The Little Laptop That Could

Last Saturday evening before the Truffle Dinner commenced, I was taking pictures and loading them onto my Dell Inspiron laptop, when it decided that it had had enough, and called it quits. It probably one of the worst times to go kaput given that I had a deadline to meet for the Foodbuzz 24, 24, 24 at noon the following day. Fortunately, I backed up all of my files days before as this little guy has been hinting to me over the last few months that it was on its way out. 

 I've been in complete denial as this laptop has been my devoted travel companion over the last four years, carrying the immense weight of work documents, presentations and an ever growing collection of dense, high-resolution pictures, I'm surprised it didn't die out earlier. 

So now I am in the market for a new laptop. Given my new love for blogging, photography and everything related, I wanted to see if there was a particular laptop out there that you guys would recommend. I seriously need help, I am about as savvy with technology as a monkey is with twitter. Your two cents would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  1. There is only one... go for the Macbook Pro. It's the best there is...and it takes a licken and goes on ticken as they used to say. Put more politely... esp if you live in NYC, those genius bars are open 24-7

  2. I literally just got a new laptop last week. It's a Lenovo, with Windows 7, but I feel like it's still too new for me to recommend. The only thing I don't like about it so far is that it lacks a card reader, so I'm still downloading pictures to our desktop (which is probably better anyways since that's where our backup system is). Good luck!

  3. Dear,
    Check this link for Sony VAIO CW Series in Brilliant Pink..for anyone who has a passion for fashion -

  4. I love my new Macbook love love it

  5. My vote is for Macbook :-) Good luck Christine

  6. Christine, I'm so sorry to hear your laptop died. Computer problems always get me in a tail spin.

    We bought a Toshiba a couple of months ago. A 17" I think. We are enjoying it for travel and at our winter home. I personally prefer a big home computer for blogging and writing.

    Good luck and great photos, especially the tulip.

  7. Eep! Computers are completely ridiculous things. And SO temperamental!

    I have an HP Pavilion that I love. My last HP lasted me all through college (four years!) and I treated it like crap. So I have a lot of faith in them.

  8. Awe...gosh darn computers...ugh!, but now it's time to forge ahead and get a brand new one that you will fall in love with..probably more than your old one! Sorry I don't have any advice to tell you on getting one!

    Have a great day!


  9. Well I can't help you with brands, but Tiger Direct has a good refurbished/previously leased section that you can get killer deals in.

  10. Oh, I have a Dell Studio which is lighter, but heard they have issues, but don't so many computers?

    I hope your up and going, because we are having the Taste of the Kentucky Derby Party via Twitter April 29th, and I am hoping you and a few friends sip wine and talk with us, I will email details tomorrow!

    I like the ideas of the 24 24 24 thing, but no one here does it in NJ!

  11. I am a huge fan of the Macbook Pro. For photos, it has been amazing and even with a big photo hobby like my husband, the mac gives your photos and amazingly accurate and clear view.

  12. I think my next computer probably would be MAC too.
    Now I am using Toshiba 17' which I actually bought it a couple of years ago, and can't really complain about it.
    Good luck with the ideal-computer hunting!

  13. When my laptop and my hubby's desktop died at the same time, I was frantic. Lots of research online recommended the Macbook Pro for bloggers...If I had the money I would've splurged, but being on a budget, we ended up getting a HP Pavilion with Intel i5 and Windows 7 b/c it was on sale ($600). Continuously check out for deals. Good luck! I feel your pain!

  14. I've had my Toshiba for 6 yrs now and it's still too has followed me many places..and traveled well..I just bought a Netbook for travel ,work etc.. tiny little powerhouse..

    That being said everyone RAVES about Mac..and I love their photo editing that comes w/ it..I am dying to find Antique and Edge Blur:)

    Good luck..sorry about your Dell..:(

  15. I just had my a new laptop about 2 months ago...Mac Pro. Looks great and fun to use but then my blog title doesn't appear on Mac :( It only appears on Windows. Still wonder what's wrong. Anyway, have fun hunting for a laptop.

  16. I have no advice...I need a laptop too. Get something good so you can advise me in a few months on what I should get! And I love that kitty picture. Love it.

  17. My Mac is the best thing ever! I'm never going back to a pc.

  18. Good luck with your purchase of a new lap top. I think these purchases of new toys are so much fun!!

  19. I recently lost all my computer files to a virus, thank goodness you recently backed up your files!

  20. My Dell has been hinting at the same thing! Any day now...
    I would highly recommend getting a Mac. My present computer was my first PC & compared to all the Macs I've had (around 4) it is so inferior! When this one goes I will definitely be getting another Mac & not bothering with PC again in the future. Good luck & look forward to hearing what you decide to get!

  21. mine is Acer, charger socket slightly loosen after few months, not advise this..

  22. so sorry about your comp..I have a regular dell...I don't use it really can't offer any sound adivce..


  23. Sorry about your laptop. I am, however, really biased about this. I cannot recommend Mac highly enough. I gave up my PC 2 years ago and it was like ending a bad relationship for true love....(and if you need a desktop...the Imac)

  24. Thank god you had the backup!! I know how you feel... computer and car problems are seriously the worst things to deal with...

    If you had no budgetary constrains, I'd say Macbook Pro!

  25. I have to throw in my vote for a Mac, but the choice is such a combination of factors. I've heard that Windows 7 is such a big improvement over Vista, making a PC rather attractive again. Sorry about your departed laptop and good luck in your search for a new one!

  26. After all of my life with various PCs, I got a Macbook Pro last year and after getting used to it and the differences, I totally love it and don't think I would go back.

  27. So sorry about your laptop, mine's so old it's about to die as well :( Good luck with a new one, that'll be exciting!

    Btw, we canceled our New York trip cause my daughter was sick; hanging out locally for spring break, so no Le Bernadin for us yet :(

  28. macbook pro - I had a powerbook g4 but I dropped it accidentally -

  29. Macbook Pro all the way! Apple computers are so reliable and never any virus issues. I used to have a Toshiba laptop and HP but they both couldn't hang. I'm highly recommending Apple :)

  30. I highly recommend the macbook--and get the top of the range so that you can future proof it as much as possible. On apples colours come out so much brighter and the screens are nice and glossy. Once u get used to using an apple, you will love it, and will never go back.
    Happy computer shopping.
    *kisses* HH

  31. I'd love to have a Netbook but I know that day will never come.

  32. I wish I had some good advice for you, but I have a Dell Inspiron too... and it's been getting slower and slower. Still trying to deal with it though because I really want to treat myself to a new camera.

  33. Oh excuse to get a Mac maybe :-). I've been looking for such a reason, since our laptop died in the New Year!!!!!! With loads of photos and others.....which I hadn't quite backed up!

  34. Sorry to hear about your laptop.
    I'm an Apple fan.
    Good luck.

  35. I am late to the party but heartily encourage all things Mac!

  36. Hi, Christine... just got back - but Macbook Pro is the ONLY way to go. Seriously. I cannot believe the difference between my new macbook pro (christmas) and my old Dell. Light years ahead... Light years...

  37. Hello me again! You know, there is only one answer to this question - you don't need any more validation. Go buy it. I can go with you if you like! When? Haha!
