Roasted Red Bell Pepper and Spinach Lasagna

Thank you everyone for your amazing comments in my last post! It's a special experience to be showered with enthusiasm for such a big change in our lives. My husband and I are very excited (and nervous) about becoming parents. There's so much that we are looking forward to.

Lately I've been finding myself crazed by hunger. It's a strange feeling because I've always been very good about waiting until the next meal to eat. All of the sudden I find myself ravaging the refrigerator for leftovers, and checking every corner of the pantry for that last bar of chocolate. It's maddening!

These days I'm planning big dinners so that I have plenty of leftovers to get me through the day. One of the recipes that has made for very good leftovers is an easy to prepare roll-up lasagna that I found on The Food Addicts' blog.

This lasagna offers sweet smoky flavors from the roasted red bell peppers, contrasted with the hearty and comforting textures of cheese, spinach and pasta. If you have some extra time it's well worth it to roast your own red bell peppers from scratch, the sweet flavor and texture is so much more superior, you'll never go back to the jarred variety. Also, sweet bell peppers and spinach are listed among the Dirty Dozen, which are the 12 fruits and vegetables that retain the highest levels of pesticide residue, so it might be worth it to seek organic if you can.

Roasted Red Bell Pepper and Spinach Lasagna
From The Food Addicts
  • 4 lasagna noodles
  • ½ cup ricotta cheese
  • 1 cup mozzarella, shredded
  • 1 cup spinach (preferably frozen, chopped and thawed)
  • 1 cup roasted red bell peppers, freshly roasted or from a jar
  • 2 cups marinara sauce
  • 1 tablespoon fresh basil, sliced thinly (optional)
  1. Boil lasagna noodles until al dente, drain and lay flat to cool on a cutting board or cookie sheet.
  2. Take a heaping tablespoon of ricotta cheese and spread evenly across lasagna noodles.
  3. Layer about 3 tablespoons of spinach and roasted red peppers onto the noodles. Sprinkle each noodle with about a tablespoon and a half of mozzarella and spoon a thin layer of marinara sauce onto the cheese.
  4. Start from the end and carefully roll lasagna. Place in a baking dish and cover with remaining marinara and mozzarella cheese.
  5. Bake at 400 degrees F until cheese is golden and bubbling.
  6. Top with fresh basil, if using, and serve.
Serves 4.


  1. Wow! This is my kind of dinner. Absolutely amazing photos. It looks delicious. I love this post! I'm glad everything is going well. I'm scouring the kitchen too and I have no excuse!

  2. Definitely the dish to cure the cravings. Glad you are doing well. Take care!

  3. Congratulations on expecting a little one! The first three months were really the worst for me - being hungry all the time and also very tired. I slept a lot more than usual!

    I will definitely try this lasagna. This week we are going to enjoy the lamb curry with pumpkin you wrote about on 10/26.

  4. Awwww....congraz!!!!!!
    one of the best things about being pregnant is u can eat whenever u want. i can assure u no one will judge u!!
    take good care!

  5. Congratulations! Enjoy your pregnancy!

  6. Congratulations, you should start to take more nutritions food, something like this is good enough.

  7. Congratulations, you should start to take more nutritions food, something like this is good enough.

  8. This dinner looks absolutely wonderful!

  9. ¡Oh, it´s delicious!, the photografies are beautiful.

    (dadá flavors)

  10. What better reason to be satisfying those hunger pangs, and what a great way to find satisfaction! The colors and flavors tucked into those roll ups look absolutely amazing!

  11. This would definitely take care of my hunger pains. I love the idea of the roasted red peppers in this and making your own is always better.

    We're very pleased for you and your husband and will be here with you all the way.

  12. What a beautiful and delicious-looking dish! It looks perfect for those cold winter days that are coming our way!

  13. Gorgeous! I love the look, too, of roll-up lasagna.
    There really is no substitute for red bell peppers, roasted in your own oven---unparalleled sweetness.

    I remember being that ravenous with pregnancy-some days insatiable! but, its for very good reason...
    Here's to your continued good health and appetite.

  14. When I was pregnant I craved cream cheese in any form. I never got over it.

    Your lasagna looks wonderful. Rolling the noodles makes such a beutiful presentation.

  15. Wow, this looks delicious. It's been a long time since I've made any lasagna-maybe it's time now;-)

  16. It is 8am here and I my mouth was watering as I saw and read this recipe. YUM!!

  17. Great dish!

    Enjoy your pregnancy - cravings, being really hungry, and all! :-)

  18. Loving this lasagna!! The colors, the flavors...and really, simple enough to make as well!
    I craved (of all things) soft shelled crabs with my last one!

  19. It looks melt in your mouth good..

    I loved being pregnant..The best of times..Enjoy every moment.

  20. What a lovely and healthy meal! This looks fabulous!

  21. I used to send my husband out for special treats when I was working and pregnant. There was an avocado melt on sourdough bread from a local restaurant that I craved! Maybe it's the cheese pregnant women need ;)

    What a wonderful lasagna recipe and great way to solve those hunger pangs!

  22. Sounds like a great veggie lasagna

  23. Can't wait to try this - and will definitely roast my own peppers! Thanks so much!

  24. And, you didn't call me??!!! :(( :PPP :DDD.. just kidding!! Lovely dinner C! so yummy and so good :)

  25. This looks delicious! It also makes a beautiful presentation. Hope things are going well with you. Babies are exciting blessings!


  26. Those pictures make me go to the kitchen.

  27. Wonderful dinner. It looks so delicious that it made me feel hungry. I agree on roasting your own peppers. I prefer to do it myself, also. I glad your feeling great.

    God bless :)

  28. That is a great dish to have for leftovers and "extra" meals. I just made a big pan of lasagna to freeze in different containers while I am off my feet. I like the roasted red peppers in this version.

  29. These really do look simple and delicious! I love making enough food for leftovers, especially when you find yourself looking for snacks on a regular basis!

  30. Oh that lasagna looks so fresh and full of flavor!

  31. This is sooooo gracing my dinner table. And I will blog about it and send you glory (or a few followers). Eat when you're hungry - and nobody told me that the first trimester - you can just be exhausted. I would fall asleep after doing the dishes! I thought I had mono - went to the doctor - I had never been exhausted and he laughed his silly head off. So cook, eat and rest! Take your cues from your body! And keep coming up with those scrumptious recipes. I will be your taster.

  32. In every dish with lasagna I try to find the ingredients they keep inside them. I love this dish because you can put almost anything in between the layers. I love your creation. Regarding the pregnancy just try to eat normally. During the 9th month kilos just add to you even by breathing.

  33. Yum, this lasagna sure looks very satisfying! And nutritious with spinach and red pepper!

  34. Congratulations! You are about to have your life change dramatically and forever. I love the idea of red pepper spinach and cheese underneath, rolled up. I am preparing a red pepper dish today and this one would be next on my list.

  35. Beautiful lasagna! The roasted red peppers sound fantastic in this.

  36. Congrats again on soon-to-be parenthood! So exciting! :)

    Your lasagna looks beautiful...definitely a fantastic recipe, especially with cold days and holidays coming right up.

  37. I agree--amazing photos!! You did a great job capturing the flavor in picture form, if that makes any sense. =) The recipe looks just plain delicious.
    And parenthood--wow. Congratulations!

  38. That picture alone has turned me into a food addict, what an amazing looking lasagna. I just got a mountain of veggies from my CSA and you have me inspired.

    Glad to hear all is well with you hope you are not suffering from too much morning sickness.

  39. Looks amazing! Looks at those gorgeous layers! and congrats on the great news =)

  40. First congrats on your pregnancy! What an exciting time for you and your husband. You'll be a fine mommy. And this lasagna looks healthy and amazingly tasty! And as always amazing photos.

  41. Christine - So glad to hear that you are doing well and have a great appetite. That's great news!

    Your lasagna rolls are absolutely beautiful. I bet you were more than delighted to know that these were ready and waiting for you...isn't that a good feeling?

  42. What a luxurious looking lasagna. Enjoy it daaaaahling. Remember, you are eating for two, and if that's not a good excuse, I dont know what is!
    *kisses* HH

  43. Dear Christine
    I can't help to smile about your cravings...When I was pregnant I once craved lobster 11'clock at night, my husband was so frustrated because he couldn't get it for me at that hour. I said to him, honey don't worry, I don't have to have it right now, I am just craving it! :)
    This lasagna looks delicious and I am definitely going to try it soon! Thanks for posting it!
    Enjoy your is all part of the journey as you know!

  44. There are some posts that just make you want to hit the m key ...mmmmmmmmmmmmmm What tempting pics.

  45. Beautiful dish. I recall seeing a similar post about a year ago and I made it with my students at school. I am so glad you posted yours, as it has reminded me that I vowed this would be a regular dish in our house, we loved it so much, too - and then I never made it again.
    Isn't this a wonderful time in your life? Miracles are happening.

  46. Your lasagna looks delicious! I love the flavor combination of the roasted peppers and spinach. PS, Congrats on your pregnancy!

  47. Meatless Lasagna never really interested me...until now! This looks so delicious!!!

  48. this reminds me of a rolled up lasagna i made with my friend last christmas! i was worried about the water the bell peppers would let out but then i read "roasted" and that sounds absolutely perfect.

    and thank you for sharing the "dirty dozen" - not many organic options available here in mexico unless i grow it myself, but it's good to keep in mind!

  49. This looks simply awesome!!! Ohhh love pasta so much!!

  50. lovely recipe and he he your hungry as you have a little growing baba in ya!

  51. Your lasagna is amazing and those photos make it come alive--such gorgeous color. ;-)

  52. Christine, the photos say it all! beautiful.

    It's a good sign, if you are enjoying eating in your pregnancy, it means that your bundle of joy is going to enjoy food too. :-)

    Kick back and enjoy your pregnancy, it is a wonderful time in your life.

  53. Wow! That looks like some serious lasagna. It looks so delicious and definitely something I could make, so thanks!! Congrats on the great news, too!

  54. This is one of my very favorite foods
    and it looks amazing...
    Babies are funny that way, you will eat when and what they want...
    Enjoy :)

  55. Again big congrats for your sweet change in your life! :)))))))

    This lasagna is really mind-boggling!

    All the best and sweet to you,


  56. Well I agree with the other posters who say you should just ENJOY your cravings and not feel guilty. As long as you continue to eat beautiful and healthy food like this, it can't hurt!!

  57. So good and filling and so good for you. Your little miracle will be a healthy baby!

  58. oh this is the pefect treat for you, oh girl you will be hungry ALL the time, but it's all worth it...treat yourself and celebrate your new life...


  59. Thanks for the mention! This is by far one of our favorites dishes to make. The best thing about this dish is that is incorporates fresh vegetables and each portion is individual. Cheers and congrats on the baby.

  60. I had big plans to make a veggie lasagna over the summer, and I just never got to it. Maybe for a reason though... because this recipe looks so much better than any of the others I saw. I'll have to make this one.

  61. we were photographing a lasagna today with spinach in it, and then I saw this, and now I'm wondering why I've never tried that before, especially since I'm a spinach lover.

  62. Gorgeous photo! it looks so delicious! And congratulations!!!
    I remember the days of hunger. Hmm, they didn't seem to go away to easily:)

  63. wow...i would love to have this as my dinner! looks so tempting!

  64. I'm still bursting with excitement for you! And, as far as hunger goes, I know exactly what you mean. You'll go through phases with it during your pregnancy. These days, I still get ravenous, but I fill up super fast. There's not much room in there anymore. Hurrah for a good smokey lassagne. Yum!

  65. I've never been pregnant, but I'm ravenous for food all the time! =) The lasagna looks great and so easy to make!

  66. This looks like a delicious and healthy dinner!

  67. That looks like a delightful lasagna! I love lasagna, so I have to try this recipe some time. How funny you're craving chocolate. It sounds so cute that you're looking for food! At least you're doing that when you're pregnant. I sometimes look for chocolate in our pantry and I am not even pregnant!!

  68. That's a great colourful lasagna! And congratulations on the coming baby!

  69. That is a beautiful lasagna! Love the colors!!!My vegetarian husband would love that.

  70. Italians like me love to cook lasagna in so many ways, this looks gorgeous and tasty!!Congratulations on the great news,all the best Christine, a hug....

  71. Christine, this is a gorgeous lasagna. I love the colors and the texture looks very appetizing. The photo totally speaks to me.

  72. awww Christine i want to hug you and congratulate you for the good news. I know i read it somewhere (prolly FB or Twitter) about the good news but I can't wait for your little me to pop up. Take it easy and enjoy your pregnancy!
