Fresh Local and Best Top 10 in 2010

2010 marked a turning point in a sequence of tough years for my husband and I.  We, along with the rest of the world, were grappling with one of the worst recessions in history, one that for better or worse brought us to New York City in early 2009. Amidst a flurry of big changes in our lives, there are three big events that made 2010 a memorable year.

Truffle Week
First, the Truffle Week with Culinary Getaways, which in retrospect was one of the best decisions in recent memory, if only because it will be the last worry-free vacation for years to come as we prepare for the arrival of our first baby. It was also a trip that reinforced one of my belief that life is so much richer with accumulated experiences and knowledge of other people and cultures. When you learn their differences, you see how similar we all are.  Because of this trip, I have sought out several French and Italian food blogs to continue to gain deeper insight to the way other people live.

Back to Work
The second event was my reentry back to work. This has been one of the big events of 2010 that I am most grateful for.  Each day I wake up to a new challenge and work with bright and quirky people doing something that I absolutely love, writing and editing reports about events around the world.

Our Biggest Surprise
The biggest news for 2010 was learning that my husband and I are going to be parents soon.
We are both very excited, although it has taken some time for us to wrap our heads around how much our lives will change. We may not fully understand what it means to be good parents, but we both promise our best efforts to raising and loving this little person, although I'm sure the latter will be effortless.

2011 New Year's Resolution
The prospects of our little bundle of joy has pre-empted several of the obligatory New Year's resolutions such as losing weight, getting more sleep and exercising more. I suppose I could try to gain weight in a healthy manner or get more sleep until our cute little alarm clock arrives, but honestly I wouldn't have committed myself to any of the traditional resolutions anyway because those are lifestyle habits that have been established over time.

Interestingly, since I've been pregnant, I've needed less encouragement to become more organized or go to the gym. I find myself obsessively ironing out pillow cases, T-shirts and kitchen towels, and these days I stay on the treadmill for as long as my schedule permits. On a side note, I think I also may have gotten better at math. I know really weird, and I can't explain it.

My new year's resolution is to write more creatively, clearly and prolifically. Oddly, this resolution also relates to the changes that occurred since I became pregnant. One of the first cues that something was different was my inability to articulate clearly, basically my brain turned into mush. Overnight I experienced difficulty with recalling appropriate words and constructing proper sentences, which is an odd experience for someone who writes and edits for a living.

I hope that this effort will translate into developing a more interesting reading experience for this blog. Of course, I won't close this first post of 2011 without some highlights from 2010.

Top Posts of 2010 (by traffic)

#10 Classic Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie Recipe

#9 Truffle Hunting in Provence
Journey a land where the earth breeds precious nuggets of black gold, where men roam furtively to uncover such treasures, and where secrets to such an odyssey is passed on from one generation to the next in discreet whispers.

#8 The Dirty Dozen: A List of Fruits and Vegetables to Aim for Organic
The 12 most pesticide contaminated fruits and vegetables.

#7 Pastis French Restaurant New York & One of My Most Embarrassing Moments
I think the review on this  trendy European-style bar and restaurant in the fashionable industrial Meatpacking District, became popular because of the embarrassing story that ensued. You'll have to read to understand.  It really was one of the most horrifying moments of my life, and there have been plenty of them.

#6 Truffle Mushroom Risotto
I used the Italian truffle oil to create a savory white truffle mushroom risotto. And with just a little dash of this naturally infused white truffle oil, this humble rice dish was instantly transformed into a luxurious meal.

#5 Le Bernardin Top Dining Experience In NY
If there is such thing as the best restaurant in New York, without a doubt I would say Le Bernardin. Few restaurants in New York have garnered the solid reputation that Le Bernardin has achieved, and even fewer have been able to maintain the consistency of quality that this revered establishment has sustained since its opening in 1986.

#4 Truffle Lunch At Le Jardin Du Quai
It's not hard to see why people are so curious about Chef Daniel Hébet's restaurant, the food is so beautiful.

#3 Zested Lime Cilantro Quinoa Salad
The dressing in this recipe is bright but tame, and when combined with a variety of herbs and a vegetables, the salad strikes a well-rounded balance that celebrates the flavors of summer.

#2 Vietnamese Shrimp Spring Rolls Recipe
Versatile, refreshing and satisfying, Vietnamese Spring rolls are one of my favorite summer recipes.  The combination of fresh crisp vegetables, comforting rice noodles, and fresh brightly flavored herbs all bundled into a cold roll makes this an ideal healthy recipe to keep in the refrigerator for an appetizer.

#1 Falling in Love with Rosemary Chicken
Tender, succulent,  fall-off-the-bone chicken with a rustic smoky and savory rosemary white wine sauce.

Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Happy New Year friend-what a wonderful culinary year you have had-of course your favorite moments are those to be savored. When is the little bambino due?

    Say hello to S.

  2. Happy New Years! That rosemary chicken looks do the spring rolls.

  3. Christine, I'm so thrilled to have been part of your list! Was so fun to read and the images are all amazing. Must try that rosemary chicken.

  4. I see that congratulations are in order on many levels. 2011 is definitely going to be an exciting year with a new addition to the family. Congratulations!Thanks also for sharing these life experiences with us in 2010. I have never wanted to travel even more!!!!

  5. Nice pics, Christine. This year clearly promises to be the best one yet, for you!

  6. Congratulations. Your life will be so rich. Love these recipes. That pumpkin pie looks great.

  7. I can't see how you could improve on your 2010 blog. Your writing, food and photos are top notch. But keep em coming. I look forward to reading about your sweet addition too. My DIL who is due in Feb. says her mind is a muddle too.

  8. I look forward to more great recipes and baby updates from you in 2011. I'm sure they will both be exciting.



  9. wow, what a great year! I can't wait to see what 2011 brings!

  10. Beautiful photos Christine. I've got to explore that Rosemary Chicken Dish. Happy New Year.

  11. Happy belated new year!! Miss you, Christine.

  12. You know there is no way I can pick a favorite of yours. But I am SOOOOOOO excited for you and your husband this year!! =) =) =)

  13. So many of my favorites here, but I did love your truffle series the most. Many best wishes for all that is to come in the year ahead, Christine!

  14. Sounds like 2010 was a good year! And 2011 will be even more special! :-)

    Great list of top 10 posts; I remember them all and especially loved reading about your truffle adventures!

  15. This will be your BEST year!

    So happy when I had read the news..
    Thank you for all your posts..beautiful photography..and taking us on your travels~

  16. Christine, I agree with my friend Penny. Your writing is top notch and in my opinion, there's no need for improvement.

    This year will certainly be exciting with a baby on the way. Loved your sense of humor when you called your new bundle of joy a "cute little alarm clock."

    Your truffle trip was to me an event of a lifetime. The photo of the pate could be framed and hung in a kitchen it's so impressive. I'm looking forward to following along and enjoying your exciting 2011.

  17. These are awesome posts to feature! 2010 was a big year and 2011 will be even more exciting :) Happy New Year!

  18. Beautiful post. Sounds like good things are to come for you!! Happy 2011.

  19. It just goes to show that one trip to New York is never enough. Just reading your summary has made me want to book to go back again (when the weather is warmer and I don't have to be wrapped up warm). Congratulations on the baby and all the best for 2011.

  20. Gorgeous photos and writing, as always, Christine.

    Best wishes for 2011 and for all of the excitement that it holds!

  21. What an exciting year Christine. I'm incredibly happy for you and am so glad that things have worked out in your favor. I'm so pleased that we got the opportunity to know each other this year. I hope the three of you have a happy, healthy and joyous New Year...with plenty of chocolate.

  22. Happy new Year Christine! I'm thankful that we got to know each other in 2010 and can't wait to meet your little one in 2011!

  23. Christine, you have shared with us so many wonderful posts, I wish you all the best in this new year.

  24. Hey Christine! 2010 was a very busy and eventful year for you guys. I hope this year is just as eventful but in a more relaxing and settled way:) Oh, and one of my resolutions is to write more and with a bit more passion while being less fearful of 'shoulds' in writing and our culture. I wish us all success in that for sure (smile)!

  25. Love your "best of". It brings back warm memories of reading the posts and, well, you write so well! Pumpkin pie was a big one for me too... go figure. Hands down though it was Secretariat that was my top post (and it was all about the horse!). Just wait till you have a baby! Your audience will explode!

  26. Thank you everyone for your very kind comments.
    Esme - The baby is expected to arrive around Mother's Day this year. We're excited!

  27. Happy New Year :) I think your resolutions make a lot more sense and are more realistic than some others people have. I'm so excited for you and I know that 2011 will be great with the new baby and all the fun adventures that entails :) Do you know yet if you're having a boy or a girl?

  28. You have such a perfect blog... Always a treat to come visit. All the best this year. Looking forward to reading you go from Truffles to peas in a blender posts



  29. What a great year for your full of surprises and good news! I'm sure 2011 will bring with it even more happiness and success. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  30. Congrats on all of it...the baby, the move, the job. I hope that 2011 has wonderful things in store for you. Keep putting out those wonderful recipes!

  31. Pregnancy makes you work out more and better at math????!!! I have got to get myself knocked-up. :) Love this post and can't wait to follow your journey through the next year. Best of luck with everything in 2011!

  32. A beautiful way to begin a new year and a new decade and I am sure it will be amazing! Your writing is wonderful, your blog posts enlightening, your photo just keep getting better. AND you'll be a mom! Perfect!

    Wishing you and yours a perfect, happy, healthy 2011!

  33. Happy new year! 2011 will certainly be an eventful year for you too. And boy, this post reminded me that i should not visit your blog when I'm hungry!

  34. So strange about being better at math but not being able to form sentences... maybe pregnancy took hold on one part of your brain, causing the other to step up. It's funny and interesting. Happy 2011! Wishing you all the best!

  35. Christine, your lives will definitely change with the baby but you will all be better for this blessing! I'm sure it will be reflected in your beautiful blog!

  36. Happy New Year Christine...the favorites of 2010 are them all :-)

  37. What a great recap and I love the fact that you've gotten better at math - how cool is that! I loved all your posts and of course I am partial to your recap of our lunch at Barbacco. Hope to have a sequel at some point. Wishing you an absolutely wonderful New Year.

  38. Hmmm, been pregnant twice and my math never improved. You had a gorgeous year - I remember those posts and the one upcoming will challenge and delight you in way previously unknown. Here's to 2011 and its delight and conundrums!

  39. Happy New Year, I love your excitement for the future year, i'm sorry I had to giggle again when the most embarrassing post popped up....I hope you new year is filled with happiness, love and mommy memories!!


  40. I enjoyed your blog so much in 2010. The series you did on truffles was probably my favorite; if I had to pick just one.
    My favorite picture is the image of your little one. So exciting! You have a lot to look forward to in '11 :)

  41. Beautiful post, Christine. I've been looking for a recipe for Vietnamese Spring Rolls and what should I find this morning but exactly that!

    Happy New Year. I know 2011 will be a wonderful year for you and your hubby.

  42. What a great list of posts - I hadn't seen your most embarrassing moment somehow, so now you can count me as another person who has shared it with you ... oh my!!! I guess that's why our mothers always told us to wear nice underwear, lol. Here's to a great 2011!!

  43. Fantastic recount! I have to tell you, your brain may stay a bit mush for awhile...making room for all of those lovely instincts :) Enjoy!
    Happy 2011!!!

  44. What an exciting year it has been for you and I'm sure 2011 will be even better :) Look at that little face in the ultrasound - so cute!

    A delightful round up of your Top 10, Christine. I am salivating thinking about several of them and am off to check out those recipe!

  45. How gorgeous those pictures and menu to start the year. Incredible the pumpkin pie.
    2011 will be Your Year with the baby coming - the best for her/him :)

    Have a Great 2011!


  46. Happy New Year,Christine! And looking forward to more of your great posts and baby news! :)

  47. I thoroughly enjoyed your 2010 retrospective--your Truffle Adventure was a real highlight! I find that looking back over the year gone by is a great exercise is gratitude, and helps to open up the new year to wondrous possibilities. You have an exciting year ahead! We all look forward to reading about it here.

  48. I still remember your trip to Paris and all the truffle treats :-))
    2011 is going to be a very busy and exciting year for you!

  49. Sounds like 2010 turned out wonderfully. Wishing you an even better 2011! And, those shrimp rolls look delicious.

  50. Sounds like you had a great year! and with the arrival of the baby, 2011 will be even more exciting and challenging as well! All the best for 2011.

  51. What a fabulous recap for your year! I am thrilled that things seem to be turning up for you. 2011 is going to be a wonderful year! Your blog brightens my day and I can't wait to see what wonderful foods and experiences occur throughout the new year. Best wishes!

  52. I raise my glass to a very eventful, stressful and life changing 2010....Here is to an amazing, one that will be filled with discovery 2011.

    I am looking forward to the top ten photos you will posting in 2011.

    btw, the photo of the Vietnamese Shrimp Rolls, would you mind if I hosted that photo for my Wordless Wednesday post? The photo would link back to your blog. I think it would be awesome.

    Happy New Year!

  53. CONGRATULATIONS, Christine! May 2011 be a wonderful, fantastic year for you.

  54. Its been a good year daaaaahling, can't wait to see what 2011 brings you. I know you got some great surprises ahead.
    *kisses* HH

  55. A lovely, thoughtful post, Christine. And what a year you've got ahead of you. You aren't going to believe how much you're going to love your little's mind boggling. And scary, and amazing. You'll stand and look in the crib while your babe is sleeping with a great big smile on your face and unreal masses of love pouring out. It's better than anything you can imagine.
    I can't wait to share it all with you...along with your fabulous recipes and writing!

  56. Love your 10 post are amazing Christine!! the pics are fantastic!
    Have a lovely and happy new year, all the best for 2011!
    huggs gloria

  57. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I despised red meat and craved Asian food.

    Now almost 19 years later, my daughter still doesn't like red meat and loves Asian food - she blames me for not introducing her to red meat while I was pregnant! :D

    Happy New Year - I have no doubt you'll be great parents!

  58. Christine! Happy New Year!

    What a reflective post. So much change this year. Sending love and prayers.

  59. Happy New Year and congrats on becoming parents!

  60. Happy 2011! This is my 1st time visiting your blogs and I see that you got a fantastic blog with lots of great photos and food recipes. I'm happy to be your followers for more food inspirations.

  61. A belated but very happy New Year Christine! I can't wait to see how wonderful your 2011 is for you, especially now that you are in full nesting mode as you prepare for your little one's arrival! I have enjoyed your blog for this past year, but I have to admit that perhaps my favorite post was #8 - your guide to organic produce :)

  62. Hello there - I stumbled on your site through a tweet about the bone marrow recipe (it caught my attention!). And so I looked, and looked, and looked some more at the gorgeous photos and recipes! I am enjoying your blog.

    And congratulations to you and your husband! Having a child certainly changes everything -- mostly your perspective. There is no greater challenge but truly no greater joy. Best wishes to you, and I look forward to reading more.

    A fellow New Yorker
