Gourmet & More, Arlequin and the Fatted Calf in Hayes Valley San Francisco

Rillettes Sandwich from Gourmet & More

Gourmet & More Hayes Valley

Hayes Street 

Courtyard at Arlequin

Sherry Page and Alex

The Fatted Calf

This is how we do it at the Fatted Calf

Smitten Ice Cream and its unique made-to-order ice cream accomplished by liquid nitrogen

Alex and I have landed on the other side of the country in San Francisco. Our first order of business was to see friends and family. There are two dear friends I have in the city, Gloria and Sherry. On this day, Sherry Page of Culinary Getaways and I met for a gourmet field trip through Hayes Valley. You may remember Sherry from here and here. Fabulous, isn't she? Our neighborhood excursion included a visit to Arlequin, where my two and a half foot midget wandered through its beautiful back courtyard, lunch at Gourmet & More where an impressive cheese room waits in the back, a meaty stop at the Fatted Calf and dessert at Smitten Ice Cream, where I experienced the creamiest cups of chocolate and salted caramel. Although Sherry tells me the creamiest ice cream is from Askinosie Chocolate. I'll have to see for myself. To top it off we had a friendly visit from the unofficial neighborhood mascot, Casper the Cockatoo, an unimaginably fun way to end the day.

Casper the Cockatoo


  1. How great to be back home with family & friends Christine. I bet Alex is enjoying the love and attention coming his way. I know at his age I did! It's like being on top of the world and not know why.

    Everything in the case at the Fatted calf looks delicious. I'll have one of each please.

  2. A gourmet field trip? Your photos have inspired me to plan one of my own! All of the food looks so delicious. Love the last photo and Alex's attention to the bird on mommy's head. He is growing so fast. Love that age.


  3. Wonderful photos! I think I need to go on a Gourmet Field Trip!

  4. Nice pics! I love to read all of your blog post. Thanx :)

  5. I love all the photos but you and bébé take the cake:)

  6. That ice cream looks absolutely sinful -- I hope we make it to SF soon to try it. Love the last picture; it just made my day.

  7. your photos always captivate---this time, it's that dreamy ice cream that I can't quite get over--remarkable looking stuff. Looks like Alex is really enjoying the travel.

  8. Had such a fun time with you and Alex, Christine! Hope you are still enjoying yourselves. Love the shots!

  9. great photos! it looks like a cute little restaurant! and i've always wanted to try liquid nitrogen ice cream! looks delicious!

  10. You must be loving being back in CA - and eating your way through - all the photos invite - but you know - Alex trumps food. What can I say? That little guys exudes charm.

  11. I used to go to Hayes street and Arlequin every time I was in San Fransisco! Loved their courtyard especially and their bombolonis (hope they still make them!) Your Alex probably had a field day in that garden outside!

  12. what nice pictures and your little is awesome likw always he is sooo cute!

  13. Love the bird photo... is he eating your hair??? Looks like the little guy enjoyed it tremendously.

  14. What a great place to visit family! So much to see and do in San Francisco. Alex just steals the show, though. What a cutie!!!

  15. Looks like a great day. The ice cream does look perfectly creamy. Have fun finding out if there's an even creamier one!

  16. Look how Alex has grown! Amazing. Looks like you both had a wonderful time and Alex must have been amazed at the cockatoo.
