Pastis French Restaurant New York & One of My Most Embarrassing Moments

Pastis (pă-stēs')
1. noun. French licorice-flavored liqueur, typically served as as an apéritif.
2. noun. Lively casual French bistro in New York City's Meat-Packing District known for good libation, fun, and a gorgeous crowd

Enter into Pastis, the trendy European-style bar and restaurant in the fashionable industrial Meatpacking District, and you'll feel as if you've been transported to another country. The tin ceiling, mosaic tiled floors, and mahogany trim bar are evidence of the Parisian style and soul that Pastis strives to embody. 

Even more impressive is the fact that the antique fixtures adorning the establishment, such as the distressed mirror, round lights, brass railings and the newspaper rack were painstakingly collected from flea markets overseas and shipped here.

I last visited Patis in February with Laura of Cooking Photographer, who was visiting New York to participate in Electrolux's cake decorating contest to raise money and awareness of ovarian cancer. If you'd like to read about Laura's story, please click here.

Laura is a professional food photographer who has had her amazing work featured across several large publications such as The Kitchn and Serious Eats.

On this day Laura was showing me how to use my new camera, providing tips and pointers on aperture,  ISO and shutter speed, none of which I'm afraid stuck. I still default to the trial and error method, take a bunch of pictures and hope at least some stick. 

Chicken Liver & Foie Gras Mousse $13

Ravenous from our morning visit to the Chelsea Market watching and smelling artisan breads baking, we  start with a plate of creamy, rich and unctuous chicken liver and foie gras mousse. The generous portion of pâté was accompanied by crisp, chewy and lightly charred thick slices of country bread, and pickled sweet vinegary red onions which balanced, complemented and contrasted the intensity of the buttery mousse. This is a plate I would order again, and the portion is large enough to share among 2-4 people.

Sliced Steak Sandwich with Caramelized Onions and Gruyère $18

Laura ordered the steak sandwich, which was exquisitely layered with thin slices of tender, juicy and well-seasoned beef, caramelized onion and melted Gruyère on a light crispy french bread. This is a substantial sandwich that far exceeded expectations with its quality ingredients and satisfyingly indulgent but refined character. This along with the mousse alone are worth visiting Pastis.

Linguine with Clams Pasta $18

I ordered a bowl of the linguine with clam pasta, which was good for those seeking a lighter fare. I do think the dish could have benefited from extra moisture, perhaps extra butter and / or cream would have enhanced the body of the pasta.

Onto one of the most embarrassing experiences of my life...

Following our wonderful lunch, Laura and I headed to her hotel room to retrieve my computer and other belongings that I stowed away earlier in that cold snowy morning. Since I had placed my computer below the chair, I bent down and reached towards it, but was abruptly halted by the loud noise of fabric ripping STRAND. BY. STRAND...



"OH NO!"

A wave of hysterics erupted as the physical and mental connected and I realized that the inseam of my pants had RIPPED!

I blurted out, "Oh my god! My pants have just ripped!" We both coupled over laughing UNCONTROLLABLY. I laughed so hard I cried and was close to fainting unable to keep enough oxygen in the system.  Laura was surprisingly calm and reassuring about the matter, even informing me that the same thing happened to her husband just two weeks earlier, which helped to dampen some of the mortification ... well you know... when one usually feels when they rip their pants in front of someone they just met.

As soon as I got back on my feet, I texted my husband, "Ugh! My pants just ripped apart! And I'm out and about in town right now!" To which he texted back, "Doh! Truffle Week!" referring to the culinary vacation in Provence that I'd just returned from only a few days earlier. He just couldn't contain himself so he called, and all a could hear over the phone were his colleagues laughing in the background. Thanks honey.

I finally got the courage to leave the hotel. As I felt the draft blowing against my bum all l I could think was: I thank my lucky stars that I wore the same color underwear as my pants!

Other NYC Restaurants that I Recommend


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

a very beautiful post, next time i want to try cook Linguine with Clams Pasta at home, sound delicious!

Pete said...

Nice and delicious food! Love all of them!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Pastis, so good it'll rip your pants??? LOL
I've wanted to try that place, but didn't get the chance. I know its a lot like Balthazar, but I love Balthazar so I'm sure I'll love this too.
*kisses* HH

T.W. Barritt at Culinary Types said...

Well ... and here I was upset at losing a button recently ...

The chicken liver mousse looks sensational!

Barbara said...

Oops! It happens. :)

I'm loving that steak sandwich, but think I'd have to share with someone.

Fun and Fearless in Beantown said...

Beautiful post - ripped pants and all! The chicken liver mousse looks so delicious!

Fun and Fearless in Beantown said...

Beautiful post - ripped pants and all! The chicken liver mousse looks so delicious!

Claudia said...

Oh huge smiles - ripped pants? Been there and done that. Smart thinking with the underwear! I lived in the Village and worked on Hudson and 12th and remember when the meat-packing district was - well the meat-packing district. Amazing to see it so trendy.

Deana Sidney said...

I had the same thing happen once with a new skirt from a pricey label... it hadn't been sewn properly and the stitches weren't held together all the way through... I was so mad I went right back to the store!
Look on the bright side... it happened in the hotel and not in Pastis!

Great photography, BTW, Christine... you don't need photo coaching!

Brda said...

That is a hysterical story. I will have to try Pastis while in the Meat Packing District for the FN Wine & Food Festival this Fall. Although I'm a little afraid to end up in your same circumstance since I have a Truffle dinner planned for my first nite in NYC!

Stella said...

Oh Christine, you're so cute! You know, with how even clothes with an expensive price tag on them are made so quickly and without artistic pride nowadays, it's no wonder this type of thing happens. It's happened to me too!
Oh, and 'Pastis' in NY sounds wonderful, and what great photos-really nice!

Debbie said...

love the pants happened to me with black pants and white underwear...not so much..

love the black and white pic...

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Husbands can be so insensitive at times! A good lesson to learn about choosing underwear to match your pants. I've returned from the restroom at a restaurant only to realize when sitting down that I had forgotten to pull up the zipper of my pants. Not the kind of 'cool' we're looking for ;)

I'm glad Laura was a good sport and you had a laugh over it.

I love the look of that chicken liver mousse and toasted bread!

Victoria said...

I've eaten at Schiller's Liquor Bar, which has the same ownership as Pastis, Balthazar, and Morandi. I've never been to the others, but I feel like they all have a similar rustic/awesome style of decor and a very similar menu (with different prices depending on location... Balthazar being higher, Schiller's being lower). I loved my experience at Schiller's and since I will be working at Chelsea Market I'm really excited to try out Pastis!! Thanks for the recommendation! I hope I'll enjoy it too :)

nancy at good food matters said...

Pastis looks fantastique! they have clearly achieved the authentic look and feel of a Parisian bistro. lovely food, generous servings.

it's been a while since I've torn my pants---augh---I cringe for you. funny and so embarrassing at the same time! I tell myself there are worse things...!!

The Diva on a Diet said...

If I had a dollar for every time I've walked by Pastis on my way to somewhere else ... I could probably buy it. I don't know why we've never tried it. Judging by the steak sandwich alone, I've clearly been missing out!

OMG, about the pants! And more particularly about your husband and his colleagues. Ack! LOL

Asha @ FSK said...

LOL LOL.. oh dear god!!! Sorry, I am laughing but can imagine how mortified you must have been .. ah well.. served a good laugh and none hurt :))

been meaning to go Pastis.. i love the restaurants in that neighborhood.. so distintive and GOOD!! :)

kat said...

How funny!

Lazaro Cooks said...

Fantastic photos of some great food. Seems like a fun day out...embarrassing moment and all.

Mardi Michels said...

Gorgeous photos and a great tale! That's why we love you and your blog Christine!!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

A great story, it must have been both mortifying and kind of funny at the same time :) The lunch at Pastis looks excellent!

Belinda @zomppa said...

HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! I busted up laughing here! That's quite an ice breaker - you handled that with aplomb. Love Pastis.

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

OMG Christine, what an experience. I guess mother is right about underwear. I would have died laughing too until reality set in. (And I would have killed my husband when I got home).

Pastis looks exactly like France. I would not have been able to pass up that plate of chicken liver and foie gras mousse, but now that I think about your pant story, maybe I should just have a salad.

Thanks for sharing your embarrassing moment. If we can't laugh at ourselves, what will become of us.

mysimplefood said...

Hilarious! I think I would burst out laughing too if it happened to me if I was with a friend. If out in the open with strangers, I probably will find a hole to crawl into :)

Ingrid de Villiers said...

What a lovely post..with beautiful photographs of delicious looking foods! Pastis looks like a must visit...!
Thanks so much for sharing your most embarrassing moment...I think it is hilarious!! So glad you wore the same color underwear that matched your pants! :)

Lori said...

Ha, ha! I am laughing with you, not at you. :) Your husband's comment is hilarious. It sounds exactly like something mine would say. No better place for something like that to happen than with other food-loving friends though.

This meal looks incredible. I could go for any one of those dishes. The photos are gorgeous!

Gera@SweetsFoodsBlog said...

Rip your pants, ja ja happened to me in middle of party....I'd like to have Pastis here to try the gorgeous food.

All the best,


OysterCulture said...

Pastis looks amazing, and I feel your pain with the pants - try to wear stuff with elastic waste bands whenever possible, =)

Your food photos and descriptions make me wish I could jump on a plan to NYC, guess I may have to console myself with a trip to Barbacco instead

Sherry said...

OMG - so the ripping of your pants was ultimately my fault???!!!?? Oh, no!! Seriously, great story, Christine - and I can so picture it!

Chef E said...

I love Laura, you, and the photos- I am smiling at your story- you have to think of it as a fashion statement :)

Eddie Howard said...

Hahaha, I've been in that situation before. I just owe ripped pants up to one of the sacrifices we must make as food bloggers ;)

tasteofbeirut said...

haha! I would not have been embarrassed at all! After all, you were in the company of a "sister", not on a first date!
that plate of foie gras would have made me incredibly happy
your skills as a photographer are in no need of improving in my humble opinion
what about dessert? chocolate?????????

FOODESSA said...

First off...great save on the matchy poopoo of undies and pants. How dare Hubby share this with his colleagues. Is he in for a bigger embarrassment down the road? ;o) He's in trouble! about the eatery and the fab food you seemed to have enjoyed. Thanks for the great places which I'm slowly book marking for my next trip to NYC.

Christine...your photos are fantastic every time...I guess the trial and error works for you ;o)
If it makes you feel any better...I still have one of the first dinosaur digitals with absolutely no bells and whistles. I'm actually dreading having to learn on a new camera. I have so many other things to keep my days busy with ;o)

I'll be going to check Laura's site soon. Thanks.

Flavourful wishes,

Kim said...

Pastis looks like a wonderful place to visit and enjoy a meal with a new friend. The steak sandwich does look very indulgent, rich and juicy.

So sorry about the pants ripping. At least you were in the company of a friend and not a crowded room.

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Perhaps you should have shared your delicious meal at Pastis...only kidding:D It happened at work once and I wore track pants for the hole day:D

The Cooking Photographer said...

My dear friend! I had completely forgotten about you pants! I had such a good time with you that small detail was lost.

What filled my head instead was amazing food (and portions sizes holy cow!), your friendship, and all the beautiful shops we visited together.

Christine I can’t wait to visit again! Thank-you for spending time with me during that freezing crazy snowy week. Although, I hope you believe now that your photography is beautiful. You don’t have to be a professional to have a great eye, and you certainly have one.


lisaiscooking said...

What a delicious-looking meal! And, your pants story sounds exactly like something that would happen to me. (Only, I'm sure my underwear wouldn't match.;)

~Lisa~ said...

keke I think we've all had those moments. And your photos are amazing. What a great restaurant!

Sara McCarty said...

Hahaha! I guess you can now say that you ate so much you split your pants! Literally! So funny!

Love the pictures in this post. You said you got a new camera? What kind?

A Canadian Foodie said...

Hilarious. One summer day I was attending an education conference and wearing a light summer dress and sandals (no stockings). I had 3 gals in my car and they were just a step ahead of me, with about 30 ahead of them in the parkade... it was jammed with conference goers. I was rushing to catch up, and then, almost fell, as something was bound around my ankles! I looked down. The elastic in my silk panties had broken and they were on my ankles covering my feet. I was MORTIFIED. In a split second, I lifted out one foot and kicked up the other with the panties on it; I grabbed them in my hand and had them in my pocket before anyone noticed. I could NOT believe my luck. No one was behind me!!! My friends turned to see me so red and asked what had happened. They didn't believe me until I produced the evidence. Needless to say, I went to the lingerie department immediately, and was late for the conference.

The Blonde Duck said...

You poor thing!

Chubby Chinese Girl said...

I love pastis... and that is pretty funny! maybe not at the moment it happened... but now it is!

La Bella Cooks said...

I would have been laughing hysterically as well if it happened to me. It's good to laugh at yourself from time to time. As usual, your photos are inspiring and make all the dishes all the more inviting.

Joanne said...

I'd like to think the best part about fellow bloggers is that we are all so nonjudgmental. You break an inseam in your pants...I'll just lend you a pair of mine! Haha funny story. And excellent meal! I want that steak sandwich, I have to say!

Penny said...

Pastis looks wonderful. I love your restaurant reviews. As to the pants, I would have probably compounded the problem after laughing so much, if you get my drift.

Kitchen M said...

That's so hilarious!
Thank goodness it didn't happen on a street though!!

Kitchen M said...

Actually, I don't remember this particular restaurant, but I do recognize the place in your first photo. I was just there in February! :)

Emily said...

I ripped my pants during a mission trip in DC in highschool. Unable to return to the church we were staying at until later in the day, I stapled them together. :-)

Cooking Gallery said...

I think your photography is beautiful - I am still wondering myself how to use the macro function for my camera - so far I have only been using the amateur automatic one ;).

Jean said...

The chicken liver and foie gras mousse has my name written all over it. Too bad I missed Pastis when I was in NYC in March but I'm sure there will be a next time.

Thanks for the laugh sharing your embarrassing moment--laughing with you and not at you. :-) At least the possible cause was lots of good eating in Provence! :-)

Chiara said...

Christine,your photos are fantastic every time,lovely reportage!Bravo!

Cathy said...

Oh dear, I had a similar experience, black pants - white undies - and had to wear a sweater tied around my waist all day. It's funny now.

Deb in Hawaii said...

Love, love, love Pastis. I had an awesome brunch there a couple of years ago. The photos are gorgeous and it is nice to hear that embarrassing things like that happen to other people too. ;-)

Jamie said...

That is too funny! But sounds like the cherry on top of the cake of a perfect day! I love Laura and you guys are lucky to have spent such a memorable day together.

From the Kitchen said...

I think a ripped seam is a small price to pay for enjoying the amazing food. The bread alone has me drooling and when one adds the pate, etc. Oh my. I say "let it all hang out".

I must mention the heirloom tomatoes from your previous post. Our market has them too. Priceless at: $2 a pound!!


Gloria Baker said...

These food look amazing Christine! and you are so funny! Yes I lived similar things of my life! OMG, huggs gloria

Cristie said...

Oh, that is funny! Laura is the perfect person to have that happen with, she's so real. Ripping pants, that is bad. . . funny, funny.

Mari Nuñez said...

OMG... to the pants story. Poor you, and yes, you are lucky you wore matching color undies. LOL

Pastis looks wonderful and the food very inviting. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Have an awesome pants unripped day!

sweetlife said...

omg, your too cute, at least you were with a friend, dont' worry I think that has happened t most of us food bloggers, great eats!! I also take the same route, snapp a ton of pics and hope for the best..


Magic of Spice said...

I am sorry, but what a delightful post...You seemed to handle it well :) The restaurant looks glorious...

Juliana said...

Christine, sorry...but love the way you describe it...hehehe!
The food looks amazing, would love to dig my fork in all of them ;-)

otehlia cassidy said...

That steak sandwich looks so divine! How fun to eat out in NY. Thanks for sharing your embarrassing moment. Sounds like you handled it graciously!

sophia said...

Oh Christine! I'm so sorry but I had to laugh out loud at the part when your pants ripped! Classic! I'm sure you made quite an endearing, adorable impression. ;-)

Katrina (Betty Ray) said...

We love that restaurant too!! Your pictures came out beautiful. Made me instantly hungry and I Just ate. :) Sorry about your pants though. I once noticed a hole in the rear of my pants AFTER I got to work (1.5 city blocks walk at rush hour). Sadly there was no breeze to tip me off earlier.

Momo said...

congrats for your new camera,the pics are very beautiful!a great post,amazing food and place,and a funny story with your pants,it's completely!

Vicky @ eatlivespin said...

Love this post! Beautiful pictures and a funny story! Had me in stitches!

Mari @ Once Upon a Plate said...

C ~ GORGEOUS photos! Looks like you've mastered your camera already; I'm drooling over he food shots.

You cracked me up with the description of your little mishap ~ a good sense of humor is a must in this life...yes?! xoxo ~m

Meeta K. Wolff said...

oh how funny. i think you handled it perfectly. but you know what - i love the fact you called your husband first. i would have done the same. i just drooled for 30 mins at that steak sandwich!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry about your embarassing moment! is kind of funny though. I would laugh at myself in mortification as you did.

Chocolate Freckles said...

MMMM I am drewling over the foie gras mousse

Lori said...

Love it! Isnt it nice to get a good chuckle even if you are the brunt of it sometimes. I split my pants open on a chair lift on my way up the slopes. Oh did my classmates have a field day!

I am off to visit your friends site. This was a very nice post with some beautifully captivating photos. Thanks.

El said...

You are too funny. Glad you survived!

Delicious Dishings said...

Aw! You handled it well and at least it made everyone around you happy and giddy. There's something to be said for spreading cheer. :)

Unknown said...

What a funny story! It's great you managed to keep a great sense of humor about the whole situation.

Btw, I am totally loving your photos, especially how you mix in the b&w pics here and there.

Justin said...

oh man, what a story. at least you were able to laugh about it!

Debi (table talk) said...

As long as we are talking about embarrassing MOST embarrassing moment was when I left the ladies room in LAX airport with the back of my skirt tucked into my pantyhose.
I discovered this when a nice woman tapped me on the shoulder and whispered "your need to fix it"
Haven't topped that one yet; thank goodness!

Debi (table talk) said...

As long as we are talking about embarrassing MOST embarrassing moment was when I left the ladies room in LAX airport with the back of my skirt tucked into my pantyhose.
I discovered this when a nice woman tapped me on the shoulder and whispered "your need to fix it"
Haven't topped that one yet; thank goodness!

Nguyenbatrung said...

It's very beautiful