Over the course of truffle week, I picked up a few lessons of how to incorporate this precious ingredient into interesting dishes. As with any rare ingredient, preparation and additional ingredients should be simple to avoid too much competition in flavors and to respect the essence of the truffle. Truffles and cheese are a common paring given the truffle's earthy flavors and aromas. Truffle cheese should be prepared at least two days, and preferably three days, ahead of time to allow flavors to infuse and develop.

To make truffle cheese, choose a mild flavored, soft cheese such as brie or camembert. Cut the cheese crosswise to create two wheels, or have your cheese specialist to do it for you.

Thinly shave enough chips from a fresh truffle to cover the face of one cheese wheel.


Assemble the truffle chips onto the soft side of one of the cheese wheels, taking care to cover the entire surface.


Once the cheese pie is completely canvassed with truffles, top it with the other side of the cheese wheel, soft side down.

Securely wrap the cheese in plastic, refrigerate for two to three days to allow the truffle flavors to infuse. Serve with a fresh baguette or crackers. The marriage of creamy richness and earthiness is magnificent.


  1. Truffles with that's what I'm talking about.

  2. What a decadent cheese that must be!

  3. Such a smart idea, and I'll bet it tastes amazing!

  4. This is something we could do at home too, when we can find the truffles.

  5. That sounds amazing! Too bad we can't taste the computer screen!

  6. Truffle cheese?! Now I'm being introduced to things I didn't even know existed. How wonderful! It has to taste amazing.

  7. Oh my this combination must be incredible! You have taken something that is already delicious and turned it into something extraordinary. Thanks...

  8. I don't think I've ever had truffles. I love the idea of infused cheese though! Heh.

  9. Wowsa. I would need to eat only lettuce and rice for one week before, and one week after, this lusciousness. Totally worth it though.

  10. Yum yum yum yum. That's all I can say :)

  11. OMG that looks so incredibly delicious! Thanks for sharing:)

  12. Wow...making your own cheese...that's great. It looks so creamy!


  13. Oh my, how decadent! I am coming over for the wine and truffle cheese party. I'll bring the bread. ;-)

  14. Une recette délicieuse.
    J'aime beaucoup.

  15. This could be the best recipe yet. Keep em coming Christine!

  16. Mmmm, truffles sandwiched between layers of brie. I think I could go for that!

  17. OH my and so easy too. Now I'm thinking of other things to infuse!

  18. if you ever get tired of these flavors I will be more than happy to suffer through it for you - it was great to finally meet you today!

  19. I love truffle cheese, but never thought to make my own - you're brilliant!

  20. The gods would step down from their heavens to dine on this.

  21. HI! We are all dying... as you can see... do you think this would work with the black truffles we can buy over in North America in the jars, or does it have to be the fresh truffles?
    And, were you only there in black truffle season - I should research this before I ask the question - but did you taste the white ones fresh, too?
    Fresh, local truffles... absolute heaven. Have you seen David Lebovitz's site lately writing about his truffle hunting, and selling and eating? I wonder how a hunter can really enjoy eating them when they knwo how much money they can get for them...

  22. Thank you for all of your kind commments!
    Canadian Foodie - I'm afraid that this may not work with truffles from jars because the liquid in the preserved truffles changes the consistency of the cheese. Fresh truffles are fairly dry in texture. Black truffle and white truffle season do not overlap much in season. Italian white truffle season spans between September to December. Black truffle season in Provence spans between December to the beginning of March. I have not tasted white truffles, but when I do, it will likely be in Northern Italy.

    I have been following David Leibovitz's posts of black truffles in France. It's been so much fun to see and read the intrigue of truffles.

  23. I love truffle cheese--this looks amazing!

  24. bravo pour cette explication, et bravo pour cette magnifique recette à mon avis ce fromage n'a pas duré longtemps
    bonne journée

  25. Excellent Cheese,nice presentation!

    You always have these marvelous postings. I have enjoyed it very much.

  26. The theme on how to administrate these precious gems is very important.

    I know that this cheese must be absolutely adorable :)

    Have a great week!

  27. Wow, that would be a show stopper at a party!

  28. That is just so decadent, it should be illegal daaaaahling!

  29. ~swoon!~

    I've had truffled cheese in the past, most typically from Italy, but have never made it myself. Thanks to you, that will change!

  30. Oh this is decadent; would make a lovely gift too!

  31. Two great tastes that taste good together!! I sound like a commercial. Thank goodness for Central Market, I'm headed there now for cheese and truffles! ~LeslieMichele

  32. Heavenly! All that's missing is a loaf of bread and a bottle of wine.

  33. Love truffles in cheese, sometimes I get it in specialty stores...but sure what you presented here sounds and looks much yummier :-)

  34. This looks easy to make and delicious to eat!! Yum!

  35. I heard myself grunt when I saw this post in my dashboard. Sounds so good that I'm involuntarily making strange noises! Hope you guys enjoy it, Stella

  36. I have had truffle cheese before and it's so very good! I would have loved to be able to make it myself, how neat!

  37. I never had truffle cheese before. It must be a great gift to receive. :)

  38. That sounds fantastic and so easy!

  39. FASCINATING! I love how simple the idea is!

  40. wow! What a great idea. You should try this in NYC and let us know how it works in the home kitchen! :)

  41. I am loving this series! What an incredible trip.

  42. This sounds wonderful! I have never tried truffles, but just ordered some truffled salt, and will be picking up truffle oil at the local gourmet store. My husband and I dream of starting a truffle orchard in Tennessee... yes, they can be grown in North America.
