TOP 5 FROM 2009?

Happy New Year everyone! Is anyone awake and sober to read this post? No? That's okay. As you can tell from the picture, it was a rough night for someone in New York, and it wasn't me. Even though I live only four blocks away from Times Square, I was happy to be absent from the party. Although I probably should have been out because I ended staying up until 5am this morning anyway. If you've ever wondered why I started this blog, it's because I just can't fall asleep at night. I have no idea why, but I certainly get a lot done, not necessarily well, but I do get a lot done during those hours.

I've been seeing quite a few posts on top 10 recipes from 2009 from blogger friends that have inspired and excited me as I have discovered many terrific recipes to try in the new year. I'm going to highlight only five posts since I haven't been blogging for very long, and I'll follow it with a question mark. Why the question mark behind Top 5 from 2009? Well because I had to reinstall the analytic software a month ago, wiping out the precious data that would have told me what was popular. So I'm going to take a stab at this Top 5 post, and instead call it my Top 5 favorite posts.

Did you know that this antique looking fuzzy fruit is part of the rose family? I would have guessed apple or pear, but no, it's related to the elegant, sweet smelling, thorny rose.

Crispy skin, flavorful tender juicy meat and a wonderful orange sauce. The secret? A seven spice brine.

I think this may be my favorite recipe of all time. It's so simple to make and surprises people with the addition of orange juice and the array of spices. If you're like Dave, the grill guy, cringing at the thought boiling meat, the spices also make a great rub to roast in the oven.

This was my first time working with oxtails, and the result was incredible mostly because the recipe I found from Sunday Nite Dinner was outstanding. Succulent, sticky and exotic, this is one recipe I save for a special occasion.
Okay, this isn't a recipe post, but it's worth peeking in if you're looking for a good laugh. The interview was simply ridiculous.

2009 has been a great ride, I'm looking forward to what 2010 holds.


  1. Happy New Year Christine! The Isaac post was definitely one of my favorites :) Especially witnessing your recount of it in person.

    May this year be filling with just as many amazing adventures.

  2. Those carnitas look delicious! Happy new year!

  3. It was a rough morning... Happy New Year! Love the round-up.

  4. Happy New Year Christine, I love quince Jam is delicious,love the roundup!! x gloria

  5. Loved your recipe recap.
    I have never wanted to be in NYC in Times Square for sounds crazy and always looks cold!

    Happy 2010!

  6. Now you got my curiosity up!

    These recipes look great, so I am going to check them out!

  7. I would like to wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year!

  8. All amazing posts!! I love your blog and have enjoyed "meeting" you...and I wish you the very best in the coming year. Happy New Year!

  9. Ooh... duck is one of those things I've never made at home, but that duck a l'orange looks amazing. I may have to give it a try! Best wishes for 2010!

  10. Happy new year. I always look forward to your posts...

    I lived in NYC for a year... My first celebrity run in was Gene Shallot from the Today show (the guy with the big bushy mustache)... Eventually, I ate a meal next to Barbara Streisand... It could get no better than that, so I moved to Kansas.

  11. oh all your posts are fab, great to know ya


  12. Awake and sober a little difficult at this hour hehehe!

    Right now reading the quince rose jam ....sounds delicious :)

    Happy New Year Christine!!!



  13. fun to see your recap, happy new year and thanks for sharing at fws~

  14. How fun that you got to interview Isaac. I love his whimsy and humor. Plus, his clothes are so cool and current.

  15. A great round-up - the carnitas look absolutely delicious! And one has ever made me drool over duck before!
    Happy New Year!

  16. What a fun interview!

    I love the shot of the spices too.

    Happy New Year! I hope your year is full of fun and great food! :D

  17. So Christine is living Hong Kong time!!! I hope you'll get good sleep at night! Eat more great food and drink more great wine in 2010! I hope to meet you soon in one of these days this year too!

  18. Happy New Year!! I can't get past the broken bottle of wine.....such a waist and an awful shame. It looks like it hadn't been open before it broke. ( moment of silence for its demise).
    I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us this year :)

  19. Hello Christine,
    Happy New year and wish you all the best for the coming year.

  20. Beautiful photos! I used to live in NYC & miss it sooo much. The carnita recipe looks delicious - I need to try it. Happy New Year to you!

  21. Happy New Year! Some fabulous posts for 2009--here is to a wonderful 2010! ;-)

  22. What a gorgeous blog you have! Well written, and the beautifully photographed. Already I have seen something that I am longing to make. I am so delighted to have met you!

    Wishing you all the best in 2010. I look forward to more of your delicious cooking and to getting to know you better.

  23. Happy New Year chica!

    I'm sorry that you have trouble sleeping but I'm DEFINITELY glad that you started this blog. I love reading about your adventures in NY (since I can relate) and also about your amazing food. You picked some of my favorite recipes to highlight. I will definitely be making those carnitas. Soon.

  24. That duck looks amazing! Something to add to the "to cook" list!

  25. Great recap. I found local quince this year and made my first membrillo. Delicious. Love the Mizrahi interview though I preferred his work before he started mass marketing with Target! Here's to a great new year! Happy 2010!

  26. Wonderful! Happy New Year to you too!

  27. Nice to meet you, and thank you for your kind words.
    Have a great year!

  28. Oh my God, you interviewed Isaac? Awesome!!!!!!

    Also, that opening photo made me giggle--I love it!

  29. Christine, This is great, if not just for the quince post! Thanks for giving us a retrospective. I'm really happy I've found your always-inspiring blog!

    Happy New Year! If 2009 is any indication, you have a lot of goodness in store for you!

  30. Happy New Year! You beat me, I was only up till 3:30 or so. I also avoided the Times Square area -- I prefer watch the ball drop indoors, on TV, with a glass of champagne in my hand!

  31. Wonderful round up. Happy new year!!

  32. Why thank you for visiting my blog. I will be back to visit you as well. I really like what I see. Looking very forward to 2010.

  33. Happy New Year to you. What a lovely roundup!

  34. Happy New Year!

    Lovely food!



  35. Happy New Year! I love Isaac, so cool! How did you get to do that???

  36. wow everything there looks just delicious!

  37. Happy New year. 2010 isw full of possibilities.

  38. I vote for the Duck! What a great way to start off the New Year! Happy 2010!

  39. That was a very elegant meal and great place too...

  40. OMG! 5am! I cannot imagine staying awake even past 10pm. LOL!

    Christine - wishing you and your family an absolute fabulous year ahead 2010! Cheers!

  41. Lovely roundup and food. You must be so excited about the New Year that you couldn't sleep. I slept like a baby :D

  42. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! So happy to have met you (online and in person!) Let's get together soon for another NYC blogger meal!

  43. Welcome to the club of night owls......

  44. Great pick Christine, can't wait to see what you bring us in 2010!

  45. Happy New Year Christine - I am sure FLB will be even bigger and better in 2010!
