice because unfortunately I have never been to Paris or anywhere in Europe. (After school perhaps?) It is definitely on my list of things to do in this lifetime. (Hopefully sooner in the lifetime than later.)


  6. Congratulations on your upcoming trip to France and bless your husband for saying yes.

    We were there for two months a couple of years ago in Provence, St. Remy de Provence actually. The south of France is a gorgeous place and I wrote about it on my blog. Do you know where you'll be? Do you speak French? I have some suggestions on books if you like. I also know a couple of French bloggers you would like.

    Mastering the Art of French Cooking was one of the books I learned to cook from. It looks intimidating to cooks today, but the instructions, for a beginner, could get you out of any mess or mistake you might get into. I hope the book goes to a good home.

    A bientot, as the French say.

  7. Paris and a cooking specialty class... what a great time to be you!!!

    Last time I was in Europe was a year after you, and the euro was $0.93... I would be shocked at the prices I would be paying now...

    But, one bit of advice, I have no idea what they are called, but along the bridges near Notre Dame are street vendors selling an open faced cheese sandwich. Kind of like hot dog vendors in New York. Don't know what they make em from, but they are an amazing treat when site seeing. Paris was the last place I paid three hundred dollars for a meal (for two at least), but what I really want again is one of those $2 cheese sandwiches.

    As for Julia... I just made my first Julia Child recipe...

    Of all your readers, I am the most in need, and would make good use of it

    Have fun on your adventures, and call me if you need someone to carry your bags... will work for expenses

  8. I haven't any Julia Child books but I think of cooking that is beyond compare when I think of her.
    I also think ofthe Dan Ackroyd skit from SNL from way back.
    msgb245 at gmail dot com

    Have a grand time.

  9. We are doing Spain this year, and maybe hope over to France if we can fit it in...

    I love the idea of a cookbook giveaway!

    Here's hoping...

  10. I didn't know anything about Julia Child until I came to US..I consider her as one the "Guru"'s in cooking :-)This is my first visit to your blog, and even if it wasn't for the giveaway, I would have become your follower :D What a great space..!!!

  11. I luv Julia Child....when I think of her....quirky, fun, with a touch of innocence! I SO luved the movie!


  12. I signed up to follow your blog!


  13. I love this idea of a contest! I am making an effort to eat in more often. I actually stood in a bookstore this morning debating whether to purchase the book. I decided not to save money.
    When I think of Julia Child, it is hard for me not to think of the fact that she attended my alma mater. Just a personal association I guess. Anyways, would really love to win.

  14. Now following you on Twitter! My Twitter user name is Cookapprentice (CookbookApprentice was too long). When I think of Julia Child I think back to cozy days of childhood watching her create magic in the kitchen and having a ball while doing it. My mother wasn't big on cooking so this was a window onto the world I'd become so obsessed with as an adult

  15. I remember watching Jula Child with my Grandma. She always complained about what she was cooking or how. The thing is my Grandma was a lousy cook!

    I would love to have this book. i hope I win.

  16. Excitement! Hope you have a good time.

    I have a different JC cookbook, but I would love to have the classic.

  17. When I think of Julia childs I think of French cooking made easy

  18. I follow (Eve)

  19. tweet:

  20. follow on twitter @shopgurl

  21. fan on fb (Evelyn D)

  22. stumbled (shopgurl)



  24. Posted on sidebar (bottom right)

  25. I already have this book but thanks for the lovely giveaway. And, how amazing! I can't believe you slipped right into that trip! Yay for you!

  26. I have the book also but jsut wanted to comment to say you should look at my blog for some ideas of foodie thins to do in Paris (classes, tastings etc..). David Lebovitz also has wonderful ideas on his blog. Sooo jealous. Haven't even been back a week and I miss it already! It was meant to be though and you will have a blast! Love Provence also - we spent a couple of weeks there a few years ago - fond memories!

  27. Staying in France is the best to taste new food and find new cooking ideas. Julia Child showed most of all that cooking is fun and we'll never stop learning.

  28. To be honest, I didn't know who she was until the move came out. But I'd like to learn more about her. This book would certainly help! :)

  29. what comes to mind is her french accent and height.

    madamerkf at aol dot com

  30. we think of her great humor! great giveaway!

  31. this if for #2, twit about it too (sweesan)

  32. Wow! I'm a bit envious of your trip, but I know you will be sharing it with us. So It will almost be like I'm going too.

  33. You probably already know about this, but hot chocolate at Les Deux Magots in Paris is sublime.

  34. When I think of Julia Child, I think of what an incredible accomplishment her career was, and how much it relied on her enduring spirit and the support of friends and loved ones.

    Not to mention -- what a wonderful cook!

  35. I'm now publicly following you via blogger as "diana." I already had you on my RSS feed!

  36. Following you on twitter under twitter user name "femininethings."

  37. Retweeted about the giveaway under "femininethings"

  38. Also now following you on Facebook!

  39. Have a great time in France! Jealous of your trip. :)

  40. Oh lucky you Christine, I wish I could attend that Truffle Week.

  41. Julia Child is fearless in the kitchen. It is probably this strength that made her so successful!!! I can't wait to hear about your truffle experience in Provence...a dream come true!!!!!I am also folowing you on Twitter:D

  42. What a great experience, you will have a wonderful time, I am sure.
    Can't wait to live through it vicariously with you.
    I have the book already, so don't worry about me.. but let me know if you ever do a give-away for Volume two!

  43. I already have a copy of the book so don't enter me in the contest, but I just wanted to say congrats on your trip! That is SO awesome and is going to be an amazing experience. I can't wait to hear all about it.

  44. When I think of Julia Child, I think of someone who really loved food. An honest love of food, not a stuffy "love it because it's cool" thing that so many *foodies* have going on these days.

    Have a fantastic time in France! I hope it warms up some for you. I was in Paris this past July and it was fantastic! Two pieces of advice for you--one get away from the tourists! We stayed at a lovely hotel near Radio France and it was great because we were actually in a residential area so we got to see real Parisians, eat at everyday neighborhood bakeries and chocolate shops, etc. It really made the trip for us. Second, we did a tour with Bike About Tours that was fantastic. You get a whole different perspective of the city on a bike!

  45. great giveaway oh wow you will love Provence its amazing we stayed in St Remy a couple of years ago, the food is divine facebook me about Paris we were just there,

    so so happy for you

    love Rebecca

  46. i think we both have the best sis-in-laws in the world, cos my sis-in-law gave me a copy for xmas too!!!! it's my best xmas gift ever!
    so, dont count me in the contest, leave it to someone else who does not have one.
    how can i not envy you?! last time i visited paris, it was long time ago. all i remember was wet and cocky ppl. but the food were amazing. and i was told that parisians hv changed. hope u have a wonderful trip, cant wait to see your pix.

  47. Thanks everyone for these wonderful suggestions on my trip to Paris and Provence! I'm making a list of everyone's suggestions.

    lulu- Wet and cocky people? LOL!

  48. Paris recommendations:
    Le Deux Magots for breakfast
    L'Atlas for dinner (if you like moroccan food)
    Rose Bakery (breakfast and lunch)
    Almond Financier at Laduree (and of course macs!)
    I've blogged all these on my site if u want to check them out. Have a wonderful trip. Keep warm.
    *kisses* HH

  49. Oh, I am so excited for you. Enjoy. Love that coffee shot by the way! Makes me think I'll grab my raincoat and drive to my local shop here for a java. Okay..when I think of Julia I think of my older brother. Grin. He is the 'Julia' of our home....always using her voice when he cooks something up. Wish we were still all young again and living together. My mom would roll her eyes....she - my mom- in no way would cook so fancy and we did not even own a TV so where my son learned to speak like Julia is beyond me!

  50. I am a whole lot envious of you. What a cool trip.

    When I think of Julia, I think of her voice. It was so distinctive. Would certainly enjoy a copy of her book.

    p.s. Thanks so much for all the encouraging and positive comments you leave on my blog. They are ALWAYS appreciate. :-)

  51. I think of how her show used to be on PBS when I was a kid (I think!). I'd love to win this because I know I'd use it!

  52. Have you ever read her book: My Year in France-I loved it.

    PS go to Dehillerin-it is a kitchen store in Paris-where Julia shopped all the time-it is more of a warehouse than a Williams and Sonoma but interesting. I sent you the email again about Paris.


    chocolate and croissants at yahoo dot com

  53. Follow on FB

    PS if I cannot join you in Paris-then this book with all its delicious French recipes will be a good compromise until I get there.

    chocolate and croissants at yahoo dot com

  54. following on Twitter

    chocolate and croissants at yahoo dot com

  55. cococroissants

    Mastering the Art of Cooking

    now I am hungry

    chocolate and croissants at yahoo dot com

  56. I just became a fan on Facebook and I will surely blog about your giveaway this week!

  57. Nowadays Meryl Streep comes to mind when I think of Julia Child because she was absolutely brilliant in that role!

    But Buche de Noel also comes to mind as I love that episode of her cooking show!

  58. What a fun giveaway! Whenever I think of Julia, I think of her wonderful approach to life and cooking. I would LOVE to add this book to my collection.

    You have so many exciting things going on!!! Have a blasty on all the trips (can't wait to see pics)

  59. What great news about your trip! What came to my mind was the episode on her cooking show where she has all the different kinds/sizes of chicken lined up. I recently saw it and I think it has to be the funniest one. She had me howling.

  60. i remembered her cooking with Chef Pepin. They're such a great duo in the kitchen!

  61. the first thing I think of is julie and julia, the movie. i just got it for Christmas and I love it :) this is a great giveaway - i'd love to have this book!

  62. Julia Child - she is the only one I know (my ignorance if I do not know of anyone else) who transients from black and white to color public television; and her unique voice tone when she speaks while cooking something so special about her.

  63. Hey! Great giveaway - When I think of Julia Child, I immediately think of beef bourgogne

  64. I'm already a follower of the blog!

  65. I'm also already a follower on twitter!

  66. Just tweeted about your giveaway!

  67. Her voice. So unique and so Julia Child.

  68. I hope you have a wonderful time! :)

    I now follow you on twitter.

  69. I have the book so no need to enter me but wanted to say how excited I am for your trip. I can't wait to read all about it! ;-)

  70. You are so nice! I'd love to have this book. :) And I'm really excited for you about the trip. How wonderful!! I can't wait to see your photos and hear all about it when you return!!!

    As for memory of Julia Child, when I hear her name, I think of her show with Jacques Pepin. I love that show.

  71. That is so fantastic about your trip! I can't wait to read all about it. Enjoy Paris as well. That is one place we haven't been to yet.

    The first thing I think of when I think of Julia is her voice. Ha, ha! You can't mistake it. I have a lot to learn about her as I didn't grow up watching the show. I would love to have the cookbook to get started.

  72. I now follow you on Twitter. Glad I did as I thought I already had.

  73. I'm now a fan of your facebook page. Okay, that's it. :)

  74. WOW, congratulations on your trip!!! SO exciting!!

    You are so sweet to send this beautiful cookbook into blogland! I'm almost embarrassed to admit I still don't own a copy... :-) I would thus be SO excited to win one! :-) Ah, when I think of Julia I always think of the word "exuberance" - she had such an incredibly celebratory, joyous relationship with food...

  75. I would love that book! I tweeted.

  76. Julia Child makes me think of french cooking made easy and fun!

  77. Julia Child is amazing! I want her book after watching Julie n Julia :) I hope I win this!

    yurisasaki (at) gmail (dot) com

  78. Julia Child makes me think of fun in the kitchen and yummy french food.

  79. Tweeted:

  80. Growing up, I always saw Julia Child as somewhat bland and uneventful. It wasn't until I saw Julie & Julia (I had 3 people offer it to me as Xmas presents!) when I had an opportunity to see her quirky, pleasant and passionate personality. I never even heard of the movie until this Christmas and I'm glad I did!

    BTW- So excited for your upcoming trip to Provence! Can't wait to hear all about ti!

  81. I have many memories of Julia because I watched her on TV when I was young! I always said I was going to have a cooking show just like hers! I finally got to see the movie Julie and Julia when it came out on DVD and I love how determined she was when she began her cooking classes! She was such an awesome person!

  82. Congrats on your trip to Paris. You are so very lucky. Enjoy every minute of it.

    When I think of Julia I think of how charming she was. Unabashed and such a character.

    Can't wait to hear about your trip!!

  83. First of all, congratulations on your upcoming trip. Here's one recommendation: a friend of mine recently interned for a year at this incredible bakery, Blé Sucré. David Lebovitz rates their Madeleines as the best in the city. Based on my tastings of her Madeleines, I feel certain that the assessment is true.
    Blé Sucré
    7 rue Antoine Vollon (12th)
    01 43 40 77 73

    Of course, I'd love to win the Julia Child book---mine got lost in life changes many years ago. In food life, Julia is Queen Mother of us all.

  84. I want the book....PLEASEEEEEEEEE. I haven't won anything in ages. I love Paris. I'll send you some links. I;m so happy for you!

  85. I'd love to have a copy of Julia's classic! How much more optimistic can Julia be? in leading readers to become masters of an art! I can attest that the book works - my mother-in-law cooked her scrumptous Sunday dinners by this book, and his sister is a self-taught chef via Mastering the Art (during her first job in Idaho cooking for a family with a carte blanch grocery budget). OK - so I'm ready to launch into serious French cooking now that I have a dream kitchen and decent cutlery. You may be heading for Paris at this very moment - enjoy!

  86. Loved the movie Julie and Julia and has been a fan since. I have taken her book ' way to cook' from the library and enjoyed it very much. Thanks for joining our blog I follow your pictures on flickr and you know I am a huge fan of your photos.

  87. Since I did not grow up here, I just learned about Julia Child recently with the movie :-)therefore it would be nice to own a copy of her cookbook ;-)

  88. boeuf bourguignon is what i think about when i hear "julia child" - and i've never had it/made it! would love to win the book.

  89. i linked back:

  90. Can't believe I have missed so many great giveways while I was away... Damn it !

    Happy New Year :)

  91. Can I win YOUR trip instead? Haha, jk. I'll settle for the book, since I do adore Julia Child.

  92. I tweeted and am a follower on Twitter, and facebook!
    And stumbled:-)

  93. Ah...lucky! Have fun in France!!!

  94. Hello Christine, have a fabulous trip to France! Wow, what an opportunity! Eat and eat and EAT!! I'm not eligible for the contest in Canada, but have a great time, what a way to kick off 2010!


  95. Wow! Of course I'm a follower and a subscriber. You're one of my favorite peeps.

  96. Your upcoming trip sounds super exciting! Can't wait to hear all about your experiences!

  97. oh no... no international address.. guess i'm out then :(

  98. I'm just thrilled to hear about your upcoming trip. It sounds fantastic! Please, please take lots of pictures and have a blast!

  99. I am now a follower:) What a terrific giveaway.

  100. When I think of Julia Child, I think of how much I want o make her Beef Bourginione.. and how lucky she was to have such a loving marriage.

  101. When I think of Julia I think of what a fascinating and interesting life she lead. From the OSS to cooking to hosting her own TV show, this woman was amazing! I'd love to win the cookbook. I'm now a follower too!

  102. Julia makes me think of French Onion Soup. Delicious!

  103. Julia Child reminds me of romance and romantic cooking. She also reminds me of being down to earth which she was. The combination of all that is good.

  104. I am now following your blog. I am h appy to be able to keep up with your posts.

  105. Thanks for the giveaway. Julia Child reminds me of the days when I first took cooking seriously.
