Dorie Greenspan's Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe and 38 Weeks

36 Weeks and 5 days, New York's Upper East Side

I'm whipping up a batch of Dorie Greenspan's chocolate chip cookies today. Sometimes the best things in life are the classic comfort foods, and I count these soft gooey chocolatey cookies among them.

These are the cookies that will be accompanying me to the hospital on Thursday when I meet a team of doctors and nurses that will be taking care of me through my c-section.  As you may know, my baby is breeched. And we tapped out all tricks in the bag when our last resort - an external version - did not work.

Sometimes the best way you can tell people how grateful you are for their help is through food. The doctors and nurses at St. Luke's will receive a small token of our gratitude over the next few days. I wish I could send everyone who has been so supportive of this journey these cookies. It has been an awesome ride, and I am grateful to have had many friends, including you, be a part of it. I hope you know how much it has meant to me to have your kind thoughts sent this direction. Thank you!

Dorie Greenspan's Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
The dough must be made 24 hours ahead of baking. The cookie dough freezes well for a convenient treat whenever the urge hits. I like to segment the dough into two tablespoon portions and store in a plastic bag in the freezer to enjoy hot and fresh over the following weeks.
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 sticks butter - room temperature
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2/3 cup light brown sugar - I've used dark brown sugar and preferred the results
  • 2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 cup pecans, chopped finely
  1. Whisk the together the following dry ingredients: flour, salt and baking soda together. 
  2. With a mixer on medium, beat the butter for a minute or until creamy, smooth and fluffy. Add the sugars and beat for another 2 minutes until well blended. Beat in the vanilla, then the eggs one at a time, beating for one minute after each addition.
  3. Reduce mixer to low and add the dry ingredients in 3 additions, mixing until incorporated
  4. With a rubber spatula mix in the nuts and chocolate
  5. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours
  6. 24 hours later: Preheat Oven to 375 F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  7. Using a rounded tablespoon measure put balls of cookie dough on baking sheets, leaving plenty of space between each cookie. This would be a good time to parcel out cookie dough balls to freeze for later baking. Bake one sheet at a time for 10-12 minutes until the edges brown but the center reaches a toasty golden shade. Allow to cool on the sheet a minute or two before moving to a cooling rack.


  1. It's been awhile since I've made chocolate chips cookies and I think I'll treat us to Dorie's and think of you.

    I hope that your c-section goes as well as my two did. And, once you have that sweet baby in your arms, it's all so very worth the means!

    You look beautiful in late pregnancy!

    Enjoy the whole process.


  2. Here's hoping you have a great time in the hospital and the event is one big party with no pain... and lots of these cookies. You look so gorgeous, honestly... how can you look so gorgeous 9 months pregnant?

    I love the cookies.. but the last time I tried lowering the sugar in a cookie... they went horribly wrong... horrid texture. As a result I usually chicken out and go for the recipe. WHat I love is the idea of freezing in portion size bits to make at will instead of snarfing down the whole batch in a few days with the excuse... they will get stale!!!

  3. I'll be thinking of you on Thursday, Christine! Don't worry about the C section; babies don't always do what we want them too!
    You look gorgeous!

  4. You look BEAUTIFUL! Radiant..and happy!

  5. You are gorgeous as always!!! Praying hard all goes well. So bummed though we couldn't meet up on this recent trip to NYC! Sorry, I'm selfish, haha ;)

  6. My daughter was a breech birth and she is now a 23 year old lught in my life. Cookies are always appreciated!!!!

  7. Ahhh you look GORGEOUS! And I could NOT be more excited for you!

    plus I hear that if you give baked goods to the nurses, you get better treatment. And i know that as a future doctor...I love people more when they bake me things. Just saying.

  8. You look absolutely nice Christine, take care and blessings, gloria

  9. These cookies are the best gifts! Although my family turns white when I say the dough must rest for 24 hours! Best of luck and warm wishes for the coming weeks. You and baby seem to be in very good hands. And you will have a spring baby!

  10. Oh wow, the baby is almost here!! I'm sure everybody will love those cookies too.

    Best of luck with your delivery. We can't wait to see those cute baby pictures. :)

  11. You look wonderful! Enjoy the last days of being pregnant... Good luck on Thursday! I'll be thinking of you!!! And your gift for the nurses and doctors is perfect!!! :)

  12. You look terrific! What a thoughtful gift to the nurses and doctors who will be caring for you.

  13. You look absolutely lovely Christine!Good luck on Thusday,many kisses & hugs...

  14. Will be thinking of you,sweet friend! Can't wait to see Baby Fresh! Keep us posted and will be praying for you both! :)

  15. You look radiant, Christine! And thoughful, as always. Everyone will appreciate those cookies.
    Sending all my best wishes your way---hard to believe the time is finally here!

  16. Good luck Christine! You look great! Will be thinking of you, your hubby, and Baby A this Thursday!

  17. Christine- You look positively radiant in the picture. Is it still possible that the baby will change positions before Thursday? I know sometimes that happens at the last minute. If not, best of luck with your delivery. I assume the doctors and nurses will spoil you once they receive their cookies :)

    Pretty soon you will be enjoying the first few days with your newborn. I hope you'll take lots of pictures.

  18. Thanks for the cookie recipe. Look forward to seeing lots of baby pictures! Best of luck with the birth, you will do great and so will baby, take care until we see you again.

  19. How nice of you to bring treats to your doctors and nurses. They'll love these cookies. Can't wait to see baby photos soon!

  20. OH my gosh! Look at you and you are gorgeous! Pregnancy will agrees with you, you are beaming!


  21. You look wonderful, Christine! What a wonderful idea to bake cookies for the staff. You will sail through this knowing exactly what is going to happen. That is not always the case for first time moms. An added bonus is your baby will have a beautifully shaped head :)

    Thinking of you!

  22. your stunning..i wish you all the best on thursday!! sending you love, how sweet to bring along cc cookies!!


  23. you are adorable! best wishes for a healthy delivery. :)

    and you are so sweet to bring cookies for the hospital staff; I'm sure they will appreciate them a lot!

  24. Christine,
    The excitement you are feeling is coming through loud and clear in your photo. You look absolutely gorgeous! I think I was that big at 6 months along--you sure don't look like you are about to deliver!

    My thoughts are with you as you welcome your son into the world and start life as a family :-)

  25. Oh my goodness. 38 weeks already? Time flies. You look gorgeous!!! Do you feel ready. I'm SO excited for you. Being a mom is just abou the best thing in the world. Even after rough nights (like last night), I still wake up and wonder at the loveliness of my little girl. It's amazing.

    Good luck! My little one was breech too. I'm sorry the version didn't work for you. That's a shame, but, in the end, only the safe passage of your little one matters.

  26. My thoughts are with you. My DIL's c-sections went very well. Looking forward to seeing your beautiful baby.

  27. Best of luck! looking forward to new photos of the family!

  28. You look beautiful...I so missed being pregnant after my boys were born. So exciting that the time is almost here now. I am so happy for you and wishing you the best :)

  29. What a great gift for the hospital staff! Best of luck with your delivery!

  30. You look great, and good luck with the delivery!

  31. You look fabulous!!! I am among the the women, who also had a c-section-it's all going to be good.

    I could not remember being too sweet in my last days of pregnancy-you are wonderful to provide these delicious cookies to the staff. I just kept yelling, "I'm thirsty" "I want juice" (too funny, when I think about it now).

    Your husband or designee ready to send the message of the delivery to all of your blogger friends? Yes? I hope so. :-)


  32. All the best with your new arrival. As a new mum myself I can tell you, you are in for an amazing journey.

  33. You look fabulous!!! I love chocolate chips cookies, but most of all the blue hydrangeas.

    Have an awesome weekend :)

  34. I'll be thinking of you (and these cookies). Before you know it, this will all be over, and you will have a beautiful baby :D
    *kisses* HH

  35. That´s a healthy looking tummy!!!!!! Hope you´re doing well. Stay strong X X X

  36. Wow, time flies so quickly! I can't believe you are about to have your baby!! So excited for you. :) Can't wait to see pictures.

  37. Since I've managed to read your stuff in reverse order, I know the beautiful outcome. These cookies sound to die for. Happy to know all is well.

  38. These cookies sound very yummy and I shall try them very soon. I live next door to a local chocolate shop here in Nashville and I often use their chocolates in my creations. I so enjoy reading your blog. Next time you are in the Dean & DeLuca store in Manhattan ask for my Irish friend, Diane Stopford, who is a Dublin to Southern California to NYC transplant and has a love of food you will appreciate. She was in Nashville visiting me last year and I took her to Third Thursday's Dinner and she had a great time.
    Again, Lovely Blog. Teresa Blackburn Food Blog:

  39. You look beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us :_)

  40. What a beautiful picture! Also, I love your food pics, they look so professional! Can I ask what camera you're using? Thanks!

  41. you are such a cute pregnant lady!!!
    And these cookies look delish!
    Mini Baker

  42. I just wanted to quickly stop by and say: "You look lovely! Radiant!" I hope you took a lot of pictures. I know being afraid my twins would arrive early I took all my picture at 37/38 weeks!

  43. You look beautiful!Good luck :)

  44. Classic comfort foods are the best and I know from experience this recipe is a winner!

  45. You look so pretty!!! The air looks so crisp in the photo. It makes me want to visit NYC! The dough has to be made 24 hours ahead of baking! It sounds really good though. It might be worth a try...

  46. Making these today, though I did not refrigerate them. We'll see what happens.
