I hope everyone has been enjoying my recent posts on Truffle Week in Provence. I had an incredible time in the South of France, and look forward to sharing many more posts about my experiences.  I still have to share about my experiences at Saint Remy, Chez Bruno and Chez Serge. Can you believe that I have posted only one full day of events on the trip?! There's so much more!

While I was on vacation, I spoke with Sherry Page about how difficult it was to get good quality Meyer lemons on the east coast. Sherry, being the sweet person she is, offered to send a box of Meyer lemons from her well-loved and bountiful garden in California.  If you have never had a Meyer lemon, it is best described as a sweet ambrosial lemon, and is frequently used in some of the best citrus dessert recipes. In my kitchen, none of this Meyer lemon gets wasted, zest and all, it adds a fragrant, heavenly, sweet sunny accent.

Since I am always thinking about my readers, it occurred to me that perhaps one of you would like to receive these Meyer lemons.  So I asked Sherry if she would be interested in doing a Meyer lemon giveaway. Sherry graciously agreed. Yippee!

So for this giveaway, Sherry Page will be sending a lucky reader a dozen Meyer lemons from her beautiful garden in Napa Valley.

Also, since I had such a great time on the truffle trip, I'm planning to attend another Culinary Getaway next year. While I would love to go to Truffle week again, I'd like to try something new next year. I seriously am indecisive.

Please help me figure out my next trip by checking out the different Culinary Getaways, and tell me which destination looks interesting and/or attractive. I guess I can always go to back to Provence, but what about a culinary trip in Paris, or Tuscany? Or back to Napa Valley? Decisions, decisions!

That counts as one entry, for more chances, read on...

EXTRA ENTRIES - DON'T BE SHY! - Leave a separate comment for each entry
  1. Become a follower of Fresh Local and Best
  2. Tweet about this giveaway
  3. Become a follower on Twitter
  4. Become a fan on Facebook
  5. Stumble this post using the Stumble Upon icon below
  6. Blog about this giveaway with a link back to Fresh Local and Best. Leave a comment on this blog with a link back to your post.
  7. Place this giveaway on your sidebar.  Leave a comment on this blog with a link back to your post.
If you already follow me on Twitter, Facebook or this blog, please leave a separate comment saying that you do so.

Entries will be closed at 12pm PST on Monday, March 1st. A winner will be chosen by and announced on Tuesday, March 2nd. Best of luck!

3/1/10 Update - Giveaway is now closed. Congratulations Natasha of 5 Star Foodie!


  1. I'd go to Tuscany since you've done Provence. It's a place I've always wanted to see.

  2. I have never tried meyer lemon before, I envy you!!

  3. I was fortunate enough to grab the last bag of Meyer lemons the other day in Wegmans and I'm certain there won't be any more to be found. What a fabulous giveaway, I sent out a tweet!

  4. Since I live in California...It probably wouldn't be fair of me to enter this giveaway (although the shipping cost would be cheaper for sherry LOL).
    I've been having a really hard time opening some blogs on my crusty old computer at home (it freezes)...but I've still been able to view everything through google reader and your pictures are amazing!! Seriously? thats all been just from one day? Holy moly!!!

  5. Meyer lemons are the best! I can smell them now!

    I am following you!

  6. I tweeted the giveaway:

  7. I am a fan of yours on FAcebook! Noelle Kelly

  8. I would do the MAY.23-29, 2010 Week Getaway, Tuscany. I have always wanted to visit!

  9. I would pick Tuscany, because I have always wanted to go there....You are one lucky much fun!

    Great giveaway!


  10. Following your wonderful blog!


  11. Never tasted Meyer lemons, but have heard a lot about them :-) My vote is for Tuscany !

  12. and I'm already your follower :D

  13. i just wanted to say how much i love your trip pics, you are doing a fantastic job sharing, don't stop!

    no need to add me in the giveaway, i have several lemon trees myself, one year i mailed off 190 pounds to friends, i totally get her sharing!

    tuscany please, love to see it thru your lens~

  14. I LOVE Meyer lemons and lament the fact that they are so hard to get on the east coast too!

  15. I'd go to Tuscany - after all, you get cooking classes and winery visits all in Italy!

  16. I also already follow you on twitter!

  17. I will just throw fate to the wind, and say it all in one post!

    I follow you on twitter, love the lemons, will tweet tweet tweet, and check out the site!

    The devil girl in me wants to borrow a photo for my Muse Monday on my TMI blog, with some Italian poetry I write!

  18. Oh what a great giveaway, Christine! I've never tried these lemons before! I follow your blog. :)

  19. I am a follower! Yay! I love all of your posts.

  20. Great giveaway. Wonderful photos too.

  21. I vote for Napa Valley. Tuscany would, of course, be amazing, but you LOVE Napa!

    I've never had a Meyer Lemon, I'm excited about this giveaway!

    I'm a website follower. And a Facebook Fan. And a Twitter follower. And I tweeted about the giveaway!


  22. I am not following you on twitter. Not sure why I didn't check to see if you were on before. Glad to have found you!

  23. I look forward to reading your posts on Facebook now as well.

  24. I think you should come back to the Napa Valley. I live nearby and never tire of touring around, taking photos and enjoying some of the local artesian treats. Go to Napa to the Oxbow market and I think you will be pleased with the treasures you find there.
    Meyer lemons are just heavenly.

  25. I became a follower! The lemons sound amazing!

    Ann Pierce

  26. I am a follower on Twitter!

    Ann Pierce

  27. I also tweeted the giveaway!

    Ann Pierce

  28. You should definitely do Tuscany. I think the experience would be wonderful, beautiful and yummy!

    Susannah :)

  29. NO doubt about it you need to go to Tuscany.....and take me with you!

  30. You have me so convinced that I should make desserts with these that I even tweeted about it.. I'm not a big tweeter.. is that right? lol

  31. GO TO TUSCANY! You will love it. As much as I love France (and you know I do), I love Italy more.. and there is no better place to go to than Tuscany. So beautiful and such amazing food. There's this little cheese shop in Sienna where the guy behind the counter looks like he's straight out of the 20's. And he speaks French! Following with the Meyer Lemon path.. you'll see the trees everywhere in Italy! So it was meant to be.

  32. And now I am following you on twitter :)

  33. Okay.. last chance... I blogged about it too :)

  34. Thanks for the chanc eto win such a great prize fresh meyer lemons! I think a weekend Tuscany Getaway would be amazing hope you get the chance to do it.

  35. tweeted
    Fresh Local and Best: MEYER LEMON GIVEAWAY win a ldozen Meyer Lemons form a Napa Valley grower

  36. following you on Facebook thanks

  37. I stumbled upon it thanks for the extra chance to win

  38. Now following you on RSS looking forward to more

  39. This is just about the best giveaway ever! I'm now following you!

  40. I'd totally go to Tuscany. And I think this is the best giveaway EVER!

  41. Ok so blogger is being screwy, so if you see a bunch of duplicate comments, sorry! I also tweeted about this!

  42. I think Provence would be the best place to go again for the finest wines and perfectly cooked duck. It would be a lovely to win freshly picked, meyer lemons straight from Napa Valley.

  43. I would SO go to Tuscany. Then again, I am a biased and verified Italian food addict. I would do it in a heartbeat though. Awesome giveaway!

  44. I think the Napa Valley weekend sounds really great! I'm a fan of yours on FB and Twitter :) You are so lucky to be going on these fun excursions!

  45. I would definitely go away for a week in Tuscany!! Wow!! How great would that be?

    And I'd love those Meyer lemons....yum!! I have a thing for lemons ;)

  46. I am already a follower of Fresh Local Best.

  47. I... I've never had a meyer lemon. Living in New England my whole life has denied me this joy I keep hearing about.

    But you should totally go to Tuscany! I mean, cmon. Tuscany.

  48. I also already follow your blog.

  49. I also follow you on Twitter. ;)

  50. hi, Christine, I want those meyer lemons!!! I say Tuscany!!! Can not tell you how much I'm enjoying your pics and comments. Enjoy the snow!! love, mom

  51. I thought I already followed you! But I didn't. I am a dingbat - but I'm following you now. Also I vote for Tuscany.

  52. Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!
    What? Is that asking to much?? Confession: I have never eaten a Meyer lemon. That's bad, right?

  53. Sure, Paris has it's appeal, but what about a real challenge... come to the islands with me and lets explore the tastes of paradise together!

    (nothing untward intended in that offer), but wouldn't it be fun???

  54. My goodness, I didn't know so many haven't tasted a Meyer lemon! I'm even more excited about this giveaway for that reason alone. The drawing will be random, but I hope that the winner is someone who hasn't tasted this wonderful citrus!

    Even my mom was excited enough about this giveaway to comment for the first time! Go mom!

  55. Personally I would chose Paris, but Tuscany looks awfully inviting. Close your eyes and pick. You can't go wrong with any of the choices you have in the list.

  56. The give-away is a great one. Thanks Sherry and Christine. I've had a Meyer lemon a couple of times and they are very special. How generous of Sherry to agree.

    I'm a follower and really enjoy each and every post, but am especially looking forward to more Provence. Not a surprise since I think it's one of the most beautiful places in the world. I would tweet, but I don't tweet yet.

    Good luck to all.

  57. Christine, I would go to Paris. Where the culinary arts all started. Imagine having classes with a world famous French chef and shopping on Rue Cler for fresh bake croissants and other delectables only the French are known for.

    As for the giveaway.... it would be a real treat to get a dozen Meyer lemons. I have a wonderful Lemon Mousse I would definitely make if I won them.

    Thanks to Sherry for this very generous offer.

  58. Really do love Meyer lemons, Christine. Luckily, we get them here. I made a tart with some the other day that I will soon be posting.
    Nice idea for a giveaway but you better not include me and hopefully someone who cannot get them will win!
    As far as culinary trips are concerned, Paris is at the top of the list. I have rarely had a bad meal there and so many choices!

  59. What a wonderful giveaway!!

    It's definitely a hard choice to pick a culinary getaway. I'd want to do them all:D I think I would go with Paris, mainly because I've never been to France. However, you might like to change things up a bit and head to Tuscany. Let's face it, neither one sounds dreadful at all;D
    Have fun thinking of your options!

  60. Love Meyer Lemons, my parents have a few trees that keep producing them all year long.

  61. Oh TUSCANY! I'd go there in a heartbeat!

  62. Tuscany. For sure. these trips are perfect for any food and culture lover.

  63. I love France but have not been to Tuscany. I buy Meyer's at the farmers markets on Sundays. They are sooooo good!

  64. Personally I'd go for Napa in the Fall...

    OCT.22-24, 2010 Spaces Available
    Weekend Getaway, Napa Valley

  65. I'd love a week-long getaway to Tuscany, but I wouldn't turn my nose up at some of the weekends in Napa. Do what feels important to you. asthenight at gmail dot com

  66. Tweet:

  67. Following FRESHLOCALBEST on Twitter @AsTheNight.

  68. Stumbled your post id: AsTheNight.

  69. wooo so fun to win some meyer lemon!!!
    where to go? I'd go any culinary gateaway.. but Tuscany seems really interesting! CAn you take me next year? ;)

  70. Beautiful lemons...I miss seeing them this yellow. I have several trees of the persian kind, but some how over here they never get that yellow.

    Havea nice day!

  71. What a great giveaway! I have always wondered how Meyer lemons tasted. :) I am already subscribed to your blog!

  72. I am following you on twitter! :)

  73. I would say Tuscany to experience Italian food.

    chocolate and croissants at yahoo dot com

  74. I am already a follower... but I think Tuscany... great place to get away for food!!! Those meyer lemons look amazing... as a NYC area girl... whole foods has them sometimes... but how can you beat fresh from a garden... and I have a meyer lemon marmalade that can't be beat just dying for a contribution to be made.

  75. Oh my gosh! You have so many comments - incredible. Well done! I have so many readers spending considerable amount of time on my site, but with not nearly the comments that you have and interesting meaningful comments. That is what writing a blog is all about. I have NEVER seen a meyer lemon. We get a lot of food up here from CA, but have never smelled, sighted, or touched one. I am sure your pal will not post them to Canada, but I would love to get them. I would sleep with them, I am sure, and then make a frech lemon tart and some candied lemon zest and whatever else I can think of. I love lemons! Interestingly, travelling to my husband's homeland, the former Yugloslavia a few years ago before Mega Stores opened there - no "regular folk" had even seen or heard of a lime!
    PS - go to the country. Take me with you... leave a Paris trip for someone else. Gather what you will cook, then cook, and eat. Why travel to do anything else?

  76. I would do Tuscany b/c it's a new experience! I've never tried Meyer lemons, this is really awesome!

  77. now following you on Twitter (I'm DinneratXtinas)

  78. now following your blog on Facebook

  79. And finally I tweeted!

    Yippee I really hope I win, this would be such a cool thing to try!

  80. Such a hard decision, but Tuscany would be wonderful! Those Meyer lemons would be greatly appreciated!

  81. I have a big meyer lemon tree in my orchard. I am also a big fan of meyer lemons. I don't waste a single fruit. Try my meyer lemon lemonade and couple other recipes with these fabulous fruit from my book - Entertaining from an Ethnic Indian Kitchen. You might like it.

  82. I am already a fan of FLB and I'm interessted in the mayer lemons... ;-) have a great time

  83. Since I am planning a trip to Italy it would have to be a week in Tuscany in May that would hypnotize me with Culinary Vacations.
