Fresh from San Francisco - Ferry Building Farmers' Market

It seems impossible, but each year the San Francisco Ferry Building Farmers' Market gets better and better. Newer heirloom varieties, more organic choices and as always married with the same passion and commitment to quality that spawned this amazing location.

Heirloom tomatoes are hitting the market now in a bright and powerful rainbow force. Did you know there more than 600 heirloom varieties in existence? Each one is uniquely interesting and beautiful.

I have been studying and tasting many different types of heirloom varieties, and some, like the Cherokee Purple, I enjoyed so much that I saved the seeds for my pop's garden next year.

I miss having a garden, and one of the flowers that I miss most is my Arabian Nights dahlia as pictured above. Just look at those perfect cone petals.

I must confess that the reason I came out to San Francisco was to enjoy the incredible bounty of ripe ambrosial, aromatic and honeyed stone fruits.

Whenever buying nectarines, I always look for blushed bumpy rough patches of skin, which indicates a high sugar content. These beauties had a very summery mango flavor. $3/lb

These organic bing cherries are from Hidden Star Orchards, which is CCOF certified and sell for $6.25 per pound. If you can't make it to the Ferry Building on Saturdays, they also sell their produce at the farmers market in North Beach at Mason and Columbus on Sundays, sometimes offering lower prices to boot.

Of course, the luscious berries deserve their own spotlight.  These "Jeweled" blueberries are sold under the table at Hidden Star Orchards Farm. Why under the table? Because they are so sought after that you must reserve your share before it sells out. $10/lb.

I also make sure to restock on my organic skin toner from Allstar Organics. These refreshing hydrosols are made with only water and organic herbs such as bay laurel (my favorite), lemon verbena, lavender, rose, rosemary, douglas fir and sage. $7 per 2 oz bottle

Allstar also offers a wide variety of organic dried spices and herbs, all CCOF certified. $10 per jar

This may be the first time I've seen red carrots. 

Also not to be missed is the incredible array of outdoor food that is served at the Ferry Building each Saturday. 

Tamales filled with chicken and covered with mole sauce from Primavera Tamales stand. $4.25 per tamale

If you've never had mole sauce, it is a concoction of cocoa, multiple herbs and hot and smoky spices and is oh-so-good!

 You can watch the corn tortillas being freshly pressed.

Come early if you want to try these tamales, the line grows longer by the hour.

4505, another food stand, offers porkalicious bacon filled hotdogs fresh off the grill, and a supply to take home, if you'd like.  That's right, say it sexy, "Chichar-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-ones!"

If you miss the farmers' market at the Ferry Building on Saturday, you can enjoy a scaled down version at Fort Mason over the next few months. 

French fingerling potatoes from Happy Boy Farms, which is CCOF certified, offer tender flesh with concentrated earthy potato flavors. $2.50/lb

Unfortunately, no matter how cute you are, dogs are not allowed at any San Francisco farmers' markets. :-(


Heather S-G said...'s all Gorgeous!! Oh man, Cherokee Purple's are my favorites, too...although I never remember to save any seeds. This year.... =)

Belinda @zomppa said...

Those tomatoes are beautiful!! Can I come live with you??

Lori said...

Thanks for taking us to the market! :) Everything looks amazing. I am infatuated with heirloom tomatoes this year. Surprisingly there are many farmer's here in central KY that grow several varieties. We are growing brandywines ourselves, but I have loved the Mr. Stripeys I've tried. Definitely going to put them in the garden next year. Oh and I seriously want a tamale!

Kitchen Butterfly said...

Chin dripping this evening, while studying a juicy nectarine, I said to myself - this tastes of mangoes...and then I shook my head and wiped the thought away. So happy that you think the same too!!!And what absolutely gorgeous photos - what a gorgeous market!

La Bella Cooks said...

I never tire of visiting the SF market and your photos and descriptions were spot on. What a lovely tribute to this wonderful city and their ever-changing market.

Cathy said...

Wow, great market photos!!!! I love visiting markets in other cities, and hope to see the SF market one day soon. Thanks for the tour.

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

What a gorgeous post!!! I love the ferry building farmers market! Your photos are a masterpiece!

Asha @ FSK said...

Looks like you are having a very good time in SFO, Christine! Glad to read about the lovely fresh produce! :)

Tina said...

But the little dog is too cute....I would love to take mine. Nice shots, as always, the peaches look so good...could imagine the juice running down my arm!

kelsey, at happyolks said...

just gorgeous. we loved our market today too!

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

I just love the farmers market at the ferry building. So much to see. Thanks for taking us on this virtual tour. Love the "punk puppy":D

Simply Life said...

BEAUTIFUL pictures!!!

Joanne said...

Oh you're making me yearn to be back in SF!

Delicious Dishings said...

Look at all that fabulous produce! I must get out to visit SF sometime.

I haven't been to my farmers' market in a couple of weeks because I've had to work, but I can't wait to see if the heirloom tomatoes have arrived!

El said...

It's amazing how many people turn out to get the fresh food- inspiring, really. Glad you're having fun!

Anonymous said...

So wishing I was in SF right now. This looks like an amazing farmer's market!


Everything looks amazing... thanks for transporting me to SF right this very minute. Oh SF will always be one of my fave cities, I wish I could go back there to live just like I did in the 90's.

the constant hunger said...

Gorgeous pics.

Mari Nuñez said...

BEautiful market, wonderful flowers, fruit veggies and food!

Thanks for sharing.

Have a wonderful day : D

Pam said...

Fantastic! What a great market and no city beats SF!

Barbara said...

I am so enjoying your photos and trip, Christine! I saw those gorgeous heirloom tomates someplace recently..they look delicious.
There wasn't one photo of veggies, fruit or food I didn't want to grab and eat!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post and an amazing farmers market! Sure would be great to live by one that nice! Love the pup and your comment...ha ha ha!


The Diva on a Diet said...

You are seriously tempting me to get on a plane and go to the SF Ferry Building! Each photo is more beautiful than the next and I want every single thing in this post! :)

tigerfish said...

I just bought a bunch of carrots (including red) few days back! so good roasting them :)

Momo said...

i think this is the garden of the Eden!wonderful post!

The Blonde Duck said...

Everything looks gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I have an award for you over on my blog! I think the pictures as always are just awesome and your blog is fabulous!

Deb in Hawaii said...

I so love the Ferry Building Farmers Market--you are making me long for it. The photos are gorgeous as usual. I wish we had good stone fruit here. Love the Arabian Nights dahlia too. A great post! ;-)

Sara McCarty said...

Gorgeous gorgeous pictures!! I loved this post. All your posts make me so hungry and jealous of all the cool foodie things you do! This market looks amazing! When can I come visit and go shopping/eating with you?!

T.W. Barritt at Culinary Types said...

Truly one of my favorite places in the world! Your photos are just to die for - between the cherries, the carrots, the peaches, the berries and the "dogs" I don't know which I'd want to snack on first!

Lori Lynn said...

Thank you for the mini-vacation! Each and every photo is stunning!
P.S. Wilson would not tolerate orange fur.

FOODESSA said...

Cristina...with such fabulous representative photos...I felt I was right there with you.
I too miss having my garden very much...however, I honestly do not miss all the responsibilities having a big home and garden entailed. Your Pop will be thrilled with having a new breed of tomatoes...what a nice genuine gift ;o)
My dog would pout me forever if I would have dyed his ears those colors ;)
Thanks for such a lovely tour of your market.

BTW...the next time you stop by my place...there is something for you to pick up on my APPRECIATION page.

Have a great week,

sweetlife said...

beautiful stone fruit, and lovely flowers...what a great market, glad you had a chance to stop by and I am sure your pop will be super happy you saved him seeds..


Ravenous Couple said...

these photos are stunning and makes us want to head back up to SF...

nancy at good food matters said...

How many wonderful things in this post? Too many to count!

Cherokee Purples are at the top of my list of favorite heirlooms; and I am so grateful that there's widespread interest in cultivating the 600-plus varieties--and eating them.

Love the shot of the tamales, and learning about the uncured! and we southerners think we have the corner on bacon!

Velva said...

I have had the opportunity twice in my life to spend time in the Ferry building. if I lived in San Francisco, I would not have a dime to my name because I would not be able to control myself. Your photos are proof!

OysterCulture said...

Great recap of the markets and the offerings that make SF so special. I love all the food vendors and the incredible offerings they produce, and those tamales are to die for. I love the mole sauce. I much prefer buying it as it takes so long to produce and the yummy smells drive me to temptation. Looks like you are enjoying your visit.

Mardi Michels said...

Gorgeous pics Christine, but then again with all that fabulous produce what can you do!? Cannot wait to get to SF this summer for the Ferry Building and market!

Reeni said...

What beautiful fruits and vegetables! The market is a gem - it's no wonder people flock to it. Would love one of those tamales...

Angie's Recipes said...

GOSH...look at all these photos! They are just stunning...seriously beautiful.

Chef E said...

I miss origami dahlia too! I discovered them when a man down the street from a my friends farm grew them for shows in MO, was a sight to behold with the umbrellas keeping them from blooming early for the show the next weekend, lol, we thought it was garden art at its best!

I love the fresh garlic we are getting here, huge! almost like elephant, but not sure, I will have to ask next time!

Liz said...

Absolutely beautiful photos and wonderful topic!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

I'm not sure which is more beautiful...the heirloom tomatoes or the flowers! Glorious Farmers' Market photos. I love this time of year at the markets!

I had to grin at the pooches' ears! Definitely a SF dog :)

Samantha @ The Savvy Soybean said...

This looks beautiful! and that dog..HAH! I always stop by the super busy Union Square farmer's market here in NYC, but yours just looks so provincial and lovely.

Samantha @ The Savvy Soybean said...

This looks beautiful! and that dog..HAH! I always stop by the super busy Union Square farmer's market here in NYC, but yours just looks so provincial and lovely.

Pam said...

I love, love, love going to farmer's markets. Great photos.

Sook said...

Ooh fresh fruit and vegetables! Always the best.

Claudia said...

I could just move in to that Farmer's Market. Just live there till January. And munch.

Gera@SweetsFoodsBlog said...

Outstanding colorful and tasty pictures. Congrats for your photographic skills!!



Trissa said...

My husband and I said that we will go to the US next year for holidays and definitely NYC was the first stop - we hadn't planned to go the SF but I saw your post and am planning to stay a week - even for just the markets!

Emily said...

The market looks amazing. There is something wonderful about being surrounded by so much fresh and beautiful produce. It makes me wonder how anyone can feel the same about buying junkfood!

TKW said...

That's one fancy pooch! Did you get yourself a Tasty, Salty Pig Parts t-shirt? I love the Ferry Building!

lisaiscooking said...

I love all the beautiful colors of food and flowers--and especially the colors on the dog! I have to get to the Ferry Building one of these days.

mysimplefood said...

Your pics are fantastic. Wish I am in SF now at the Farmer's Market!

Joy said...

Christine what beautiful colors! I especially loved the pictures of the heirloom tomatoes and the bucket of purple flowers -- San Francisco is such a wonderful place. The farmer's markets there seem to have a playful spirit and the products of course are mouth-watering.

Maggie S said...

Your pics are gorgeous. My mouth actually started watering and I had to slurp!

That dog looks really well cared for. And I bet she feels pretty with her hair styled.

momgateway said...

pretty markets are the best place to be on weekends...there is always something new to try

Cocina Savant said...

What a collection of spectacular sights. It is interesting that you mentioned Cherokee Purple tomatoes since I read a recipe in John Besh's "My New Orleans" calling for that variety. I haven't found them anywhere around here but would love to get my hands on some. Awesome pictures of the market as well.

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos and descriptions! Thanks for sharing your experiences!

Deana Sidney said...

Christine, since doing my first location shooting last week I have an even finer appreciation of what you did... amazing photos... great colors, images. WOW WOW WOW! I felt I could take a bite of that fruit!

Tasty Trix said...

AMAZING colors in these photos. Just wow!!

Unplanned Cooking said...

Such beautiful pictures! Before we left, I bought a bunch of heirloom tomato seeds but unfortunately with our extended stay our seedlings didn't survive. Your photos make me regret I didn't drop them off at our neighbors.

Sutapa said...

Wonderful pics! So much colors and freshness all around! I wish I could fly now!
Mole sauce, I never have it! If you know the recipe share it someday, it's sounds very interesting!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

What a gorgeous farmers market. I would never leave.

I'm so glad you got to taste a Cherokee Purple tomato. They're the best. The seeds are over 100 years old and are from the Cherokee Indians. We grow the Cherokee Purples in our herb garden. They are a very heavy tomato, so tell your Dad to put up a lot of stakes. I also happen to live in Cherokee County, NC.

I'm sure enjoying your trip to California.

megan said...

I've been to the ferry building but never to their farmer's market. Looks like such fun. Amazing pics!!!

tasteofbeirut said...

Even though I have been to Frisco a bunch of times I never made it to the Ferry market! Great photos and the last one is hilarious! Love that clip on the puppy!
By the way these tomatoes are prized here in Lebanon too and called mountain tomatoes.

Juliana said...

Wow, love the pictures and enjoyed SO much going through it...I haven't been in SP for a while, but next time will make sure that we visit the market :-)

Unknown said...

The market is my fave SF destination! I loved the red carrots so much that we brought them back with us to NYC for dinner! Love your beautiful and colorful pics!!

Magic of Spice said...

What a fantastic market... My first time for a red carrot too:) These photos are so amazing and an overall exquisite post:)

Kitchen M said...

I don't go there too often, but it's such a treat when I do get to go! Hope to see you there next time. :)

Amelia PS said...

wonderful and fresh close-ups!