Breeched - A Turning Point

Riverside Park, Upper West Side, New York

That's me at 35 weeks and 4 days. In about a week, I'll be at 37 weeks, which means I'll be full-term and the baby could arrive any day thereafter, actually that was always the case even before this point. As these last few weeks wind down, I am feeling pretty good. Oddly I am wishing that this pregnancy could last a bit longer. I have a hunch that I'll miss carrying this baby, feeling his kicks, dreaming what he'll be like when we bring him into the world and having the security of knowing that he's well-protected in my belly right now.

Recently we found out that he's breeched, which has caused a bit of consternation for me. It may mean that I won't have the natural birth that I'd been planning for the last few months. After attempting several yoga exercises, acupuncture and lining up a few other tricks, I realized that this will be one of numerous events in his life that will cause me a lot of worry and anxiety--and this will be a small one in the grand scheme of things. It's anecdotal evidence that you become a parent as soon as your baby is conceived.

I made a parenting decision today to try to do the best for him but to respect his wishes if he decides he's most comfortable in this position.

I'll relinquish some control, but I'm comforted with the knowledge that I did my best, I listened to my baby and in the end everything will be okay.


  1. Everything will be ok, but I also understand your frustration and concern with a breech baby. As long as that little guy arrives safely that is all that matters in the end. Welcome to mommies club, you'll be great!

  2. I've never been pregnant and can't pretend I understand...BUT this post reminded me of another blog I love who had recently mentioned the same thing. Not sure if it's helpful but here is the blog/post (oh the power of blogging :) ...

  3. I'm praying that everything will be okay - I'm sure it will be, since you've taken great care of yourself all throughout your pregnancy. Hang in there! xoxo

  4. This is such a wonderful and memorable time in your life, Christine. Enjoy every minute of it!

  5. Christine, I woke up this morning and one of my very first thoughts was I wonder how Christine is doing. I had a feeling you were getting close.

    I hope all goes well for you. Sometimes you have to let go even if you don't want to and let nature take over. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

    BTY, you look so lovely sitting on the bench.

  6. Relinquishing control is not the instinctive and easy thing to do, but when you do the most amazing things will often happen. Giving birth to the girls was one of the most profound experiences I've ever had! Good wishes are coming your way!!

  7. The photo is so lovely... such a serenity. I think most things in life go better when you pause and listen to yourself. NYC has some of the best hospitals on the planet so you are in great and capable hands here.

    A friend of mine, years ago, had to do one last assignment before giving birth... well you know what happened... instead of Columbia Pres she dropped a fine baby boy in Guatemala. All was well but she had to live down years of 'we told you so's'

  8. I love the photos and your musings. The thoughts about your baby and his impending birth brought back lovely memories. After planning a natural childbirth, I had a cesarian section because our baby boy was most comfortable in the transverse position and wouldn't budge. It was still a beautiful experience!! Will be thinking about you and looking forward to seeing photos of your little one.


  9. What a tender loving post and the photos are beautiful.
    You are so right..Mothers hold their childrens hands for a while their hearts forever:) ou ahve already started.
    I agree from conception we are mothers and adore that baby so much.
    I love how many of you..young women,teach me things at 57.
    I am so impressed with so many of you.
    God Bless you and your child:)
    A little page from my Mary Engelbreight calendar said:
    All Will Be Well..
    It's on my fridge..I am sharing it with you.

  10. Lovely post Christine. Thinking of you and sending a big hug your way.

  11. Dear Christine you are will be OK Im sure, you are a lovley and nice woman, these pictures look fantastic, what lovely look NY in this time, and what lovely your child will born in this time.
    A lot of blessings to you and huggs, gloria

  12. I cant believe he's almost here!! I have no words of wisdom, but I'm sure everything will work out for the best.

  13. Love that bench photo! One way or another, that little guy will come out healthy and happy. We all can't wait to meet him. Best of luck and try to relax and enjoy your last few weeks of quiet moments. :)

  14. My daughter was breech and she is an independant 23 year old today.

  15. You are going to be an amazing mom - that is already clear. Sounds like he already has a mind of his own. =) My old the photos. You look gorgeous!

  16. Everything will be okay and you made the best possible decision - baby will guide. You look so serene and beautiful sitting in the park contemplating new, beautiful life.

  17. You're right...everything will be okay. I am so excited for you :D

  18. Lovely post, Christine! Beautiful photos and you're looking great too. I hope everything goes well, I'm sure it will. I send you lots of well wishes. Very excited for you.

  19. What a lovely photo Christine! Thank you for sharing it with us...! All of the best and blessings to you and your husband with this new member arriving in your family soon!
    Thanks for visiting my blog, I apologize because Silvia's home is not in Tuscany, it is in Naples, Florida, USA. It was a bit confusing. She has a Tuscan style I made it more clear on my post....sorry about that!

  20. Lovely beautiful photos. My grand daughter was breech, and once my daughter accepted that she couldn't have her natural, everything went smoothly.

  21. Yes, Christine, this is the wise a parent, you do the best you can, and surrender to what will be the path for your child. All the best to you and your son; all will go well.

  22. Your photos are beautiful. You are going to have so many wonderful memories of this time when you go back through them. All will work out and once he's there with you, how he got there will matter less and less. You are going to be a wonderful mother!

  23. Christine- You look beautiful sitting on the park bench. Like you, I always enjoyed being pregnant. Enjoy the last few weeks of your pregnancy. It is such a fun and exciting time.

    Best of luck to your and your family. Sounds like you will be surrounded by people who love you and the very best doctors. I think you are going into this with the best attitude. We will all be thinking of you and wishing you well. Take good care of yourself and enjoy. You will do great!

  24. I just kept smiling all the way through this post. What a beautiful time in your life. All will be well. All of your blogging friends will be waiting impatiently for the grand news. :)


  25. Beautiful photos! My thoughts are with you and your baby boy!

  26. I had a breech baby too (the first one) and ended up having a natural birth anyway (cant remember if he moved or what); what I do remember is how painful this way and the next baby I requested an epidural from the get go. You just have to pray and relax and trust that all will be well, you are in good hands in a country with the best doctors on the planet, and with a caring mate.

  27. Christine, I am thinking of you and will pray you and your baby's safety. Don't worry, you will be fine! Looking forward to see pictures of your little precious! HUGS!!

  28. You look great Christine! I know Alex will be ok and that you're going to be a great mom!

  29. He may yet turn, Christine. No point in worrying about things you have no control over and if you are happy with your OBGYN, you should trust your doctor to do everything right.

    You look very peaceful sitting on that bench. By that point in my pregnancies, I couldn't breathe, couldn't sleep and was anxious to have it over and have my body back to myself. All of mine were very late (which I don't think they allow to happen any more) and in the end, had to be induced, which was fine with me. They were all born healthy, thank God.
    It's been wonderful sharing your pregnancy and you're going to be a super mom!

  30. Your baby feels your peace...and yes, everything will be ok.

    Prayers and hugs on this most important time of your life

  31. Everything will be OK. Don't worry in USA you are in good hands. I gave birth to my first baby (who now is 19) at Beth Israel Hospital (NY)and had a wonderful experience. The Doctors and nurses there are very nice and professional.


  32. Christine, you look beautiful. With your excellent outlook and attitude, it will all work out for the best. Soon you'll be cuddling that darling baby in your arms ~ how exciting! I'm so happy for you. ((hugs)) xo

  33. It'll all work out just fine and very soon you'll have a beautiful healthy baby which is the most important thing :)

  34. Christine, you are a wonderful mother, even before giving birth! I know that no matter what happens you will be there for little Alexander, and that everything will be okay. I can't wait to meet him! Take care!

  35. Everything WILL be okay, especially since the doctors caught it early and know what to expect! Good luck and I can't wait to see this little bundle of joy!

  36. In this day and age, doctors face obstacles like this with ease. Yes, its not ideal, but everything will be okay. Instead of focusing on that, think of the exciting adventure you will be going on, your first baby! :D
    *kisses* HH

  37. how time flies, sending you best wishes!! lovely pic


  38. First, you look so happy and calm and comfortable in the photo. You do look like you're enjoying your pregnancy! I can't wait to see photos the little guy.

  39. Oh, Christine. The baby causes more gray hairs and wrinkle lines from all the worry even before they arrive into the world! {How's that for encouraging?} But it's just the beginning of many wonderful joys as well.

    My cousin gave birth last September, and she was also really disappointed to find out the baby was breech in the final weeks. She had planned on giving natural birth, too! But as long as the baby is healthy and well, that's all that matters.

    Will be praying for you in your final weeks of pregnancy! Enjoy it. Btw, both my boys were quite impatient. My firstborn arrived 10 days early. My second arrived 13 days early. Guess they were both eager to see the world!

  40. There really is something special about carrying a baby, and I'm glad you have treasured it. But it's nothing like the joy after the baby is born!

  41. I'm so sorry I'm missed this post for so many days! Sometimes nature (and babies) have their own plan but things will be just fine, no matter what. Thankfully, we live in such a time that these things are not a serious issue.

    I'll be thinking lots of good thoughts for you and your baby in the next few weeks!

    Lovely photos!

  42. Christine, thank you for sharing. I can't imagine what you're feeling, but glad to hear of your positive outlook. I'll be praying for you guys!

  43. Nothing is more beautiful to me than the sight of a pregnant woman and you are lovely! I can see how anxious you are but it also sounds like you have it in you to stay calm, think it through and approach it in the best and most tranquil way possible. Sending you a big hug! x

  44. I have found....that after all our fuss as a parent...sometimes it's when we step back that we allow them to make the right choice. He just might decide to turn around :)
    I've had it done both ways...natural and c-section. when all's said and're just so happy to have your baby in your arms.

  45. Oh my goodness. So this is why I haven't seen you around Twitter lately! All the best for the delivery (if it hasn't happened yet) and parenthood. We haven't met in person but I have a feeling you're going to be a great mom :) xo

  46. lovely photos Christine!
    Best wishes for a healthy and safe delivery.

  47. wishing you and the baby all the best!!

  48. Never having been a mom, I can't begin to understand what you are feeling, but I can guess. I admire you so much for making this leap, taking this journey. I think you are right to focus on the big picture, accept the things you cannot change and focus on what you can and the overall impact you can have on your son's life. Hang in there and I cannot wait to see what is to come.

  49. Good luck!!!! My baby is 6 weeks old...I understand your feelings :)You are going to be an amazing mom!

  50. I am so happy that you feel good during pregnancy. Sometimes just letting life guide you is the best decision you can make, especially when it has to do with our babies. The worrying never ends but things will work out just the way they should and soon you will be holding your little guy and relishing in your new endeavor.
    Wishing you the best.

  51. I say to those who care...that I´ve gone from being a rebellious teenager to a responsible wife and MOT (Mother of three) with NO training in between.

    Recently I discovered a great book which has comforted me....Nutureshock is the name.

    Stay strong

  52. Hi there, Was referred to this post by a friend, as I just found out on Tuesday that, at 36 weeks, my baby has also turned breech after months of planning a natural childbirth. We're going all the tricks in the book to make him turn, but if that doesn't work, I'm going to have to make peace with a c-section. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.

  53. Lara, thank you for leaving your comment. I know the disappointment and devastation you must be feeling right now. Hang in there. Before you know it you will be holding that sweet baby in your arms and this will be but a blip in your memory.
