11 Months

Dear Alex,

If I could just crawl into your brain to get glimpse of how those wheels are churning through your head, I'd have an idea of the incredible joy with which you embrace the world.  Everyday brings new discovery and experiences that inspire 'ooohs' and 'wows'. Something as mundane as opening up my purse, emptying all of the cabinets, watching birds swoop or trees bend to the call of the wind is as magical as when I mysteriously produce a cookie from behind your ear.

This month it has been astonishing to see how quickly your verbal skills have accelerated. From simple mama, baba, and dada you've branched off to more, hot, bubble, flower but still your favorite word is 'wow' because that is impression of the world around you. The biggest kick that we get is when you show that you understand what we are saying. Like when I tell you that there is a truck outside and you immediately sputter, 'Vrooooom, vrooom'. Or when I say we have to put on our jackets because it is cold and you respond, 'brrrrrrr'. The best was when daddy looked into your eyes tenderly and told you, "I love you Alex," and you responded by grabbing his face for a kiss. Now if that is not love, I don't know what is.

There's also the numerous hazards in our house that we have told you are off limits such as electric outlets, cords and shelves. After weeks of telling you 'no' you are approaching these items gingerly and without any prompting you shake your head 'no' - a note to yourself - before you back out towards the other direction. It's quite cute to see a nascent form of responsibility and decision-making. 

You are also showing more of your personality with strong likes and dislikes.

In terms of food, your favorite cuisine seems to be Mexican as you can't seem to get enough tacos and burritos. Most people are impressed when they hear that you can finish an entire burrito yourself. Your other favorite is Mario Batali's bolognese ragu which is essentially a fancy version of pasta and meat sauce that takes way too long to make. Strong dislikes? Jarred baby food. To my chagrin you never took to the convenience of the jarred chicken, turkey and beans. But it might as well be I wouldn't want to eat that stuff either.

Your budding obsessions include a YouTube slideshow of colorful lollipops that play to The Chordette's Lollipop song. At the start of the song your face illuminates, your smile broadens ear to ear and you do your shake as we dance together and I sing the lyrics at the top of my lungs until the end when you clap your hands and squeal "mo" or more. We repeat this far too many more times before I declare a break.

It will be too soon before you will be singing this song to me and then choosing music that I'll never has heard of. But until then this will be our song.




  1. This is a wonderful tribute to motherhood and the little treasures in our lives. It shows that we are still kids at heart and take joy in the little things too.

  2. oh this is too cute! Ha, can just imagine him dancing! :)

  3. A precious boy learning about the world without a care in the world--as it should be! Enjoy and remember every fresh thing that Alex shares of himself. He is a beautiful boy.


  4. So smart to record these milestones in sweet Alex's life. They grow so fast that you just want to cling to every moment. Out Grandson Cameron is just a few months older than Alex. We just saw the video of his first steps. Sigh.

  5. Love that photo! What a great letter to your son too.

  6. Love you letters to Alex, Christine -- you're such a wonderful mother. That picture is priceless.

  7. What a sweet post Christine. One of my favorite words is Wow too. Alex is adorable.

  8. What a cutie patootie! I was hoping to see you at the blogger gathering in SoHo Sunday, and Saw No Recipes Marc. Maybe one day we can finally meet! And I get to say hello to this one!

    My son is living with us again. He went off to college right after high school to live in St. Louis, so it is nice to see him mature into a man. We love our sons :)

  9. What a sweet tribute Christine! Alex is a gem!

  10. Oh, Alex! I love that "Lollipop" song, too! Play it all on the Cordette channel on Pandora station. :) And Christine, it is priceless that you have these lovely letters to Alex! xoxo

  11. Beautiful post, Christine! And Alex is so big and grown-up looking! Thanks for keeping us updated on his progress - he is such a cutie!

  12. i can't believe he's almost one!
    so adorable, and what a wonderful letter. :)

  13. Another taco baby!! This makes me so happy! Mac and Alex are destined to be buds. :)
