Sauteed Shaved Brussels Sprouts with Walnuts

Just when you thought you've seen just about every permutation of roasted brussels sprouts, I have another one for you: brussels sprouts sliced so thinly that you might as well call it shaved. These slivers of brussel sprout leaves are sauteed in a pan, creating an entirely different texture: softer, fluffier and dare I say delicate? When I first made this dish, my husband told me that the textures did not resemble brussels sprouts, and he actually enjoyed them more, a nice compliment given that he loves these stubby veggies.

This is simple recipe that requires only brussels sprouts, oil and salt and pepper. The prep work does get involved with slicing a pile of small sprouts, but if you're like me, and find the practice of repetitive chopping therapeutic, this might be the recipe for you. (I think I may have just heard somebody groan.) You might consider sauteing with nutty walnut or olive oil, or if you prefer the smokier richer flavors of bacon fat, you can also use the crisp pieces to top off the dish.

  • 4 cups brussels sprouts
  • 2 tablespoons walnut or olive oil
  • sea salt and pepper, to taste
  • walnuts, chopped (optional)
  1. Rinse brussels sprout. With each sprout slice off the bottom of the stem, and remove any withered outer leaves. Cut the sprout in half, before placing the cut surface down to create a stable surface, and slice across thinly. 
  2. On the stove heat up 2 tablespoons oil in a medium to large saute pan. Once the oil warms up toss in the shaved brussels sprouts, saute until the leaves soften. Add chopped walnuts, if using. Salt and pepper to taste.
Serves 4-6

A friendly reminder that there are still one more day left for the giveaway of Julia Child's cookbook Mastering the Art of French Cooking. With seven ways to win, don't be shy! Best of luck!


  1. I love Brussels Christine and this look so tasty ad I love Julia Child of course, xx gloria

  2. Brussel Sprouts are a favorite of mine, but I don't think I have ever sliced them in this manner. I'll have to give this recipe a try. Thanks...

  3. Sounds fabulous! I bet there's a way I can get my food processor to do the shaving work for me. :o)

  4. I'm in the "try this in the food processor" camp.

  5. I love brussels sprouts even though when I cook them my husband says they smell like wet diapers. I DON'T CARE. So good.

    I love chopping too. Especially when the knife is super duper sharp. Nothing like it. Is that weird?

  6. Ohhh a new way to make my favorite veggie

  7. i'm sure the walnut adds texture and great flavor to this dish!

  8. Amanda - I do feel a bit weird for enjoying the chopping process, it's like I have some type OCD, and I'm taking it out on the brussels sprout. LOL!

  9. Fabulous dish..Love Brussel sprouts, but this is absolutely new to me..The cutting reminds me of the way we do it in Indian cooking, for most of the veggies :-)

  10. Like you, I also love the chopping process. It's one of my favorite kitchen chores! I love how pretty the sprouts look sliced thinly. I haven't had them that way, but I know I would love it!!

  11. I'm a fan of brussels sprouts. These look super good to me!!

  12. I have always been a fan of brussel sprouts, and repetitive cutting is relaxing to me, really! I am not sure I will have time, but I should introduce this to my son...

  13. This looks so delicious I want to poke my fork right in the computer! I'm not a huge fan of BS (ha, ha), but you make me want to be. And I am a big fan of tedious chores that are somehow calming. Washing dishes, for example.

  14. The shaved brussels look so pretty!!!
    I'll have to try this.

  15. shhhhh... Don't tell the girls over at OUR KRAZY KITCHEN, but i can almost see trying these... why do people cook them till they get all nasty and smelly...

    These look like cabbage medalions

  16. I am always looking for new ways to cook brussels sprouts. This sounds wonderful. The photo is spectacular!

  17. I sooo love this idea. What a cool way to serve brussel sprouts!

  18. Never really thought to SHAVE brussel's almost like sliced cabbage now!

  19. I just recently discovered I like brussels sprouts! This looks delicious! I love the idea of shaving it.

  20. I think I would enjoy brussels sprouts more if they are prepared this way. Yum!

  21. My husband is going to love this ... gonna print it out for him to make.

  22. This dish looks delicious. It hard to find brussels sprouts here, but this recipe is on my ist of favorites.

  23. I've added your beautiful blog to my blog list/links.

  24. How interesting! Another great idea. I roasted the shrimp last night and it was delicious!

  25. I know I should not write this-I so do not like brusell sprouts-I popped over to tell you I have an award and I am looking at these sprouts thinking ahh brusell sprouts-not sure why they just give me the heebies.

    anyway-off the digression I do have an award for you.

  26. Ohhhh drool favorite food. I love love love brussels sprouts.

    I'm heading your way soon!


  27. Oooh, shaved. Very different. This could be a nice way to trick someone into trying them too. :)

  28. I would love to do this. I think the results would be worth the effort. They are so pretty to top it all.

  29. I never know what meals to prepare with brussel sprouts. I must try this one. Looks FABULOUS!

  30. there are so many brussel sprouts hater out there, this is a good dish to convert them!

  31. I had these at a restaurant last week, they were fabulous.

  32. Looks really good, I love Brussels sprouts with walnuts.

  33. Love this! Great way to enjoy them and YES Chopping is therapeutic, luv doin it ;-]

  34. Simple and delicious. I would love this. I have to try it sliced. I have only learned to like brussels sprouts recently. Time to cook again.

  35. In my recent serious addiction to brussels sprouts, I have to admit that have not tried them shaved. But I could use some therapeutic cutting. Sounds delicious! And I will be trying it.

  36. Another lovely dish of brussel sprouts. I wish I could get my husband to eat them. They are so cute in the market, just begging to go home with you.

  37. I really enjoy brussel sprouts, but sometimes its a challenge to get them tender. This is a great method that I'll bet also really brings out their flavor.

  38. Look at those walnuts! I've got to get my hands on some brussel sprouts. I had them on my list last week and the store was out.

  39. This is a way that I do enjoy brussel sprouts...change the texture and I love them.

  40. these look delicious!! i should go and find some brussel sprouts now. :D

  41. I'm not big on sprouts, but I think I've seen Batali prepare them in a similar manner. They seem less "yucky" to me this way.

  42. great idea! And you're not the only one who finds chopping theraputic!

  43. I am like you ... I find the process of chopping and prepping veggies to be very soothing and comforting. Its rather meditative!

    And, I adore brussels sprouts in any form. I did a similar version recently and added some crushed red pepper flakes for a bit of kick. Love, love the shredded sprouts!

  44. Holy Moly I LOOOOVE brussel sprouts -- you know I've seen this trend of shaving them and putting them in salads yet I've never tried it myself. It seems very interesting. Once I get my hands on some I will definitely be trying this recipe -- thanks for sharing!

  45. This looks really amazing. I have to make this if I have the chance to find some brussels sprouts.

  46. i make a very similar brussels sprouts recipe, except i add a squeeze of lemon at the end. love it!!!

  47. hey christine! i have yet to cook with brussels sprouts, but it's on my list to buy and make. i never realized how much i liked them until i had them at the foodbuzz blogger festival in november! i can't wait to try some of your recipes on this vegetable!

  48. This is an interesting take on Brussels Sprouts! For all those that dislike the look of brussels sprouts, this will confuse them for sure! Looks great!

  49. I must try this Brussels sprouts stir-fry! Looks very very very tempting!

  50. Christine - creative and delicious recipe! I've tried your recipe twice with success. The quick stir fry avoids the bitterness of overcooking brussel sprouts. I've stir fried w/ olive oil, added salt, pepper, bit of sugar and as the sprouts soak up the oil, a bit of chicken stock. Then some truffle oil. I'm cooking this for a mom's group tomorrow night (superbowl free zone)...we are to bring evocative foods for the pot luck.
