Following an fascinating and fun-filled truffle hunt, which I will be posting soon, we headed to Chef Daniel Hébet's restaurant, Le Jardin du Quai.

Enter into the restaurant's lush garden court in the quaint village of Isle Sur La Sorgue, and you will find the charming rustic and modest veneer of this restaurant.

As soon as you walk through the doors, your eyes will be immediately be captivated by several beautiful time-treasured pieces that adorn the bar room, many of which I am sure were collected from antique shops throughout L'Isle Sur La Sorgue.

Gold against gold, gold against wood, gold moldings, there was definitely a theme. Perhaps influence of Louis XIV? Or maybe these treasures were the very glimmer of inspiration that drove the Sun King to such excess.

The ornate detail on this antique torch chandelier is simply magnificent.

Not so antique, but every bit as awesome, was the prosciutto and jamon slicer. I just love the red hot Harley Davidson polish of this magnificent machine.


Chef Daniel Hébet, who gets invited to cook across the globe, including once in New York by the James Beard Foundation, was summoned to away Paris on the day we visited. But Sherry Page, assured us that Chef Hébet knew we were visiting and made sure we were in good hands.


As everyone took their seat, orders of champagne and apéritifs went around the table. I asked for a kir, which is made with crème de cassis and white wine, the best kir I've ever had. Of course, this was before I knew we were also having a local white and red wine from Côtes du Luberon to pair with our lunch, so I got stuck with three glasses. 


While altogether excessive, I do have to say if the welcome truffle dinner didn't teach me to pace myself, this lunch would certainly do so.  

Bread is generally offered with olive oil in France, however butter is available per request, I just didn't expect that it would arrive on such a beautiful black slate. I think the butter should be customary, just so guests can have a little extra to admire on the table.


Our first course was poached eggs, topped with thinly shredded black truffles (tuber melanosporum), wrapped in prosciutto, ladled with crème fraîche and topped with tender onion chives.


I can't begin to express the magnificence of this combination with the richness of the egg yolk blending together with cream, delicate green chives and earthy truffles. I still can't get over the deep reddish-orange hue of the egg yolk, it must have ascended from a happy chicken roaming freely in grassy French pastures to be so beautiful.

This spectacular appetizer was followed by a dover sole, a mild white fish, that was gloriously dripping in butter, topped with overt whispers of truffles and accompanied by fresh tender mâche leaves. 

And if you didn't think you received enough truffles, there was an extra truffle set on the table for your helping.

It was just asking for trouble. If I wasn't so dignified, I would have popped the entire thing in my mouth. Dignity is overrated. 


Before we got too full, we were presented with a fillet of bœuf, medium rare over shaved truffles, diced celery root and mushrooms. Delicious in every way, and at this point I was stuffed.

Until Hilary asked about the colorful candy in the jar. At this point everyone's curiosity peaked. Did I tell you that everyone who signed up for this trip is a Leo? We were all born in August, and much like a cat, are intensely curious creatures. Can you guess what is in that jar?

Sherry Page asked us all not to tell anyone that type of candies they were, for fear that people would think Culinary Getaways was feeding us junk food.  But does it really count if we asked for it? After all, it was very good candy, soft, spongy with sugar crystals, a stiff crumbly crust and sweet lemon accents, and they were hand crafted by Chef  Daniel Hébet, himself. 

Sherry was joking of course. These candies were as gourmet as they get, and they were none other than the humble marshmallow. A pleasant experience and a sweet ending.

91 avenue Julien Guigue
Isle-sur-la-Sorgue - 84800 Vaucluse - France


  1. You took me back to France with your post. My family lived in the Fontainebleau area for 15 years and I lived there 3 years. I love that place, I will go there next time I am in France, gosh, I do miss all that refinement!
    Plus, I will say it, I have never had "black truffles". Would you say that is one thing to experience before one dies?

  2. I just love this arm chair journey through France and the discovery of the elusive truffle at every turn.

  3. What a luxurious looking lunch. Im drooling through the window LOL.
    *kisses* HH

  4. I just can't get over the glorious color of the egg yolk! Truly an incredible sight to behold...

  5. wow, you are having such an amazing experience!

  6. oh my... You have enough in this one post to fill a month... Keep posting!

  7. Everything looks so elegant, gourmet and stylish.

  8. Oh my...what a amazing experience, really envy you!

  9. I love your photos, and what an amazing lunch!

  10. Heart be still! Christine, thank you for taking us along with you ~ what a fabulous dining experience. I'm so happy you took pictures... absolutely delightful! xo

  11. Your photos are so gorgeous! They make me feel as if I was there! Gorgeous!

  12. February has been feeling a bit dismal and chilly, but your truffle posts are warming my heart!

  13. That is one decadent lunch! I especially love that sole with truffles but everything looks so excellent! I can't show this to my husband - he's working from home and would request for me to make these dishes for him right away :)

  14. What an amazing lunch. I'm drooling all over my keyboard! Just the picture of the crusty bread and butter made my stomach ache with envy!

  15. That first comment immediately made my mouth water. All the pics were again beautiful though. Even the butter was pretty!

  16. What an amazing meal thank you for sharing it, I've definately got some dinner envy going on....

  17. Oh Fresh- I am feasting upon the Dover Sole as truffles whisper in my ear, and a bellow growls like the lioness who roams the blogsphere!

    Did you know your acronym is FLAB :)

    Sorry, I'm 'bout FL&B!

  18. Ahhhh that luncheon is flawless....from the slate of butter to the filet with truffles and mushrooms. Earthly delights!
    dover sole is so delicious, I haven't eaten it years.
    Thanks for this tour---
    I cannot get over it!

  19. That meal looks like a dream come true. Every dish was so beautiful to look at and I'm sure tasted even better. That first dish with the poached egg...I was in heaven. I love that the meal ended with a marshmallow! So cute and delightful.

  20. Chef E - You are an astute reader! Here I've been thinking that my acronym was FLB, but FLAB seems more appropriate. :)

    Taste of Beirut - I do think that most foods are worth trying before you die, especially truffles. But as is the case with many expensive items, make sure you get a good quality specimen to ensure that the experience is worthwhile.

  21. This seems like a beautiful trip of a lifetime. What an exquisite meal and the the indulgence of the truffles is too much for words.

  22. I am so so jealous, I don't even know why I am still reading your blog ;)

    I once had a truffle dinner in Dijon from apetizer to... dessert. It was fantastic!!

  23. I don't even like truffles, but what an amazing experience!!

  24. Spectacular! And all of a sudden I have an intense desire for one of those slicers for my kitchen.
    The fact that you are a three fisted drinker makes me love you all the more. ;-)

  25. everything looks so good and decadent! that slicer looks amazing!

  26. Such an elegant meal from the bread to the marshmallow. Where are we going next?

  27. Such beautiful photo's and delicate food...very nice combo!


  28. Dover Sole and Filet and Wine and're killing me!

  29. The photos alone are worth a thousand words - but all I can think is what a blissful experience!

  30. Just reading about this meal almost gave me gout. Which my dad got when we vacationed in France one year. How DO they stay so skinny!?

    The picture of that egg in proscuitto made me swoon.

  31. Gorgeous photos! The food looks amazing. I've browsed your site a bit and it is fantastic. You take great photos.

  32. Christine, I absolutely love reading your posts about your trip to France. This is just fabulous. Thank you for taking the time to share this journey with us.

    I have never had a black truffle...Actually, besides truffle oil, I have never had truffles. Experiencing truffles is now on my official bucket list of things I must experience. :-)

  33. That looks like a DREAM! Too good to even be real! That prosciutto slicer is beauuuuuuuuuuutiful.

  34. That is quite a meal! I'll be very happy with just the poached eggs!

  35. What an excellent experience and an exquisite lunch!
    I would love to have that fish- mouthwatering!

  36. everything is fascinating... i can't wait for the next post!

  37. What gorgeous food! A fabulous experience!



  38. wow! what a fabulous meal and ambiance!

  39. Oh honestly, if I didn't love your blog so much, I would just remove you totally from my google reader - I am just so jealous! If you ever need a personal assistant, let me know! I will work for free and you can pay me with little scraps of food! :)

  40. So envious of your amazing trip! We just bought our tickets to visit his family in the summer and it can't come any sooner!

    Btw, the steak lloks so juicy...makes me want to sink my teeth into my computer screen. Armph!

  41. That's a fabulous lunch...Loved the decor in that restaurant :-)

  42. I knew that had to be marshmallows! Isn't it funny how much everyone loves them?
    Reading your blog is like being there with you....that dover sole looks divine.

  43. wow what a place so pleased you got to go lol

  44. Wow, what amazing pictures and such beautifully crafted food. I miss France.

  45. Christine - reading your truffle posts make me deliriously happy. What an incredible experience.

  46. Very nice! yes, let's do lunch soon! xoxo

  47. Scotty, beam me there! Oh my goodness!!!!

  48. The sole is spectacular. I love the elegant simplicity of the baked whole presentation. Beautiful pictures and intriguing post as always.

  49. You are sure one lucky lady! Love the place and the mouth-watering food.

  50. I'm going on this trip, that's all there is to it!!!! I can't wait for your next post! ~LeslieMichele

  51. Wow - This looks super delicious! Your pictures are amazing. Love your blog. // Jennie

  52. Wow - This looks super delicious! Your pictures are amazing. Love your blog. // Jennie

  53. I can't keep up with this level of gorgeousity! Good reporting!

  54. I have a 3 year old jar of black truffles which I bought in Spain.....still haven't used it! That beef looks ....yum!

  55. What a fabulous post! Oh my, you are one lucky lady. The food, the atmosphere, the company - all too good to be true. You must be pinching yourself. I know I would.

  56. Christine, your truffle meals get more elegant by the post. I love a kir too and I'm also a Leo.

  57. Yea, love the stunning red on the machine too!

  58. I imagine that mild white sole fillet dripping in butter to be very fragrant!

  59. Wow--what a gorgeous lunch and such a wonderful setting. I want a marshmallow! ;-)

  60. Oh my goodness, everything looks so good.

  61. I am DYING here....... I want it ALL!
