A Very Special Mother's Day - The First of Many

"Every child begins the world again."
                                              - Henry David Thoreau

Today, May 10th was the expected due date of my baby,  and it would have been a neat date for him to be born as it coincides with the anniversary of when we were engaged. However much like a lot things in life his birth didn't turn out as planned.

It was less than two weeks ago my husband and I walked hand in hand into St. Luke's Hospital. Much of that day has been a hazy memory until recently.  I recall anxiously awaiting the c-section, and wondering what it would be like on the other side of surgery. Was I going to be in a lot of pain? When am I going to get better? How am I going to get things done over the next few weeks? How am I going to react to when I see the baby? What will he be like?

Those questions quelled as I walked into the white, cold, expansive operating room. I remember the shiny sharp surgical instruments neatly lined up on a tray as seven or eight people quickly surrounded me, coordinating in a brisk rhythm to prepare my body for surgery. I was asked to hunch my back over limply to receive an epidural. I asked the kind nurse before me if I could hold her hands. Comfort was scarce in the sterile room, and in my fragile state I felt immense gratification to hold the warm hands of the sweet stranger in front of me.  A sharp pinch pierced my back, and liquids surged into my spinal column. The shock from the penetrating sting was fleeting, and before I knew it my body was laid down on the operating table and my arms left and right stretched out on arm boards in an odd Christ-like fashion, not a comforting position given that I knew what was going to happen to me. Within seconds I was given a dose ephedrine through an IV, and the fast and furious onset of a violent headache nearly crippled my conscious state.

My husband was allowed to join me and held my hand right away, relaying my seemingly dire state to the anesthesiologist while reassuring me that everything was going to be okay. Only recently did he reveal the myriad emotions he suppressed, seeing me on the table, watching the doctors scrubbing their hands for surgery and realizing that within a matter of moments this was going to happen - he was going to be a father.

As he tried to calm me down from my torrid headache, I heard a high pitched scream coming from the other end of the table, an emulsion of pain, fear and exhilaration permeated the room. Almost immediately a profound impact hit my chest. It was the fierce cry of my new baby taking his first breaths. My eyes widened, stunned to hear such a powerful cry. His father and I looked at each other as tears flowed down our cheeks.

He cried and cried and cried until the nurses handed him over to his father, and my husband pressed his wet warm cheeks onto my lips. And there wasn't a sweeter moment that I could have imagined.

Alexander was born at 12:13pm on April 28th at St. Luke's - Roosevelt Hospital, weighing 7 pounds and 13 ounces and measuring 19 inches long.

To our dear son Alex,

We knew that life would never be the same once you arrived. We never knew just how much one person could evoke such a profound magnitude of courage, compassion, fear, anxiety, joy and love. We feel so lucky that you chose us to be your parents.


Mom and Dad

*A special thanks to Ruth Lawyer, one of the finest doulas in New York, who helped bring Alex into this world. If any one needs a reference for this incredible woman, please do not hesitate to contact me.


  1. congrats he is adorable so happy for you love Rebecca

  2. Welcome!!!!!!! Oh, he is PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT!! You are all so lucky to have each other. Happy Mother's Day!

  3. what a perfect, gorgeous gift, so happy for you both!

  4. This made me cry... in a very good way.
    It brought me back to my own c-section deliveries. You have a beautiful gift for writing.
    Congratulations on the arrival of your son. What an absolutely perfect way to celebrate mother's day!

  5. Christine, this is so touching! Alex is so beautiful, and so are you and Stewart! You will be AMAZING parents! Thanks for sharing these moments with us.

  6. Congratulations! What a doll. So good to know you're both doing well.

  7. Congratulations Christine!! He is so incredibly absolutely perfectly beautiful! Happy happy Mother's Day to you!

  8. Aw, congratulations! Sending warm wishes to baby and momma!

  9. I assumed you must have delivered early since we hadn't heard from you :) My first was 3 weeks early.

    What a dear, sweet face he has. Congratulations, to you and your husband, Christine! I'm sure it was a wonderful Mother's Day.

  10. Congrats Christine! Can't wait to meet little Alex!!

  11. Awww congrats!!!! Christine, he's precious!!!! Can't wait to meet him as well... =)

  12. Oh, you perfect joy and wonder! So glad to meet you, Alexander!!

  13. OMG He is adorable Christine Im so happy for you!! and what such lovley day to born!The pictures are amazing, blessings and prayers for him! huggs, gloria

  14. He is sooo cute, love his face! gloria

  15. Congratulations Christine. Alexander is adorable. You were so brave and thank goodness you were able to hold the nurse's hand. It had to be the best mothers day and just think how many more mother's days there are to come. Father's day is just around the corner you know.

  16. What a special Mother's Day you had! Congrats to you Christine! I wish you so much joy!

  17. What a little dear! Congratulations to you - that's the best Mother's Day gift ever. Wishing you much happiness.

  18. Congratulations again, my dear. You two will make wonderful, loving parents. Alex is just as lucky to have you as you are him. He is an angel.


  19. Alexander is absolutely adorable. So handsome! Congratulations to you and your husband!

  20. OH MY GOSH I just got chills reading this story - I love it! CONGRATULATIONS!! he is beautiful!!!

  21. Congrats, Christine!! Your baby looks sooo beautiful. Big kisses to you and him. Enjoy every minute!!


  22. Congratulations! He is beautiful! Enjoy the "little baby" stage - it passes so very quickly...

  23. You made me have tears..What a gorgeous baby!
    Blessings to you all.I have always loved that quote..

  24. Congratulations, Christine. Your little baby boy is so precious and sweet. It is amazing how much that tiny person can change your lives. Overwhelming and wonderful at the same time.

  25. Congratulations! And Happy belated mother's day. Alex is such a sweet looking baby :D

  26. Congratulations! What a sweet baby! Thank you for sharing the story of his birth with us.

  27. I'm sorry to hear about your traumatic birth experience. I hope that you're healing well and enjoying your new little one. You'll find that time heals all wounds and that babies get to be so much sweeter as they grow. Congratulations to your family.

  28. And now you know what Angels look like....


  29. Awwwwww,Alexander is adorable and beautiful! Congratulations! Take good care.

  30. Cheers to us new mothers!!! He is beautiful!

  31. Congratulations! He is beautiful!

  32. Wow-just born babies are definitely not always this cute! He's just delicious! Congratulations. I can't believe you could create such a moving and thoughtful piece with a newborn around- go you!

  33. Congrats! Alex is a beautiful boy. My best to you and your family for a wonderful life with your new addition. :)

  34. Warm congratulations Blessed mama (and papa too!) Welcome to your beautiful boy. Enjoy and take very good care of yourself in these precious first days.

  35. Congratulations!! Alexander is a perfectly beautiful baby!

  36. Congratulations! This baby is so beautiful his skin is so soft and his complexion is perfect! Already two weeks old and he looks so much older! A gift from God, an a first son. You were blessed.

  37. Oh Christine, Alexander is beautiful. I have happy tears on my face. What wonderful experiences you all have ahead of you. Raising a child is like nothing else you will ever encounter.

  38. Christine, Hurray! I am so thrilled to find your post today--I have been wondering how you and your dear family are doing. Your son is precious! Now the real joy begins...

  39. Oh my gosh, he's beautiful!

  40. Congratulations to you, what a lovely baby!! :) A very warm and beautiful, happy mother's day to you!!~ :) It must be warm, being able to celebrate as a mother yourself...CONGRATS!!:)

  41. So So beautiful! Baby is gorgeous in every way possible and I wish you all the best.

  42. Alexander is beautiful! Congratulations!

  43. Ok, now I'm all choked up. This is beautiful. Alexander is beautiful. I'm so happy for you both. Congratulations.

  44. Congratulations - your baby is gorgeous!

  45. What a wonderful story. Happy late Mother's Day my friend! I wish I could give you a hug from here.


  46. I thought this is a food blog...Whats for dinner? Just kidding Congrats and don't dress him to preppy!

  47. I'm just back from vacation and catching up on your beautiful boy! Enjoy every precious minute. I just spent time with my baby boy--now all grown up and married. It seems to have happened overnight!


  48. Congratulations to mommy and daddy and welcome to the world, Alex!


  49. Congratulations! He is adorable. My best to all of you. ;-)

  50. I'm crying, too (sobbing actually with a confused family) - but happy tears of joy, Childbirth is scary but the pure moment of joy when you touch the new member of your family - born of love - and as I look at Alexander - there is a sweetness that puts you at peace. Congratulations - what a beautiful journey you will have (and I love the quote that begins this post).

  51. A bit belated - - Happy Mother's Day Christine and Happy Birthday Alexander!
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience. Looking forward to seeing more of the handsome little Alexander.

  52. What a wonderful write up and what a treasure this post and your blog will be to him so that he can see what an amazing woman is his mother.

    I hope the three of you are enjoying your special time together.

  53. So beautiful Christine. Thanks for sharing such a descriptive telling story of Alexanders birth. I hope your doing well my friend! Huge hugs!!

  54. Congratulations, mama...he's absolutely beautiful!

  55. congrats Christine! Alexander is beautiful!

  56. Congratulations and Happy MOther's day. He is beautiful.

  57. Congrats mum n dad! your baby looks gorgeous!

  58. So handsome!! Can't wait till you're ready for a play date. =)

  59. congrats, he's perfection!!


  60. Christine - Your son is absolutely gorgeous! God bless your beautiful family. I hope you're doing well.

  61. Christine, he is precious!! Congrats on your very first Mother's Day (belated, albeit). You are so brave and now you have this wonderful little person in your life. I can't wait to meet him. xo

  62. Congratulations on your beautiful and healthy baby - he really is perfection! Hope you are healing and getting some rest.

  63. amazing isn't it? how a being that weighs a tad more than a sack of sugar could turn your world upside down in every possible good way!


  64. A belated congratulations to you and your husband! He is beautiful!

  65. Your baby is beautiful, Christine! Enjoy the little one! :)

  66. Christine, Congratulations!!! What a wonderful Mother's Day gift!!! Alexander is adorable.

    Blessing for you and the baby :)


  67. I tried to comment on this post a while back, when Blogger was acting up. Had to stop back and let you know how happy I am for you! I loved reading this post, and as a mom, I can truly appreciate those magical first moments. Those memories will multiply into a chain of happy reflections that only gets better. Best to you and your new little family. Your son is absolutely beautiful!

  68. I have been meaning to stop by and say congratulations!!!
    He is just gorgeous and the perfect 1st Mothers Day gift :)

  69. Congratulations! He's a lovely boy!

  70. Congratulations!!!! He is beautiful!

  71. This story brought tears to my eyes. Congrats to you on the birth of your beautiful baby. Big fat hugs:)

  72. Oh my goodness, Christine, he's amazing! And so are you and your husband. It's such an incredible time. And it sounds like you are appreciating every minute of it. I am so sorry to read this so late, but I'm so glad to be catching up on all the beauty. Congratulations!

  73. Congratulations, Christine!
    I knew your baby was due about now - but a month ago! I am shocked! What a wonderful miracle the birth of a child is, isn't it. I love the poem by Carol Lynn Pearson and try to give it to all I know and love the day their baby is born. Sorry this is so late for you:
    Day Old Child
    My day old child lay in my arms,
    With my lips against his ear.
    I whispered strongly, "How I wish--
    I wish that you could hear,

    "I've a hundred wonderful things to say,
    (a tiny cough and a nod),
    hurry, hurry, hurry and grow
    So I can tell you about God."

    My day-old baby's mouth was still
    And my words only tickled his ear,
    But a kind of light passed through his eyes,
    And I saw this thought appear:

    "How I wish I had a voice and words,
    I've a hundred things to say.
    Before I forget, I'd tell you of God --
    I left Him yesterday."
    --Carol Lynn Pearson
    I certainly don't mean to offend you religiously, in anyway... it is just the miracle of childbirth heightens our awareness of the power of motherhood, the responsibilities that lay ahead... and that miracles really do happen!

  74. Congratulations to you and your husband on your new bundle of joy.

  75. Congrats to you on the birth of your cute angel Alex! He is adorable!
    May God always bless your family with love and happiness!

  76. He is absolutely beautiful! Wow, just gorgeous and perfect! Congratulations to you all! xo

  77. Christine!! WOW! I had no idea! Obviously I don't blog enough because it appears I was last to know. This post had me crying. It took me back to September when I had my baby boy, Finn. Our stories are so similar. Congratulations to you! Give Alex a hug from Finn and I!

  78. I loved reading your birth story... I am having such a hard time writing mine. Even when things don't go as planned, they are overshadowed by the perfect little one that arrived. Congrats!!

  79. Christine, your words are like magic. It felt like I could feel your emotions and the air during your labor! I wish I could write beautifully like you. Congrats!! I think pregnancy and birth are miracle. I am very happy for you and you sound like you're a very compassionate and caring mom. Also I saw your posts about NY style cake and pasta salad. When do you find the time? You're a super mom!! Kaho
