Fresh From New York Union Square Farmer's Market August

Heirloom tomatoes, $4.50/lb

It's Saturday morning in the city that never sleeps, and no I have not gone on my morning run. As far as I know I don't own a pair of sneakers, or a body that has the machine-like physique to carry me through town, but I'm hoping that will change.

Instead, Saturdays are reserved for the farmer's market, a day where the pace is slower and the energy in Manhattan dialed a few kilowatts lower. Often I visit very early in the morning, when the farmers are still setting up, when it's quiet and calm, and everyone is in a good mood. 

What's at the market these days? I can tell you it has been a blessed year for tomatoes and peaches as both of these fruits have overtaken nearly all of the farmer's market stands across Manhattan. It has been a sea of bright rainbow colors and rosy sun-kissed blushes. 

Fresh coriander seeds, $2.50 per bunch 

This past week I discovered fresh coriander seeds at Gorzynski Ornery Farm, which make a dish come alive with its exotic spicy flavors. I used these coriander seeds in a green curry. Have you ever tried fresh coriander seeds?

Fennel Blossoms / Pollen, $2.50/bunch
Also from Gorzynski Ornery Farm were fresh fennel blossoms / pollen that could be used to create a rub for a pork roast, which adds a hint of licorice flavor. 

Continued on Delicious Dishings...

The farmer's market is an important part of my weekly ritual, an opportunity to get closer to the food that nourishes our bodies and expands our mind. This month, I did a review of the produce available at the Union Square Farmer's Market on Megan's blog, Delicious Dishings. Megan is a sweet foodie soul, who adores baking and testing out new recipes. More recently she has been sharing with us her experiences of meeting with other foodies in the Boston area, making me wish I lived closer. When you have a chance, please visit Delicious Dishings to see what's fresh at the New York farmer's market. 


  1. beautiful photos,in august the markets are amazing,full of colors and flavor!

  2. Tomatoes and blueberries! Oh I could stay all day in there!

  3. Gorgeous! Look at that sea of blueberries--absolute heaven.

  4. Love these heirloom tomatoes!
    Beautiful pictures!

  5. Wahta first caught my eye of course are those gorgeous heirlooms. I am headed to our farmers market within the next 1/2 hour!!

  6. Beautiful photos. I wish I had a farmer's market like that in my town!

  7. Lovely photos! My favorite is the first one... it gives me a picture of a fresh new day, peaceful and quiet, and yes in a city that never sleeps. Oh and yeah, I don't own a pair of running shoes either hihihi!

  8. wonderful photos,I love blueberries!Here in Italy is impossible to find fresh coriander...have a lovely weekend!

  9. I love the tomatoes and I don't think i've tasted fresh coriander seeds. I bet they're super fragrant. Farmers markets are always nice to visit on weekends. Thanks for sharing.

  10. don't you love a good farmers market?- makes you want to run outside and shop!


  11. I love visiting farmers markets and looking at the fresh fruits and vegetables they offer. The tomatoes look fantastic!

  12. I miss Union Square! But I was at our lovely Farmer's Market here at 8 this morning. I love watching how the food changes as the season starts to change.

  13. Perhaps I'm partial to blueberries, but I love that photo. They're fresh and perfect and blue--looking at them always makes me happy. I haven't visited my local farmers market in a while but I plan to change this tomorrow. Beautiful shots!

  14. Now, that is a gorgeous farmer's market!

  15. I think of myself as being so fortunate to have Union Square... you did the market proud with those wonderful photos... magnificent!

  16. I just returned from the farmer's market but the blueberries at yours look much better, and so many!

  17. I love your photos, Christina. Makes me want to run to the farmers market my Mom frequents here in Atlanta-it's almost that nice;) Ooh, and, yeah, you have a lot of great looking tomatoes. I haven't seen anything like that here in Atlanta or in Florida. Hmm? Maybe it was a Northern thing this year...

  18. What a wonderful market...and the photos are gorgeous :)

  19. I too share in your weekly ritual! The farmers market inspires me try foods I've never tried before. Often times, I have to give myself a spending limit before I go. Love these photos Christine:)

  20. Wow, what incredible options you have, the blueberries looked amazing, and yes I love fresh coriander. What an amazing selection, I'd be day dreaming all the way home with what I could make with my bounty.

  21. Nothing beats a great farmers market! Fab photos:)

  22. I really enjoy your market posts. I love how you captured the runners in the background of that first photo. I also like when you post the prices. :) Sometimes I complain about the prices of produce here compared to what we paid in Brazil (cents for just about everything!). But when I see the SF and NYC prices I realize I don't have it so bad. All the wonderful heirlooms at our market today were $2 a pound.

  23. Gorgeous produce!! I can't wait to move to NYC (in a couple weeks!) so I can shop at the Union Square Greenmarket as well... they have some great stuff :)

  24. Aw! Thanks, Christine! I love your pictures, and I'm so happy you shared your farmers' market experience over on my blog. As you know, I've been blogging about my local farmers' market more, and I think it's great learning about other farmers' markets and what's in season in other areas.

  25. Beautiful produce! I am very intrigued by fresh coriander seeds, would love to find those!

  26. Coriander Seeds are so easy to get if you have a garden...cilantro goes to seed way too fast. Beautiful pictures. Fennel pollen is clearly the new big seasoning... I have been hearing a LOT about it... but, aren't those fennel seeds? Isn't pollen the stuff on the top of the stamen in a flower? If they were selling all of that as pollen, one would have to work very hard to get very little pollen from all of those stems, I think. I am not sure. Is it fennel pollen that is the "new herb/spice" or is it what is in the photo, and they just call it fennel pollen? I saw some on line = an ounce for 30 dollars. So, maybe it is really the pollen from the end of the stamen that is what is intended to be used from all of the stem?
    Anyway, great to be out in the city at the market early in the morning, isn't it? I didn't make it there - YET - and would love to see photos of every little thing there.

  27. I share your same Saturday morning ritual. Luckily here in Miami I have a few farmers market I can hit up to get my produce for the weekend cooking adventures.

    Wonderful photography accentuates an interesting read. Bravo!

  28. I, too, have been all over the farmers market this year. And it does seem as if the tomatoes and corn are just exploding all over the place! Haven't found fresh coriander seeds, must look for that - though I did get fresh black eyed peas and black beans, so that was fun! Your photos are gorgeous as always!

  29. I so enjoy all the aromas...colors and excitement the farmers' markets express to our Foodie souls.
    Love your photos;o)

    Flavourful wishes,

  30. This looks like my kitchen this weekend...lots and lots of berries and tomatoes. Beautiful photos. I so will miss Summer's produce!

  31. Gorgeous pictures as usual! I love the idea of the fresh coriander seeds and I bet they are wonderful in a curry. Would love to try them some day.

  32. My favorite place to get tomatoes in the summer at the Farmer's Market is Keith's Farm. They have the best gold cherry tomatoes, the red ones are ok... but the gold are amazing.

  33. this is the best time of year for farmers markets

  34. farmers' markets are my fave places to visit on the weekend. love seeing all the fresh and local food. :-)

  35. Beautifully displayed and photoed! I just love visiting farmers' markets. You can almost feel your blood pressure go down when you start browsing the goodies.

  36. Fresh coriander would be wonderful. I can picture myself walking through the market and enjoying myself as well.

  37. beautiful pics and what a great way to start off a lovely day,


  38. Absolutely love the pictures...thanks for sharing them...

  39. Beautiful pictures. It looks like you really have a great farmer's market!

  40. Beautiful images of your your farmer's market. It was even peaceful reading it the way you describe it. It's a nice culture out that way with your mkts, bakeries and restaurants.

  41. I've been adoring this farmer's market this season and you've basically summed up why! Everything is bursting with color and flavor.

  42. Gorgeous farmers market Christine. It's our favorite thing to do on Saturdays too. The heirloom tomatoes caught my eye. I believe I see some Cherokee Purples there.

    I've never seen fresh coriander seeds. I wonder if you grew cilantro would it turn to seed and look like this. They remind me of dill seeds from the photo.

  43. beautiful photos, as always. I enjoy seeing farmers markets from around the country---love learning what they are currently offering.

    A Canadian Foodie is right on about coriander seeds---cilantro seems to go to seed so quickly. Toasted, those seeds impart wonderful spice!

  44. What beautiful pictures and what a wonderful market! I'm trying not to become overly jealous about the variety. Just lovely.

  45. Great photos! And I love that you found coriander seeds and fennel pollen - how cool!

  46. Love the photos-it brings the farmer's market alive. I have had the opportunity to stroll through Union Square's farmer's market, and I can attest to it's abundance and beautiful food. I would go bezerk each Saturday morning if this was my option to purchase fresh, local food.

  47. Thank you for your nice comments on my blog! I actually thought the photos were better than the crab and corn chowder dish...well, that second night anyway :-)

    I was looking at your post and making a mental shopping list of all the lovely produce I would select. Yum!

  48. Hey, walking through farmers markets is a workout in itself. You have to hassle your way through crowds, lugging a heavy basket sure works up an appetite, anyway! Lovely pictures, Christine!

  49. All right - the runners in the background make me feel guilty for not moving my body much lately. But the consumption of the fresh vegetables helps to compensate. The blueberries amaze, I think farmers all over the country are having an amazing summer. I also reserve Saturday a.m. for Farmers Market. Somehow I don't mind getting up early for that!

  50. I am playing 'ketchup' on your blog since WAMPP took so much of my time these past months, and I want to dive into the tomatoes and eat my way through each box!

  51. I love those crazy looking tomatoes, don't you!! I bought a whole basket at my local farmer's market!

  52. i was sooo happy to see farmer's market all over the city... it makes you feel that you are eating healthier food and that you are doing something for the local economy

  53. Oh what I'd do for a great Farmer's market! Love your pictures!

  54. Just found your blog through Stella. What beautiful photos! Just spent a weekend in NY and I am envious of all that NY has to offer with fresh and local ingredients! Great blog, Christine!

  55. I have a slight obsession with Heirloom tomatoes right now. These look amazing!

  56. Your pictures are a welcome treat. I love this Farmers Market, I worked with my favorite farmers before. Your post is really attractive. Good work!!!
