Rustic Caramelized Onion and Chanterelle Quiche

This morning I woke up to the warm memory of a dream that I had from a distant past. At the time, my current husband was just a promise, someone who I had met less than two months before. In the dream I was sitting in his sun swept living room looking out into a rare clear blue sky over the San Francisco bay.  While it was the same house Keefer was living in at that time, in the dream we were just moving in, the place was bare, furnished with only a white twill sofa. Situated next to me was an infant roughly six months old.  I wondered who this little stranger was, so calm and peaceful in his carrier.  Then all of the sudden, Keefer walks into the room from playing a game of catch with a five year old boy. Who are these kids? I remember asking myself.  They were two people who I had never met before... and yet, they were so familiar.

If you guessed that they were our sons, you could be at least half right. We found out recently that our first baby is a boy! I often think back to that dream and wonder whether it was a vision.  More and more it seems like it. At the time we had no plans to leave the bay area, which explains why in the dream we were moving back. And when we did move to New York, we convinced ourselves we would be away for only two years, perhaps to give us enough courage to actually do it. We're running up against that two-year mark with no plans in the foreseeable future to move back. So we'll be enjoying these next few years raising a New Yorker, a future Yankees fan and getting an up and close personal lesson on why this city never sleeps. Who knows, years from now that dream might come to fruition and we'll find ourselves back where it all got started.

This rustic quiche is a lofty layering of savory peppery Comté cheese, caramelized onions, and buttery herby sauteed wild chanterelles. It's a heavenly melding that ensures all of the goodies are nicely distributed throughout the silky egg custard. This recipe does require some planning, as the quiche needs at least an hour to cool down once out of the oven. Although torturous to inhale the wondrous aromas while cooling on the kitchen counter, it's worth the wait and makes excellent leftovers.

Caramelized Onion and Chanterelle Quiche
adapted from Good Food Matters
The pie crust can be must a day ahead of time. While the original recipe does not call for it, I may try to pre-bake the crust next time to achieve a crisper and flakier shell prior to adding the layer of grain mustard, which Nancy from Good Food Matters says is the secret to this recipe.

Pie crust:
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 6 tablespoon butter, chilled, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
  • 3-4 tablespoon ice water
  • 1 tablespoon coarse grain mustard, to coat crust
  • 2 tablespoons butter, halved
  • 4 medium onions, sliced lengthwise
  • 3-4 sprigs of fresh thyme leaves
  • 2 cups half-and-half
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 cups shredded gruyere cheese, halved (I used Comté)
  • sea salt and black pepper
  • 1/4 lb. chanterelle mushrooms, sliced lengthwise
Pie crust
This portion of the recipe can be made ahead of time.
  1. In a food processor fitted with the pastry swivel, pulse together the flour, salt, and butter. Add water–3 tablespoons to start–and pulse until the dough gathers into a ball. Add another tablespoon of water if necessary.
  2. Wrap the dough ball in plastic and refrigerate for at least one hour, but does well to make in advance, and refrigerate overnight. Roll out dough on a lightly flour-dusted surface until round, thin and pliable. Place into tart dish and press onto the sides.
  3. Coat surface with 1 tablespoon coarse grain mustard. Refrigerate until ready to fill.
  1. Melt butter in a deep skillet on medium heat and slowly saute onions until soft, slightly browned, and very sweet. This may take 15 minutes.
  2. Season with salt and black pepper. When cooked, stir in the fresh thyme leaves, and place into a small bowl. In the same skillet, melt another tablespoon of butter and gently stir the sliced chanterelles until they are butter-coated, soft, and golden. Remove from heat.
  3. Beat eggs and half-and-half together until well blended or no trace of egg yolk remain.
  4. Bring out the tart shell. Sprinkle a layer of shredded gruyere on the bottom.
  5. (about half of what you have) Spoon in all the onions. Pour in the egg mixture. Place pieces of cooked chanterelle all over the top, along with the remaining gruyere.
  6. Place into a 375 degree oven and bake for 40 minutes, or until golden brown, and mixture is set.
  7. Allow the quiche to cool down and solidify for an hour. Delicious warm, or room temperature.


Lauren said...

A boy! How wonderful! I'm soooo happy for you guys. And what a beautiful dream.

The quiche sounds fabulous too. It made my stomache growl.

Belinda @zomppa said...

What a beautiful dream/vision! WOW. Congratulations on your new little boy. Maybe #2 will be back in the Bay area, eh? Want that quiche!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

BEAUTIFUL dream!!! And congratulations on the boy :)

Delicious quiche!

Mini Baker said...

congrats! and yummm i love quiche!!

Stella said...

Hey Christine, that's a sweet dream. Mine are usually a bit, well, weird (smile). So I can appreciate a lovely type dream like that, and hope for them...
Ooh, and this quiche looks so nice. Before reading anything, I thought 'Christine must be having cravings'. Yum!

Cathy said...

Chanterelles are always a treat and very difficult to find here this time of year. What a delicious quiche.

A little boy, how wonderful. I'm so happy for you, Christine.

El said...

How wonderful Christine. Congratulations to you both! What an amazing gift is headed your way. Glad to see you're still cooking. The quiche looks incredible!

Katrina (Betty Ray) said...

Yay for a boy!! I had my boy first too. :)

This quiche looks delicious. Can't wait to give it a try.

Many more happy dreams and realities for you I hope.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your son! The quiche is lovely!

sally said...

What beautiful mushrooms! I bet they were great in that quiche. Congratulations on your son!

Fun and Fearless in Beantown said...

These quiche looks wonderful. Congratulations on your son!

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

I hope that it was a vision and that you realize your dream to get back to the sunny coast. You are knee deep in snow so now whould be a good time:D In the meantime I can see that you are loving your new home in the East and enjoying many delicious meals as a family.

Delicious Dishings said...

I love the idea of coating the crust with grain mustard. I've never heard of doing that with quiche before, and I'm sure that was one of the secrets to it. It sounds like it would add a lot of flavor.

Victoria said...

Congrats on having a boy!! We'll have to celebrate soon :) This quiche looks fantastic! I'm a huge fan of quiche, love the buttery crust with the thick eggy custard inside, mmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finding out that the baby will be a boy, so exciting! The quiche looks amazing, delicious with chanterelles!

Gera@SweetsFoodsBlog said...

Congrats that the baby will be a boy!! :)

How yummy is this quiche, love everything with caramelized onion - less in desserts ;)

All the best for you and the baby,


From the Kitchen said...

Sweet dreams and a delicious quiche!

We have two boys, now grown up. They are so much fun at all stages. Hope things are going well with you and your baby boy.


Emily said...

So exciting that you're having a boy!!

Your quiche looks lovely. I love the combination of mushrooms and cheese. :)

Gloria Baker said...

Christine your quiche look absolutely georgeous and amazing!! I love quiches! x gloria


wow that's probably an inception planted in your dream hahah!
Congratulations Christine... how many more months before the stork. Im so excited for you... can't wait to see the baby-boy-yankee-fan!

Shari from GoodFoodWeek said...

What a wonderful post - your language is entriguing, your photography is outstanding and your wonderful news of a baby boy made it full of joy! Congratulations on your award in the Mission: Food blog.

Shari from

redmenace said...

What a wonderful post and special dream. I'm so happy for you. A little boy. How lovely! The quiche too. Yum!

Asha @ FSK said...

Congrats!! :))) Haven't seen you in a while Christine!! Would love to catch up! and here is to your dream coming true, if that is what you and Keefer want! :))


Nisrine | Dinners and Dreams said...

I like quiches with rusic flavors. This one looks delicious!

Hope you are doing well!

♥peachkins♥ said...

perfect breakfast!

Claudia said...

Mushrooms and gruyere are the best reasons to get up in the morning. My first born is a son. How swet it is!

Chiara said...

The rustic quiche sounds fabulous!Hope you are doing well Christine,a hug!

Sally - My Custard Pie said...

I can't get chanterelles where I live but the depth of the savoury custard in your quiche has made me want one now. I'll just stick to caramalised onions. Fabulous.

Sally - My Custard Pie said...

PS Congratulations

MaryMoh said...

Congrats for a baby boy! That's such a sweet dream! I can't help smiling. Love that slice of quiche.....mouth-watering!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome, a BOY!!! Lovely, congratulations and many blessings!

The quiche looks divinely delicious :)

T.W. Barritt at Culinary Types said...

A boy! Congratulations! He will certainly eat well!

nancy at good food matters said...

Christine! I am honored to have one of my recipes adapted on your blog. And, thrilled to learn about your dream and your good news about your son. Congratulations.

ps: I have, at times, prebaked the shell. The metal tart pan( with a removable bottom) that I use now seems to conduct the heat better--ensuring a flaky crust without the prebake step.

bunkycooks said...

Congrats on finding out you are having a boy! You could not live in a better city to bring up a boy with all of the sports teams! ;)

I have always been a fan of quiche. It's such a great dish to serve for a brunch or lunch and these ingredients take it to a new level!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

What a darling story Christine. Congratulations on a boy. How exciting for you both.

I love a good quiche and this one sounds heavenly with the woody chanterelles and the creamy Comte cheese. Oh so French.

Anonymous said...

This looks soooooooo yummy. I am totally feeling the fatty goodness factor here :D
Have a wonderful weekend ahead.
*kisses* HH

kat said...

Oh, that one is full of good flavors!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

A boy - congratulations, Christine! I hope I still know you in five years to find out if there is another boy in your future ;) Our first grandson was a boy too a little over a year ago.

Your quiche looks so delicious!

Velva said...

A boy! Congratulations!!!! I think your dream was a vision.

Your quiche is without a doubt awesome.


Lea Ann said...

I'm not as familiar with comte cheese as I should be! The quiche sounds really good Christine. Congrats on the little boy news.

Lea Ann said...

I'm not as familiar with comte cheese as I should be! The quiche sounds really good Christine. Congrats on the little boy news.

OysterCulture said...

What a fantastic foreshadowing dream. I take it you did not tell your future spouse about it at the time. =)

A baby boy, and not just a sports fan, he is in one culinary mecca, you may be developing a future culinary genius. That is a lot of responsibility, however I am resting easy as anyone who comes up with a quiche like this obviously knows her business. This meal looks simply divine.

I hope the weather and the pregnancy are treating you as gently as possible.

tasteofbeirut said...

How exciting to have a vision like this.I love stories like that. here you are expecting a boy and wondering about the meaning of all of this; glad to see you haven 't lost your appetite and this quiche is wonderful and such quiches will soon make several people happy in your household. Congratulations!
PS the idea to coat it with mustard is new to me, will try it

Tasty Trix said...

oooh, congrats! (Well, I would be excited for you either way!) Beautiful quiche. And what an amazing vision!

Brilliant Sulk said...

Congratulations! A boy sounds so...exotic compared to raising two girls!

Quiche looks yummy. Belated Happy New Year!

Beth said...

What a wonderful looking quiche! And congratulations on your pregnancy. What an exciting time for you!

Table Talk said...

Exciting to learn you have a son to meet in the spring! He will be lucky to have a mom who will show him the farmer's market, and feed him delicious food!

Anonymous said...

Oh how wonderful! Congratulations on expecting a boy! This quiche looks divine!

Zoe said...

I have not seen chanterelle mushrooms before. In this quiche, the mushroom "spiced" up this dish very well.

The Duo Dishes said...

Congratulations on your good news. Boys are lots of fun. You'll have a great time cooking baby-friendly quiches for him. :)

Anonymous said...

A little boy, congratulations. We spent Christmas in New York so I am very jealous of you little one being born in such a wonderful city. All the best.

Barbara said...

How lovely, Christine, a boy first. (or perhaps the second will be a boy too if your vision is correct!)
NYC is where it's at. At least until school age. Then you might want to reconsider.
Love this quiche!

Nancy said...

Sounds like a great combination for quiche. And many congratulations on the new addition to your family! :)

Jackie at said...

Congrats on your baby boy! Wait a few years, I'm sure he'll enjoy this scrumptious chanterelle quiche (my fave mushroom!)

Unknown said...

A little boy! How exciting :) I'm so happy for you two.
This quiche looks fabulous. making my mouth water and my stomach growl.

Lori said...

I love it when quiche gets fancy! This looks wonderful!

Congrats on the news! You all have an exciting year ahead (and many more)! :)

Tiny Urban Kitchen said...

What a beautiful and sweet dream. :)

Magic of Spice said...

How wonderful the dream/vision must seem now...A boy! I happen to have a couple of them, if you need to borrow one to test drive...just shout ;)
Gorgeous quiche, love the look and flavors.

sweetlife said...

a boy!! congrats!! what a wonderful dream, my mom says dreams tell us so much...we just have to stop and listen..wonderfulnews, so happy for you..a wonderful way to celebrate with this tasty treat!
take care

Juliana said...

Wow, this quiche looks delicate with the chanterelle mushrooms...the pictures are great as well :-)

Jamie said...

What a beautiful post! And a fabulous quiche with wonderful, elegant, delicious ingredients. I am a bit jealous of you being able to raise a New Yorker...

What Happens After Five said...

This quiche looks amazing! And such exciting news, congrats!

The Cooking Photographer said...

This quiche is lovely, but all I can think about is how happy and excited I am for you!!!!

Omgosh this is so cool Christine! When you have a moment please email me your address. :)


La Bella Cooks said...

Aw, congrats on the baby boy. There is nothing sweeter than a little boy and his mommy. I love having a son and you will too.
This quiche is divine!

lisa is cooking said...

It's a beautiful quiche, and I love chanterelles! I've been noticing a lot of recipes seem to call for pre-baking crusts lately, even when it's going to be a pie with a top crust. The mustard layer does sound great!

Sharon Rudd said...

Just saw your lovely photo over at Tomatoes on the Vine and had to pop by here to see what else you're up to and I will definitely be back. This quiche sounds heavenly. Comte is a relatively new discovery for me, and I adore it.

Cynthia said...


Deb in Hawaii said...

Congratulations on a baby boy! ;-)

That is one beautiful quiche--mushrooms and cheese--what's not to love?!

Bake-A-Holic said...

Looks delicious!

Love your blog! Great recipes and photos.

Denise said...

What a neat dream!! This Quiche looks absolutely scrumptious!! I really feel the need to bake one now, but don't know if I'd be able to find those mushrooms. LOVE this!!

Denise @ Creative Kitchen

Indrė said...

Thanks to inspiration. Today I've cooked simmilar quiche. Tomorrow will share recipe. As my blog is in lithuanian I will share my secret ingredient - raspberry balsamic vinegar caramelized onions :)