Living in New York, you can count on running into celebrities from time to time. Although, don't rely on me to recognize the obvious, like when that guy from 24, Kiefer Sutherland, was walking down Madison Avenue, I didn't know who he was until the paparazzis called him out.


I've heard from a friend that if you live here long enough that you'll eventually walk onto the set of Law & Order, apparently my husband has done this three times already.

So it wasn't a complete surprise that I would run into a celebrity on my way to the grocery store, but the experience was a tad bit more than I bargained for. Isaac Mizrahi, American designer for Target, stopped me on the street to ask about my fashion habits.  Mind you, I know very little about fashion, nor do I care to develop any expertise, it's just not my thing. Now if you want to ask me about food, well then we can talk. So the interview was a bit awkward and humorous as I weaved in several food references. It went something like this:

Isaac: What was your recent impulse buy?
Me: Recent, err... Dinner at Bar Masa. The food was so creative and imaginative, and potentially best described as avant-garde.

You know this wasn't the answer Isaac was looking for. He had this expression, like are we talking about clothes or food? It was a difficult question for me, and I had to think very hard.  I don't go shopping often, and as you can probably guess I spend most of my time eating or thinking about eating, so dinner at Bar Masa was at the top of my head. Isaac laughed heartily at my answer. What did he expect me to say? Juicy Couture?

Isaac: Who is your favorite style icon?
Me: Diane Von Furstenberg, she's such a beautiful woman! 
Isaac: Oh thank goodness you didn't say Jennifer Aniston! I love her too!
Me: Why would I say Jennifer Aniston? 
Isaac: People have been telling me Jennifer Aniston is their favorite icon. 
Me: Oh really? Like who? The Olsen twins? (We laughed quite hard.) I love Diane because she's so confident, and she truly celebrates the diverse beauty of women, and most importantly curves! 

Isaac: What is your favorite piece of clothing?
Me: I love my Lululemons. 
Isaac: You too! You're the second girl to mention this yoga clothing line. Do you do yoga?
Me: No, I just like the fact that they are stretchy, so that I fit into them through all the seasons, you know like the day after Thanksgiving and through the rest of the holidays... 
LOL! Most everyone reading this blog knows what I mean.

Isaac: What is your least favorite style trend? 
Me: Very low-rise jeans. I've seen enough of Rosemary Plumber's crack. I want to see the end of that trend! I mean... well, you know what I mean...

Isaac: What is your pre-go-out ritual?
Me: I like to rock to Beyonce's Single Ladies. 
Isaac: So do I! 

Geez, what a coinky-dink! LOL!


  1. So cool! I don't think I can answer any of his questions......

  2. Oh my gosh!! How fun :) Look at you all cute and smiley! Although...I would have rather met Keifer as I am completely a "style" dummy.

  3. what a funny and cool experience - and just so you know- I celebrate curves as well!

  4. hahahaha LOVE IT!!!! did he interview you? is this what you do for a living?! very cool

  5. Lucky gal! That never happens to me!

  6. You did such a great job! I love your responses!
    The only time I've ever been TV interviewed in the city was (sans makeup, of course) when I was at Luke's Lobster on opening day. My answers were more like, "um, yeah, it's really good."
    You were much more calm and full of charm and charisma.

  7. Ok that is so fun, I rarely run into celebrities in Minneapolis

  8. Thanks for the kind and lively comments!

    Girlichef - I'd love to run into Kiefer again!

    And this blog - I'm looking for a job, at this point I'm more desperate than the real housewives of NY. LOL!

    High Low - I couldn't take the thing seriously. I mean, I basically rolled out of bed, and walked smack into filming. Thank goodness I brushed my teeth before going out. LOL!

  9. Haha, how awesome! Honestly, I would not have been able to recognize him or any fashion person. I also would not have been able to answer a single question. I would have just stood there in stupid silence. But, I'm totally with you on the stretchy clothes. Love it!

  10. oh! I hope ur enjoy NYC =)
    I'm an art director/designer by day... and food blogger/eater by night =)

  11. How I do enjoy Single Ladies especially when it was the opener to Glee a few weeks ago. But what I love more is reading this story... especially after hearing it last night. I will read it again when I need a good pick me up :)

  12. LMAO!! very cute! I think I would've said my last impulse buy was a jar of Nutella (with no recipe in mind). and maybe my favorite stylist would be whoever does Paula Deens food styling. Soooo not into fashion!

  13. Thanks everyone for the comments! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only person to have a food fetish! LOL!

  14. OMG, how cool! Like you, I'm not particularly fashion-minded, but I would have loved having a chat with Isaac. Thanks for sharing the experience with us!

  15. How awesome! and What you don't know Kiefer Sutherland (Jack Bauer) from 24? Thats America's hero, the Chuck Norris of today. Love the post!

  16. That's such a hilarious interview! Lucky! I've only been living in Manhattan less than a year but I've run into several movie-type sets. Maybe Law & Order was one of them. I'm just as bad as you are and I spent my entire life in LA!

  17. I have had many celebrity experiences since I move up this way.

  18. You are so cute:) My daughter loves Lulu too..The clothes and her son:)
