Welcome to the Suburbs!

"Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all."
- Stanley Horowitz

There is a crisp newness in the air. The leaves are changing colors, farmers are harvesting the last of their crops for the year, and our bodies settle into a slower rhythm in tandem with the shorter days. We are well into autumn, although the northeast did receive a harsh preview of winter with this past weekend's snow storm. After all of the big events this year: a new baby and a new home, the slower pace has finally afforded me an overdue sigh of relief.

Thank you for all of the supportive comments from the last post. You may be wondering where we have landed and I shall no longer keep you waiting no more. We have planted ourselves in the bucolic suburbs of Philadelphia.

Between unpacking, finishing up my last few days at work, and not to mention caring for a little baby named Alex, I've had a smidgen of opportunity to poke around some of the local venues. I'm impressed with abundance of locally grown produce and pasture raised chickens from Lancaster County, just an hour away. Alex and I will be taking our first adventure out into Philadelphia this Friday, so stay tuned for more on the city of Brotherly Love.

Of course Alex has maintained smiles through all of this change. He is now six months old. My how time flies!


Sherry Page said...

Christine, I love the update - thanks so much! Your photos are gorgeous, especially the one of smiling little Alex. He is so beautiful! And it looks as if you are living in a wonderful place. Looking forward to the Philadelphia update.

Belinda @zomppa said...

Love to see you and so happy that you are in such a beautiful place!! Alex is TOO DOGGONE ADORABLE!!

El said...

Welcome to your new home. The area looks and sounds lovely and I'm so glad you found some local farms. Alex looks like a very happy baby. Congrats to all of you!

Deeba PAB said...

Bee-yoo-ti-ful post El...what a gorgeous place! And Alex is so C.U.T.E. Such a sweet happy, gurgling baby!

Mari Nuñez said...

Yes time does fly! Alex is so big and adorable too! Beautiful place Christine. Enjoy!

Chiara said...

Alex is adorable boy!beautiful photos! have a lovely day, xoxo

Anonymous said...

Your son it's beautiful! I'm happy read you again, your new city it's fantastic. Havec a nice day from spain under the rain.

The Church Cook said...

So happy for you, Christine! Boys need lots of room to grow and this seems like a perfect move. Love that sweet boy. 6 months ALREADY? ENJOY him, spend lots of time with him! I blinked and mine turned into teens!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

Well, if you have to land, Philadelphia near Lancaster County is a fabulous place to find yourself Christine. Enjoy your new life and your precious family.

Lori Lynn said...

Hi Christine - best wishes for much happiness in your new home.
Alex is just too cute for words.

jenn from midlife modern said...

Welcome to your new home! I have two friends that moved from NYC to the Philly suburbs, and let me tell you, I covet their homes. There are some really beautiful areas there and tons of restaurants and things to do.

And can we just talk about how cute your baby is for a second? He's crazy cute.

Fun and Fearless in Beantown said...

Congratulations on the move! Six months! Time flies by quickly!

Fun and Fearless in Beantown said...

Congratulations on the move! Six months! Time flies by quickly!


Alex looks so happy! Soooo cute! Welcome to your new home. How fortuitous that we are both experiencing the same change at the same time! Enjoy the new home, where beautiful memories will be made!
Have a happy day with Alex,

bunkycooks said...

That is a beautiful place to be! I grew up in Philly and have always loved the countryside outside of the city. Most of my family still lives up there and we just visited not too long ago. Enjoy your new home! http://www.bunkycooks.com/2011/05/on-the-road-to-berks-county-pennsylvania-and-philadelphia/

Claudia said...

Your post was bookmarked by one of my favorite quotes and then your laughing beauty! I know you are having fun - new life in all forms entice. You will love Philadelphia!

From the Kitchen said...

The suburbs and a delightful new baby=a winning combination!

Are you on the Main Line?


Beth said...

What a little sweetheart!

It looks like you've found a gorgeous new home. I loved your photographs!

Fresh Local and Best said...

Thanks for your comments everyone. I can't believe Alex is already six months!

Bonnie - Yes, I am on the Main Line.

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

I can't believe it's been six months already either! It was just yesterday we were enjoying photos of your baby bump :) Alex is adorable!

Can't wait to hear more about your new home, Christine.

Rachel said...

Christine - It's been a while since I've visited your blog (and I haven't been that active on Facebook). But I saw a blip on FB today, and lo and behold, you're now in PA! I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to get together this summer (it turned out to be a difficult summer for me). Anyway, time does go quickly, doesn't it? I can't believe Alex is 6 months old. He's beautiful! I personally think 6-18 months is the best time. Every day is something new (and they're still sweet -- once they hit 2, it gets hard!). Enjoy every moment and have fun in the burbs. All the best to you.

sally said...

Alex looks so cute in that big bed. I hope you are enjoying your new home!

Alessandra said...

Strange to think that here in New Zealand is Spring instead!! Lovely blog and photos, and Alex is a real cutie!!

I'll follow you :-)


nancy at good food matters said...

Hi Christine,
I'm happy to find this post today with your update, certain that you are enjoying the slower pace in the Philadelphia suburbs. The local food scene there is quite rich and you'll have many good food adventures exploring the area.

Six months! oh my!

Velva said...

Welcome to Autumn. Welcome to your new world. Its a wonderful time in your life, and we are looking forward to watching Alex grow, and following along on your new life journey.

Best to you.

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Time really does flym what a little sweetheart your little man is.

T.W. Barritt at Culinary Types said...

Wishing your family much happiness in your new home - what a great area with the rural landscape to your west and the great food city of Philadelphia to your east. Alex's smile says it all!

Mardi Michels said...

Alex is absolutely adorable and WOW - look at those surroundings. Wishing you three much happiness in your new digs :) Hope to catch up with you in the new year! XOX

Kelsey said...

welcome home :)

Asha @ FSK said...

Wow Christine! Congratulations!! :))

Barbara said...

What a gorgeous photo of Alex! I wish you the happiest of fall seasons with your new home and new baby. Life is so exciting for you right now!

Victoria said...

Congrats, Christine! So many changes! I didn't know you were moving away! I've been so MIA lately, I'm sorry I didn't even get to see you before you left. I wish you all the best! I'm sure you'll love living in Philly :) It's another great foodie city.

Jamie said...

Alex is beautiful! What a smile! Gorgeous! And lucky you and Philly! I haven't been back since I left school there about a million years ago. Your moving there is just another reason to visit.

Anonymous said...

Alex is just precious :D. What a beautiful dolly he is. Congrats on your new move. Wishing you much happiness in this new chapter in your life!
*kisses* HH

Tasty Trix said...

Philly is a great city, with TONS of good food! You'll love it. And Alex is adorable!

Emily said...

alex is adorable..how time does fly!
best wishes as you get used to your new habitat. :)

OysterCulture said...

I am so behind and playing catchup - congrats on the move. I've always loved Philly - and my brother and his wife love taking their kids up there to visit from Baltimore.

Lori said...

That is such a great picture of him! You all are going to have so much fun exploring your new city together.

Magic of Spice said...

He is just so adorable! Looks like such a beautiful place, wishing all the happiness in your new surroundings.

Unknown said...

Love, love, love that final photo of Alex. He's adorable and looks SOOOO happy! I'll miss you when I visit NYC, but I'll remember that you're there in case I ever go to Philly! :)

Ajlounyinjurylaw said...

The word spring sounds so good just about now.