Bertolli Pasta Sauce

As part of Foodbuzz's Tastemaker Program, I received two complimentary jars of Bertolli Pasta Sauce for our family to sample. Since our household is well-versed in different types pasta sauce, we knew which metrics to measure Bertolli's Arrabiata pasta sauce by: (1) taste, (2) consistency and (3) quality of ingredients.  

Taste. I tasted a spoonful Bertolli pasta sauce from the jar, and found that it had a nice integration of spices, vegetables and sweet notes that rounded out the natural acidity of tomato flavors.

Consistency. Pasta sauce should be thick enough to hold onto meat or pasta when cooked. Bertolli's pasta's consistency is thick enough to be considered a very good sauce. As you can see from the first picture, the sauce is by no means runny.  

Ingredients. I was pleasantly surprised as I read all the ingredients on the back of Bertolli's label that no sugar or preservatives are added to the pasta sauce. The sauce is sweetened by carrot juice concentrate, and flavored by garlic, onions and spices, a big positive for anyone seeking to avoid sugar and preservatives.

Would I buy Bertolli pasta sauce? Yes. We do have a  pasta sauce that we enjoy making from scratch, however for those busy nights, Bertolli makes a great substitute.


  1. I almost always make homemade tomato sauce, but I've heard people say Bertolli is good for busy nights. I like the way you souped it up a bit!

  2. I love homemade tomato sauce and we keep it chunky textured but i do love trying these from the shelf ,once in awhile and soecially if am asked too :-))))
    Ur recipe of that pasta looks fantastic.....
    cheers and happy weekend...

  3. Nice pics of pasta with are right...we like Bertolli too...

  4. Oh, now I'm excited to try my jar!

  5. I used the 4 cheese rosa this week too & it was quite good.

  6. I also liked those Bertolli sauces, they were quite good!

  7. I was excited to receive these sauces since Canadian FPs are not usually eligible for the Tastemakers porgram but because I was "on the menu" at the Foodbuzz Festival with Bertolli they arranged for me to have some. I think everyone has been pretty impressed with these sauces and you're right, I prefer to make my own but at a pinch, it's good to know you can rely on these.

  8. Great to hear about the sauce. i actually didn't opt in because I usually find the sugar and sodium contents too high in jarred sauces so I am happy to hear about the ingredients list. ;-)

  9. I like how you rated the sauce by taste, consistency, and ingredients!

  10. When I buy premade sauce this is one of the brands I purchase. It is very good indeed.

  11. I received the same Bertolli sauces in the mail for the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program. Unfortunately, one of the jars broke during shipping, a fact I discovered after opening the box and getting sauce all over my desk at work!

    Glad you were able to try them ;-)

  12. Sounds like a good product to try :)

  13. Good to know. I agree that homemade is wonderful, but there are lots of times a quick sauce makes life much easier!
