When Dreams Come True

A couple of months ago, I received an e-mail from one of my dearest friends, Gloria, who lives in San Francisco. As I've written here and here, my friends mean the world to me. Here's how the letter went:

"Hi Christine! It was great to hear your voice today from your voice message. I am sorry I have been amiss in being in touch with you as well... I have been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. I really wanted to email you this weekend after you were in my dreams last week. In the dream, I thought you looked overweighted, and it turned out you were pregnant!"

I wrote back:


It always makes me smile to read your e-mails, mostly because I can imagine how the conversation would unfold if we were talking in person. I'm glad to hear that C is doing well. It must have been anguishing to sit through the surgery and have to wait minute after minute. It must have driven you crazy.

Me prego? You might know something I don't know. Funny enough the conversation about starting a family came up this weekend, but it's not in our near-term plans. Wouldn't it be funny if we looked back, and you predicted something that neither Kiefer or I had any idea about. That would be really cool!"

And as it turns out...

Dreams do come true.


Simply Life said...

Oooh! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Yay! What exciting news!!

Anonymous said...

OMG, congratulations to you and your husband! I am so happy for you. Wishing you a healthy and successful pregnancy!
*kisses* HH

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

How exciting Christine for you and your husband. Congratulations.

Your friend must have ESP. That is way cool.

Deana Sidney said...

Christine, congrats... dreams and friends can be amazing. I know your baby will be among the best fed in NYC! you must be over the moon!

TKW said...

So very, very thrilled for you!

Jamie said...

Oh heavens this is more than exciting! Congratulations to you all!!! Fabulous!

La Table De Nana said...

I have goosebumps..Congratulations!!

Fun and Fearless in Beantown said...


Claudia said...

What an intuitive friend you have! Congratulations to you and your husband on starting one of life's most amazing journey.

Beth said...

Congratulations! What happy news!

Anonymous said...

Christine, what exciting news! Congratulations!!!

baby said...


Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

How exciting.... bet s/he will only want cheese pizza, imagine the words, "Can't we have normal food like McDonald's tonight???"

They are such a blessing in almost every way!

Momo said...

wow,such a big news,congrats!i'm so happy for you and your husband!

Yenta Mary said...

How wonderful -- mazal tov!!!

Asha @ FSK said...

YAY!! Congratulations dear girl!! :))) So happy for you :)))

Asha @ FSK said...

we need to sew!!

Fresh Local and Best said...

Thanks for the kind words everyone! We are thrilled!

kat said...


Anonymous said...

Christine, so happy for you both! Enjoy and Congrats, Sweetie! Hugs!

Katrina (Betty Ray) said...

OMG, how exciting!!! Congrats to you and your husband/boyfriend (sorry, not sure which). :)

I can only imagine how beautiful this baby will be.

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Oh my gosh, congratulations, Christine! That is so uncanny about your friend's email! Goosebumps!

Ravenous Couple said...

Congratulations!!! We're so happy for you both. What a great story to share with all of us!

Sherry said...

Christine, we are so excited for you and Stewart! Hope to see you both soon!

Unknown said...

Congrats!! Can't wait to meet the little foodie-to-be!

Liren said...

Congratulations!!! I'm ecstatic for you, enjoy this special time!

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Congratulations!! Wishing you all the best!

Cailin @ Stir Crazy said...

Congratulations!! Your life is about to change in the best way ever! I hope you enjoy every moment of your pregnancy!

Mardi Michels said...


Jean said...

Wow, a huge congratulations! What an exciting time this is for you and your family. Very happy for you. :-)

Jean said...

Wow, a huge congratulations! What an exciting time for you and your family. Very happy for you. :-)

Kim said...

Christine - Congratulations! Wonderful news for you and your family. Best of luck to you with your pregnancy.

Sara McCarty said...

I love this story!! Congratulations again and again and again!!

Belinda @zomppa said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is such a wonderful story and it totally made my day. =) =) =) Oh, I can't wait to hear about this journey.

El said...

OMG--Congratulations. I'm so happy for you guys. Take good care of yourself!

Cindy said...

Ooo!! Congrats!!!

Gloria Baker said...

Congrats Im so happy for you, always I think you are a lovely person Christine!, x gloria

Prerna@IndianSimmer said...

Aww, You just made me cry :-(
Reminded me of the day I discovered that my li'l monster's on her way!!
Isn't it like the best feeling in this whole freaking world!!
Congratulations to you guys! yay! I'm happy dancing :-)

chow and chatter said...

I am thrilled for you
you will be an awesome Mummy

Diana Bauman said...

AAHHH!!!! I'm so excited it's out!!! Congrats Christine!! It's time to plan a virtual baby shower!!!! BESITOS!!!


T.W. Barritt at Culinary Types said...

Congratulations! So exciting! I'll bet the baby will have an awesome palate.

White Hot Oven said...

Love this post :) Such exciting news! And it looks like everything is going well since I last saw you!

Emily said...

wow, congratulations christine!!! :)

Stella said...

Yay! That's so awesome, Christine! I want a baby so bad lately:) I'm too happy for you. I hope the coming months are full of people doting over you and anticipating your little lovely (smile)...!

Lynn @ I'll Have What She's Having said...


Velva said...

I love stories like this one. Enjoy every moment!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so excited for you!

Elina (Healthy and Sane) said...

Wow, that's pretty crazy! Congratulations!! :D

Donna-FFW said...

Oh how absolutely wonderful. Exciting, wonderful news. Congrats!

A Canadian Foodie said...

What a happy miracle. What an amazing post. This is absolutely the best pic that you have ever posted. CONGRATULATIONS! BIG BIG hug!

Deb in Hawaii said...

Christine, What wonderful news--I am so happy for you! Congratulations!

The Church Cook said...

Oh, Christine! How wonderful! Your life will never be the same! So happy for you and your husband!! Congratulations!

Lea Ann said...

omg what a great little post with a great little surprise. Congratulations

OysterCulture said...

Hehe (big grin) love the way you broke this one! Congratulations, I am so happy for you and look forward to seeing how the new little person becomes a part of your lives.

Mari Nuñez said...

What a wonderful blessing :)


The recipe loos awesome. Perfect plate to have just now!

Thanks for sharing the wonderful dream come true, and the recipe.

Victoria said...

Can't say I didn't know about this already, haha. Congrats again Christine to you and your husband! I wonder if it's a boy or a girl :-D

Delicious Dishings said...

Congratulations!!! I love the whole story with your friend dreaming about it first. Life is so mysterious that way. Will you be finding out boy or girl or waiting to be surprised?

Penny said...

I am so happy for you Christine! We are expecting our first Grandson in Feb. I will enjoy following your progress. What a lucky baby.

lisaiscooking said...

Oh my goodness, that's so cool! Congratulations!

bunkycooks said...

Congrats! That is wonderful news. I wish you and your husband the best of luck with your pregnancy!

sweetlife said...

CONGRATS!!!! I am excited for you in this next chapter of your life, take care...


Reeni said...

Congratulations Christine! That is great news! A chill went up my spine when I was reading this.

Cynthia said...

OMG, wow, congratulations!

Esme said...

Congrats again-how exciting to see the sonogram.

Sally - My Custard Pie said...

Congratulations. You've got an exciting time ahead.

Claiborne @ butteredbread said...

Congratulations! Also wanted to say I enjoyed your informative guest post over at Oyster Culture-you have motivated me to cross the bridge and check out the market, ASAP!

La Bella Cooks said...

Best wishes to you, my friend, for a wonderful, healthy pregnancy. Congrats to you both.

Chef Bee said...

I wish you the very best and easiest pregnancy. Congrats on your blessing.

Plan B

Unknown said...

OMG I'm sooooooo happy for you!! Congrats!

nancy at good food matters said...

Go Gloria--she was tuned in!
Wonderful News, Christine--wishing you ease and good health with the pregnancy; such an exciting time.

Thanks for sharing--
all best wishes, Nancy

theUngourmet said...

Smiles! Congratulations!! Becoming a mother is a most magical thing!

Kitchen Butterfly said...

Oh C, congratulations!!!!!!!!!! That's definitely the law of attraction. I wish you all the best of health and strength. Stay well,love and XX

Cathy said...

That is great news, Christine! That's the best thing that will ever happen in your life. God bless.

Lori said...

Oh my goodness, that is just wild! What a story! Congratulations!

The Duo Dishes said...

It's funny how things happen. Congrats!

Tasty Trix said...

Whoa!!! That is so weird that your friend had that dream. Congrats to you "Mama!"

Barbara said...

Oh Christine! How amazing is that??? Congratulations! I am grinning like crazy.

Erica said...

Congratulations and good luck!!!It is wonderful!

Katerina said...

First time at your blog. Congratulations on the good news. That's what real friendship is all about. Feeling and living our friends' lives.

From the Kitchen said...

Congratulations!!! How nice to check in on you (just back from my vacation) and hear this exciting news!!


Unknown said...

Oh wow!!! Congratulations!!! Such exciting news :). You will post pictures as you progress, won't you?

Ingrid de Villiers said...

Oh my goodness Christine...I missed the last part of this post and then read the comments and went back to the post and only then saw the precious gift! Congratulations....I am so happy for you!!!

Joanne said...

Oh my gosh CONGRATULATIONS BABE! I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO excited and happy for you! And how very cool that your friend predicted it! I'm going to start giving a lot more weight to my dreams from now on...

redmenace said...

WOW! Dreams do come true. This is just wonderful news! Can't wait to follow your pregnancy too. It goes by so fast!!! xoxoxo

Belinda @zomppa said...

Hey!! Guess what? I'm in SF right now! I wish I could have stayed longer...here for a wedding....

marla@familyfreshcooking.com said...

Now that is so exciting!!! Congrats to you and your hubs. Sounds like you and your friend have a very special relationship. Can't wait to see more of the bebe!

Chiara said...

Congratulations Christine!!! What exciting news!!

Chef E said...

Congrats Christine! How exciting...what a lucky child to have such well fed and foodie parents!

Table Talk said...

This is fantastic news! You have so much to look forward to.
I wish you and your husband the best during this happy time :)

Juliana said...

Christine...congratulations...I am so happy for you :-)

Stella said...

Hey Christine,
I hope you are doing well. I bet you're tired lately, no?
You know, I originally saw 'radish top' pesto on Joumana's blog. Then I saw you made a beautiful one too recently. I would have linked to you both, but I kind of ended up using my own recipe by just throwing what I had on hand in the food processor. If you want me to put in a link to you, I would be happy to do so. I thought of you while I was making it (smile)...!

A Vapid Blonde said...

Wow, Super news!

Biz said...

Congratulations to you both! That is so exciting, and hoping that you have a smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby!

Jennie said...

This is so wonderful Christine!! Congratulations to you and your husband! Beautiful feeling isn't it! ; )

Michelle @ Taste As You Go said...

I am so, so excited and happy for you! Can't wait to celebrate next week!

Apples and Butter said...

Yay! It's out! i can finally say congratulations. So happy for you!

How is the morning sickness? Let me know if you're up for brunch and Fishs Eddy round two!

Christina said...


SK said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting. In Korean culture dreams are meant to be interpreted and if someone dreams about you being pregnant it's always the next hot topic!

Congratulations again :)

Lori Lynn said...

Hi Christine! How amazing is that? You and Gloria certainly have a special connection.

YAY! Congratulations!

Magic of Spice said...

Congratulations!!! Such a fantastic story :)

Haddock said...

(how come I missed this)

Chuzai Living said...

Congratulations, Christine!!! This is wonderful and your story is amazing. You're such a great story teller and I love reading your story!! I am so excited to know about your happy news. Thanks for sharing. Gloria has become part of your future member of the family even before he/she was created!!! Kaho