Fresh from New York Farmers' Market June Spotlight on Strawberries

We're coming upon the peak season at the farmer's market on the East coast, although we're not quite there yet. At the market were loads of red and green colored produce. These gorgeous ruffle layered and blushed peonies are a gorgeous reminder of the stunning flora and fauna available here. $10 per bundle.

Walking from stall to stall you could smell the sweet deep ambrosial fragrance of fresh strawberries. These strawberries were available for $6 per carton here in New York. How much does it cost in your neck of the woods?

Garlic scapes are a zany fun vegetable that I love to throw into the sitr-fry mix or grill. You can find them at any stall for $8 per pound, although I would recommend you purchase them from Norwich Organic Farms, afterall if you're going to pay the same price, shouldn't you get organic? 

A perfect example of red and green, fresh and crisp, hot and mild - radishes. Don't toss those greens out, you can blanch them, and dress them to create a delightful wilted salad.

If there were ever an herb that I wished I could fresh all year round, it would be basil.

Okay, I actually can't limit myself just to one, afterall variety is the spice of life, isn't it? $4/plant

These tomatoes were high in acidity and loaded with full tomato flavor. There was a stall that sold only organic tomatoes but the name escapes me. I will update this when I revisit them this weekend. $6 per pound.

Speaking of variety these were the eggs I picked up from various farmer's markets stalls. The speckled ones are wild turkey eggs and the small blue ones are pheasant eggs, both from Quattro Farms. The "brown" ones are from Grazin' Angus Farms, which produce the prettiest orange-yolk eggs I've seen.  $6-12/dozen

Here's a refreshing treat I made out of coconut milk, chia seeds and agave nectar, of course topped with a farm fresh strawberry.


  1. So beautiful pictures and you know that the strawberry ones are my favorite, freshness on the air :)



  2. Fresh produce, lovely made a beautiful post!

  3. To think, a year ago I would not have been able to name some of these wonderful things (i.e. garlic scapes). Perish the thought!

  4. Looks like you're finally finding some great food in NY. Beautiful!

  5. What a fabulous post-all this food looks wonderful-your comment was corny-corny yet wonderful.

  6. Isn't food in it's raw form beautiful.

  7. Gorgeous photos! I can't even begin to pick a favorite. Strawberries are ending their season around here. I will miss them terribly. :(

  8. Miss New York! LOVE that speckled egg.

  9. What a great market post! It looks like your market has just about the same things that we have here on the west coast. I absolutely love shopping there. Great photos.

  10. NY has great markets! I am thinking how many wonderful recipes to make with those ingredients.

    Have a blessed day!

  11. I would love to go to the NY farmer's markets. Everything looks delicious. I love the shot of the eggs!

  12. Farmer's markets are just the best! I love spending warm weekends roaming around the stands.
    Wonderful pictures!

  13. Summer is almost here and look at all the bounty:D

  14. OMG....what a great farmers market..mmm!

  15. Love this time of year! Gorgeous photos Christine!!

  16. All the info and images you gave us are excellent... I wish i could find chia seeds in order to try this dessert..but I doubt!! Thanks for sharing this post to us!!

  17. Gorgeous produce at your farmer's market!

  18. Christine what stunning pictures!! I love every single one of them.....the fresh flowers and the red tomatoes and...and......!! I makes you want to go and buy fresh produce right now at the market!!!! Thanks!!

  19. Gorgeous photos Christine!! Really beautiful food!

  20. What a beautiful way of bringing a little of your market inside our home. Stunning variety of colors.
    It's been a while I was in need of buying chia seeds for a muffin I have another reason to get some ;o)
    Thanks for sharing a small part of your life.
    Flavourful wishes, Claudia

  21. Your pictures are just beautiful as usual. The flowers, berries and eggs are incredible. Once again I have farmers market envy. ;-)

  22. The strawberries are lovely, and the eggs exquisite, but the thing that got my mouth smacking? Those tomatoes! Mad for tomatoes over here!!

  23. I love farmers' markets so much, and I'm happy that it's getting more into the season of summer fruit. So exciting!

  24. All these are so fresh looking and must taste heavenly; I was staring at the radish greens thinking: pesto! I made a radish green pesto recently (posted about it) and want to make it again for my family to try; howver, it does require good fresh vibrant-looking greens such as these!

  25. The smell of strawberries is intoxicating! These pictures are gorgeous!

  26. Delightful market photos! This is the best time of year when we can get locally grown, fresh veggies. I love the photo of the different eggs. Your prices are definitely higher than ours!

  27. Christine,

    Thanks so much for your kind words! I am grateful to know such a wonderful and talented foodie like you. I love your blog, too. Your yummy pictures make me hungry all the time. :) For example, those strawberries in this post make me really happy for some reason. I want some fresh strawberries!

  28. Makes me wish it was the weekend already so that I could pay a visit to my local farmers markets. Haven't seen any garlic scapes, unfortunately. Must keep my eyes peeled.

  29. great pics, the strawberries are awesome..when they are in season here in Texas we get them for 1.50 each, I know I know..I buy boatloads of them and freeze them for the winter and Valentine's your last shot chia seeds and agave, how wonderful


  30. Love all the beautiful fresh for the eyes! Just look at them makes me feel healthy :D

  31. I am really curious with those variety of eggs...

  32. I just love farmers market photos - yours are beautiful, Christine. I think you are right, that you can actually smell the aroma of the berries. And those eggs are like gems!

  33. I am totally green with envy. The NY farmers markets are just amazing.
    The eggs are stunning!

  34. You're getting the same things as us right now, except for the tomatoes. I need to go pick up a bunch of strawberries to can this weekend.

  35. Wonderful post and pictures! I would love to go to the NY farmer markets....Amazing!

  36. Love your photos. Just confirms how beautiful farmers' markets are from Coast to Coast. I've spent 6 days a week all last year hauling farmers' market produce, so I'm a bit of an addict.

    Also loved one of your earlier posts:

    Even though the contest is over, I may link to that someday - just for fun! I've had my hands on about 5 tons of meyer lemons last year. Anyone still need lemons? So much fun!

    Great blog and I'm glad I reconnected. Happy Harvesting.

  37. How blessed you are to be surrounded by such fantastic produce. I especially love the array of eggs.

  38. I love the Farmer's Market! I picked up some fresh strawberries + peas the other day. Looking at all the fresh produce makes me want to cook again. Thank goodness winter is over :).

  39. $6 for a carton of strawberries!!!! It was 1.99 here in LA for a while! They looks really fresh and juicy though! If I were a bit drunk I would definitely buy them. ;-)

  40. Awesome pictures! Did you get a new toy?

  41. really intrigued with the eggs. are there any difference with the taste? even slightest? great post! great pictures!

  42. Those eggs are so gorgeous!! And the garlic scapes...oh me, oh my.

  43. Those strawberries and peonies look marvellous - I've no idea what the exchange rate is so cannot comment on whether they're good value or not but I wish I could buy flowers like that near me. My part of London is very uninspiring florally!

  44. I bought a basket of organic strawberries this morning at a local farmers' market for $3.50. Threw them together with some apricots and a few other ingredients and I'm working on a blog post now. Love, love your pictures of the produce!

  45. Wow, the pictures are awesome!

  46. Marvelous photos of your farmers market, Christine! Love those peonies...I can't resist them.

    Fun to find that variety of eggs, too.

  47. I love your pictures!!!!! are absolutely wonderful! and I love basil!! and the flowers all is beauty Christine! xx gloria

  48. I love peaking into different markets, so thanks so much to giving us insights into yours. We are in the midst of a strawberry glut - I can get a box of organic strawberries from my CSA for $2.

    I have to say, I love the garlic scraps and they are incredibly tasty on just about anything.

  49. Great market photos! I brought my camera to the market yesterday and went to take a photo and realized my memory stick was missing. Darn it!!

    I love garlic scapes!

  50. These are gorgeous photos - we just went to the farmers market today, and left the camera's memory card at home. Doh!! Well, I do remember New York prices ... don't cry, but today there were fresh cherries for $2.50/pint, and blueberries for $4. (Baltimore) I think everyone has gobbled up the strawberries, as I didn't see any! But then I was late ...

  51. yum! i harvested garlic scapes for the first time last year and was immediately smittened. i'm purposely growing double the amount of hardneck garlic this year just for the scapes.

    great blog!

  52. I couldn't help myself. I bought a basil plant today. Well, I bought a bunch of fresh potted herbs. Since the weather is so pleasant here, I'm hoping they'll last for awhile. Just need to find a place to put them, now!

  53. That dessert there at the end looks really good.

    I love the egg variety pciture. That is really neat. I wish our local market offered more.

  54. In Nashville, we are 3-4 weeks ahead of you. Our Strawberries are no more, but were $5 a quart.
    No one here sells eggs as beautiful as those!

  55. Gorgeous photos Christine. I just love markets!

  56. I love it! Doesn't it make you sad Strawberry season is practically over?!
