Dear Alex

Dear Alex,

I can't believe that you are already three months old. Where did the time go? It seems like yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital. The last few months have been some of the hardest in recent memory for your dad and I. No other experience in our lives have rivaled the level of commitment or work that it has taken to care for you.

But it hasn't been only you that we were taking care of over the past couple of months. Your birth coincided with a couple of tough events in our lives.  One of these days we'll tell you about this crazy time. Perhaps we'll share a good cry and hopefully a good laugh afterwards.

One silver lining has been seeing how much our family has grown closer through these challenges. You'll find out one of these days how stubbornly self-sufficient both your father and I were, two people accustomed to doing everything themselves.  Can you believe I refused help because I thought that I could do everything on my own? What a ding-dong I was! Weeks of exhaustion, sleepless nights, worry and stress left us helpless. We meekly waved a white flag, and while it was painful for us, admitted we needed help.  In our most vulnerable state, we experienced the most amazing evolution in our relationships with family and friends. Pulled together by necessity, our ties have been brought closer and strengthened in the most beautiful manner possible.

Did you know that because of you I look at my mom differently? Even though I have known this woman all of my life, seeing her care for you so lovingly and patiently has made me look at her in a different light. I will never forget how she watched over you to make sure you napped throughout the day, diligently patting you back to sleep whenever you stirred. Dad and I are forever grateful for the many nights when she would take care of ALL of the night feedings so that we could rest. And she cooked such wonderful foods from my childhood. Oh how spoiled we were!

And then there is your other grandmother. It's been a long while since your father and his mom has bonded together in such a meaningful way as this experience. Because of the c-section my care for you was limited. I watched while your dad learned from his mom how to give you a bath, how to warm a bottle and the best way to take care of a diaper rash. I'll never forget how we all cried when she left after staying with us for two weeks. It was as if she had gotten back the son that she was so close to from long ago ... before he went off to college and was propelled even farther away with his demanding career.

And then there is your father. I have known your father for close to a decade, and I am still finding deeper layers of him to appreciate. One of these days I'll tell you more about all that your dad and I went through before and following your birth. He has been my partner, best friend, confidante, and protector. There is no doubt in my mind that I have become a better mother by watching and learning from him how to care for you.

I look at you these days and I am so grateful for the humbling and loving grace that you have brought to our family. I still marvel at how lucky we are to have gotten such a precious and sweet child.




  1. Heartfelt, beautiful, and a wonderful start to a beautiful life with your darling child.

  2. Everything I wished I wrote when my wee ones were young. From the heart - succinct and beautiful. I do hope you share a laugh and a cry in the future. Raising children is an ongoing process. Growing as an adult is an ongoing process.

  3. happy birthday ,MOM,i'm very impressed about your post!kisses for you and for little alex,he is a miracle!

  4. What a little love. He is absolutely adorable! I'm sorry to hear about the other challenges you've been facing, and hope everything is okay.

  5. oh he is way too cute! congrats again!

  6. What a lovely letter Christine. Alex is adorable. My father wrote me a letter right after I was born. I sill have it. At the time he was stationed in the south Pacific during WWII and didn't see me until I was 18 months old.

    I'm glad you and your husband have a good support system of friends and family. That's what friends are for. Bye precious Alex. I hope your mom shares more of you as you grow up.

  7. Save this letter..What a treat it would be if you kept writing:) A Dear Alex letter every so often.

    You are both so beautiful..

    I agree.. if you are offered help..accept:) It's a blessing.Hard to say yes when you are not used to it..but it feels good to be loved and feel loved..for everyone involved.
    Thank you for this lovely snapshot in your life.

  8. Absolutely beautiful photo. He is such a little chunky cutie. Hope all is well with you guys and always take the help! :)

  9. This is a beautiful photo of you two. Your baby is adorable. Reminds me of happy times past with my son. Wishing you the best.

  10. This is so sweet. Your son is absolutely precious! I was only in the city for just over a day, but I hope when I'm back for longer I will get a chance to visit both of you :)

  11. Adorable!! Beautiful letter. God bless :)

  12. Christine, this is a beautiful post! Very heartfelt and so sweet. Alex is cherished, for sure - and his entire family must be thrilled! I cannot wait to meet him.

  13. Looking at that adorable face, I'm sure every moment has been worth it! I'm sorry to hear there have been some obstacles to overcome and I hope all of you are happy and well.

  14. You have stated everything I have thought or said in the last 8 months with my new little one. Congratulations and can't wait to enjoy mommyhood with you!

  15. What a beautiful photo! Happy birthday to you!

  16. Ok. Now I'm crying. This is beautiful Christine. Seriously. Alex is so lucky to have such thoughtful, loving parents. I'm sorry to hear you've been going through a lot. Please know I'm thinking of all of you and wish you all the best.

  17. You are both extraordinarily beautiful, Christine!
    I'm so sorry you've been through some tough events and I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  18. This letter is a precious entry for Alex's memory box! I, too, considered myself a "do-it-yourself" mother. After a few weeks, I stood in the corner scratching my head and wondering just how one tiny baby boy could be so demanding!! When I think back on that time, I seem to only remember the sweet baby smells, the cuddles and the firsts. The photo of you and Alex is beautiful!!


  19. My little one is 5 months old today and I love that letter!!!! Sooooo beautiful!

  20. Beautiful post and a beautiful child!

  21. I love the photo of the two of you. Enjoy your "little baby." They grow up so fast... Glad you asked for and accepted help when you needed it. It can be so hard to do... Wishing you and your family all the best!

  22. What a beautiful baby boy, so so sweet! I'm so glad you are enjoying him.

  23. He is absolutely beauty!! I understand you are crazy for him!!is wonderful!! Blessings him! gloria

  24. What a sweet photo! Your letter is very touching as well. I hope the next few months will be easier for you!

  25. So sorry to hear you've been experiencing a difficult time. Your son is as cute as can be. I hope the crazy times are calming down.

  26. Life will teach you, especially life as a new parent!
    Alex looks healthy and handsome, what a joy he must be. Best wishes that you all are navigating safely out of the difficult times.

  27. You are beautiful mother inside and out.
    *kisses* HH

  28. This is so beautiful and we should all read it through twice. Lovely - and makes me think of my sons and my mom and my husband for a few minutes and so appreciate them. We all should do that regularly, so thanks for reminding us. And he is so adorable. Just perfect.

  29. hello christine!
    i haven't been here in awhile. welcome to motherhood... what a heartfelt post. being sentimental myself brought tears to my eyes.. ..hugs christine

  30. Such a beautiful post and so wonderful for Alex to read someday--he'll treasure it. All the best to you and your family. ;-)

  31. What a beautiful letter to your most adorable son. Hoping the sleepless nights grow shorter, and the days of baby coos and belly laughs grow longer.

  32. Beautiful all around. Thanks for posting the sweet picture and letter.

  33. Thank you Christine.
    That post was simply beautiful.

  34. Christine, sorry to hear it was initially difficult. I am glad your family has been there for you.

  35. Christine, it been some time since I last visited and I dropped by to say hi and so glad I did so that I did not miss this lovely post of yours. I am sorry to hear you have struggle through other challenges but hope all had passed and you are doing fine now. Alex is such a blessed kid to have a passionate and loving mum. I LOVE that pic of you and baby Alex. PRICELESS! Please give Alex a big hug for me. Wish I am staying there to give one to him myself. HUGS to you too.

  36. lovely letter and he is adorable!! so much changes when we have children, life becomes so much richer.

  37. What a beautiful tribute, and I am always in awe at how such little ones can have such a big effect on people's lives. Hope all is well with you.

  38. I have this page open on my screen for the last 3 days , and there's no mentioning how many times i have read this :-)))
    Evrytime i read it , i write a really huge verse to u in my heart , and dont worry i'll try my best to take as little space as possible.
    Ever since i was little i dream of being a mommy and sometime in near future when the time is right , i will be and i will write a letter to all my kids too :-)
    The depth and love in this letter is so heartfelt and true , and real!
    U already make a fantastic mommmy and u have a super family too!
    All the best , Alex is one lucky little baby boy :-)
    Sunshine day , always!

  39. This brought tears to my eyes. Our new grandson is 6 months old and I have been spending time with my Son and DIL. It has brought me closer to my son again seeing this small duplicate of him so I appreciate what you said about your MIL. Sometimes Mother's lose their Sons to their new families and your perceptiveness is good. This was poignant and beautiful, as is precious Alex.

  40. What a beautiful letter to your son. It brought me to tears.... So so sweet. I am sorry I haven't been around to see how you are doing and I cannot believe your baby is already 3 months!! I remember when I first found out you were expecting and read your beautiful post, I got so excited! Congratulations!!! I was excited to see your photo, too!! What a beautiful photo you have with your son! How wonderful and special it is that your mom and mother-in-law can care for their grand child like that. My mom's health is not so well, so she can't, but I know she loves our girls. Enjoy and treasure each moment you have with your baby! It gets better and better. Kaho

  41. This is the most precious letter, what a treasure this will be when Alex gets older! You have brought tears to my eyes, it reminds me of the blessings we have, in all the little things.

  42. Adorable photo Christine, full of love and happyness !Congratulation, your Alex is so sweet...All the best, kisses...

  43. Bringing a new child into a family is an overwhelming experience, full of joy and apprehension and wonder. Your little Alex is so precious, Christine. I have a new little great-grandson his age and can hardly believe the years since my babies were his age have flown by so quickly.

  44. Beautiful letter, Christine. And what a gorgeous baby Alex is. I can't believe how he's grown! Amazing, isn't it?

  45. Congratulations and what a beautiful tribute from a loving mother. We wish you and your family well.

  46. Just like someone said above, raising children is an ongoing process, buts its really tough when we face it ....... but when we sail on and look back, there is always that feeling ..."Oh I could have done that part in a better way if I had one more chance"

  47. Thank you for echoing my words for my mother too! And hearty congratulations and the warmest hug ever to you on your new arrival. As a mom of three, children bring new perspective. Stay well and strong - love will see you through it all

  48. This is so beautiful. As some already suggested, keep this letter. Lots of love to you and Alex. And may I say, that photograph captures the moment perfectly.

  49. I popped over here to see a pic of the baby - and what beautiful prose, Christine. I am blurry eyed. Your baby is perfect and gorgeous and your life is clearly full.

  50. Thank you for sharing! I am very grateful for finding your letter especially at this moment in my life. Wishing all of you the very best!
