Bags are packed, passport in hand and I am ready to head off to France. Only it's snowing outside. Rather than being worried about air traffic delays, I am completely mesmerized by the powder white snow flakes flurrying from the heavens. It will be the same scene for the next few hours, but I can sit before my window and stare for days. I'm reflecting on life, how lucky I am to have such an incredible husband who makes my journey through life so fulfilling, parents who support and love me through life's trials, and of course friends, the many souls that that bring such warmth to my heart.  What is it about snow that triggers such nostalgia? The thoughts of gratitude bring tears to my eyes, and I couldn't be happier.

I will be thinking of you guys on my trip to Paris and Provence, and bringing back pictures, experiences and lessons from truffle week. 


  1. Have a safe and wonderful trip. I am envious!!!!

  2. Congratulations on your contest win! That's great news. Safe travels. XO

  3. Congrats on the recipe win! And have a wonderful trip!

  4. What a nice post...
    Have a wonderful trip, Christine... can't wait to read all about it!
    Congratulations on the win too! :)

  5. How wonderful!!! Have a great time in France!

  6. have a fantastic trip! can't wait to see all the adventures you have.

  7. Congratulations***on the recipe win or should I say : Felicitations!! Tears of happinness are the best tears!Lol! I am so happy for you & can't wait to see and read your truffle week ;-] Have fun Lovely Being.

  8. Have a nice and safe trip. Take care!

  9. Christine, Have a wonderful trip. I am looking forward to hearing all about your adventures. And congratulations on the Pace Piq. win. You deserved it!

  10. happy travels to you, you do live the good life! eager to see your pics to come~

  11. Safe travels!!! Have a WONDERFUL time...I love the snow...I know exactly what you mean...I miss it.

  12. Congratulations on your recipe win, and have a wonderful time in France!

  13. Congratulations!
    Wish you a safe and happy journey!

  14. Congratulations on your win.
    Have a safe and fun trip. I can't wait to see where we are going.

  15. Have a wonderful, wonderful trip! I can't wait to read all about it when you return. And I'm SO making those carnitas! They look fabulous! Thanks for sharing that recipe!

  16. Congratulations on your Pace Picante win! Have a fabulous trip! I can't wait to see all the pictures when you get back.

  17. congrasts on the win! Have a great and safe trip! Can't wait to see the moments you capture and the lessons you'll learn

  18. have a great time on your trip!!! we'll have to wait for your pictures... and i want an invite to the carnitas party =P

  19. You deserved the win; it looked delicious! I look forward to hearing about the trip with Laura at lunch!

  20. best wishes for safe travels and a big congratulations on your win!

  21. Have a wonderful trip..Waiting to hear all the stories from you :-) Congrats on your first win and wish you many more to come !!!!

  22. Christine, au revoir. You are going to have a fantastic trip. I just know it. We're looking forward to your French posts when you return.

    Congratulations on your win with Pace. The first recipe contest I won I was on cloud nine for days. I almost fell over when they called my name. I'm so pleased for you. Well deserved.

    A bientot,

  23. Congrats on your win! Have a good time in France.

  24. It is so wonderful to be blessed with great loved ones. Enjoy your trip, I can't wait to see pics.

  25. Have a wonderful time - and congratulations!!

  26. Christine congratlations on your contest win! I can imagine how thrilled you are.

    Enjoy your trip is sounds so wonderful. I am looking forward to not only your Super Bowl Party post but your posts about your trip!

    Who Dat!

  27. Bon Voyage and Congratulations! What wonderful news!!! :) Have a spectacular trip ... I can't wait to hear about it. :)

  28. Have a safe and wonderful trip, aurevoir!
    I love that window view!

  29. What a sweet note! I think snow also brings back (for me) childhood memories, cuddling in front of a fire, sledging... with my family.

    Enjoy France - it's snowing also in Provence now, but I hope the weather will be better once you get there!

  30. Winter, with its long dark nights, chilly days, and hush of snow, is a time for self reflection. I love how thoughts are so positive and appreciative.
    Congratulations on winning the contest! Pace made a wise choice b/c your recipe is delicious (and low cost).
    Bon voyage - have a fun and safe trip.

  31. I hope you have a wonderful trip! I am so JEALOUS!!!

  32. Congrats on the win! And what a beautiful picture of the snow! I do really miss the snow. That's about the only thing I don't like about living in CA.

    Have a great time in France!

  33. Have a fabulous trip! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back:)

  34. Yay! Congrats on your recipe win!! I cannot wait to see and hear about your trip! Safe travels!

  35. France here you go! Enjoy your time. You are going to have such an amazing time and I look forward to
    reading all about it!

    Congratulations on winning the Pace recipe contest too.

  36. France here you come! You are going to have such an amazing time and I look forward to reading all about it.

    Congratulations on the Pace recipe contest. That is really great too.

  37. Have a great time. Bring us lots of pictures!

  38. Your first recipe contest...and you WON?! Girl, that just means you've gotta enter more now! CONGRATS!!!
    And I'll miss your posts while you're gone! Please have lots and lots of fun and good eats! Pictures please too!

  39. Have an amazing time, take lots of pictures!! xoxo

  40. Congrats and Bon Voyage.

    Mon cher amie.

  41. Have a wonderful time Christine ~ you will be missed! Can't wait to see the installments upon your return. :D

    Congratulations on your WIN! I'm so happy for you!! ((hugs)) ~m

  42. Have a great trip! That snow picture is so beautiful--sometimes I wish we had a little of that out here! Eat lots of good cheese for us all... :)

  43. oh, have a great trip! both me and E look forward to see what you are gonna bring back to us!
    btw, your apartment looks cozy and warm.....though it's snowing out there!

  44. beautiful post!!! YOU are blessed indeed Christine...
    Enjoy your trip to France and congratulations!

  45. Congrats for the win and have a wonderful trip. Looking forward to hearing from you about your trip.

  46. Have a safe trip and will tune in to your blog for updates ;)

  47. There is something soul-inspiring about winter's beauty. I would be perfectly happy to leave the snow behind and head to France...any room in your suitcase...hint..hint...and of course congratulations on winning the contest!!!

  48. Have a safe and wonderful trip!

  49. Definitely have a nice trip to Paris! I'll be sure to try out your delicious carnitas recipe. Congrats on the win!

  50. Just wanted to let you know that I am passing along a Happy 101 Blog award to you as your site always brightens my day. For more details, see my blog:


  51. Congrats on your win! I can't wait to experience France through your eyes!

  52. I am so happy for you. Have a wonderful trip Christine, and hopefully I'll see you when you return.


  53. It's so great to reflect on your life and appreciate it for all its beauty. You are a very lucky woman and deserve all these wonderful things. Have an amazing time in our second home. Can't wait to hear about your exciting adventure!

  54. Have a wonderful trip, can't wait to hear all about your adventure. And CONGRATS on the Pace contest! How wonderful.

  55. Congratulations!!! You certainly deserve it! Have a lovely and safe time--I'm sure it won't be any less then spectacular! Looking forward to hearing all about it.

  56. Christine,
    Congratulations on your win :-) Look forward to see the pictures and posts that you will bring back from your trip! Have a wonderful time and be safe ;-)

  57. Have a safe flight and wonderful trip! You are so lucky to be able to do this. Think of us when you are eating those truffles!

    And congrats on winning the contest. That is too awesome!!

  58. I love peering out the window and enjoying the falling snow as well. I totally agree with you. Have a great trip, and congrats on the win!

  59. Have a wonderful time! Congrats on winning your first contest!! Safe travels. Enjoy the countryside (wow!!).


  60. Congrats on your win and have a fabulous time in France!! I am so envious but can't wait to see it all through your eyes!!!

  61. ciao Cristine.. che meraviglia le tue foto... anche in italia nevica... e fa tanto freddo..
    complimenti per il tuo piatto รจ delizioso

  62. What wonderful and exciting news to share indeed; I am thrilled for you.

    Safe skies, pleasant journey. Good appetite!

  63. Have a wonderful journey and congrats on the win!!

  64. Have a wonderful trip, Christine. We'll be waiting for all your photos and thoughts on your travels.

  65. Great job on the winning recipe! Have a great time in Paris and Provence. Provence is a magical place, especially when you go off into the hills and valleys. Check out the Gorge du Verdon if you get a chance.

  66. Congratulations on your win!
    Hope you enjoy Paris! It snowed a little bit last night and I liked seeing the light white coat over the roofs of the city.

    Take care

  67. Omg...I didn't realize you were going to france!! How exciting. have a wonderful, safe trip!! and congrats on your Pace Picante recipe win!! Thats way cool!! See ya when you get back :)

  68. oh wow have lots of fun and congrats on the recipe contest you deserve it girl

  69. Congratulations on your well-deserved Pace win! SO exciting!!

    The snow is increidbly nostalgia-inducing, isn't it... brings back childhood memories so powerfully for me...

    I hope you have the most amazing, gorgeous, wonderful, perfect, delicious trip! I'm soooo psyched for you, and I can't wait to hear all about it when you return!!

  70. Have a wonderful time--can't wait to hear about your adventures when you return. Congrats on you Pace win too!

  71. HAVE A GREAT TIME SIS,I loved this write up!!!

  72. It's nice to have so many things to be thankful for. :) Congrats and have a great trip!

  73. congratulations on your first win! i can't wait to read about your trip and the food you enjoyed and your experience!

  74. Congrats on the win!! I can't wait to try this recipe paired with a SLO County wine!

  75. Christine-congratulations on your Pace win--you so deserved it. I'm certain you will have (are having)a marvelous French journey. With your lovely attitude of gratitude, many good things come your way.

  76. I'm late in my farewell, but I hope you have a fabulous trip. Such a beautiful post.

  77. have a wonderful trip and can't wait for your coming posts! Keep warm too!

  78. Congrats on your recipe win!
    Have a wonderful trip Christine in France.

    All the best,


  79. I'm french and I must say ... are you crazy ? French country in winter is one of the most depressing thing on earth ! No, I'm kiding ! I hope you'll enjoy good food and good people...even if snow, here, is not frequent.

  80. Hope you're having a wonderful trip and congrats on your win!

  81. Christine, I can't wait to hear about your trip upon your return. How wonderful to stay at a farmhouse, I'm eager to learn all about it! However, I'm super excited to meet you in person, yeah!!! Can't wait! Besitos Amiga and congratulations on your win! That's outstanding!!

  82. congrats on the win and have the most amazing time in france!!

  83. I cannot wait to hear about your time in France! SO FUN! Travel safe. :)

  84. Have a wonderful trip ,Christine. Congrats on your win as well! I love France and especially Paris...and will never ever tire of visiting there!

    You are a lucky duck!


  85. Have a wonderful trip!! Can't wait to hear all abut Provence.

  86. Snow has a way of making me feel nostalgic as well. Congrats on winning the pace contest.

  87. Christine how exciting!! Congrats on winning the contest. I completely understand the how weather can trigger nostalgic feelings, since we don't see much snow in Texas, it's usually rain that does it for me. Great post :)
