Spicy Apple Orange Cranberry Sauce

Is it really going to be Thanksgiving next week? Where did the time go?

Wasn't it just yesterday when the leaves turned colors? And then within a blink of an eye, most all of the beautiful autumn foliage fell to the ground. And now we are counting down the days towards when our nation gathers around the table for its biggest feast of the year.

Haverford College campus, Pennsylvania

When explaining Thanksgiving to our six-month old son, my husband noted that Thanksgiving is the holiday when everybody eats a big meal.  I had to chuckle because the name itself -Thanks - Giving - should have prompted an answer that gave much deeper meaning to the day. I jumped in and clarified, "It's a day when we celebrate all that we have to be thankful for, the big meal included." 

This year we will be gathering around the table with a heritage turkey that returned with the family from a recent trip to a Vermont farm. While the bird will undoubtably take center stage on the table, I am looking forward to the spread of side dishes: stuffing, cranberry sauce, walnut shaved brussels sprouts, and sweet potato cranberry hash.

How about you, are you a sides person? Or are you a turkey person?

Cranberry sauce has always been a personal favorite, especially if paired with oranges and spice. This whole cranberry sauce is a cinch to make and yields a rustic, vibrantly flavored relish warmed up by traditional sweet spices. It's so simple, it makes me wonder why I save this recipe for only this time of year. This sauce can be made three days ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator, although won't last that long around hungry people named Christine around.

Spicy Apple Orange Cranberry Sauce
Adapted from Williams-Sonoma Kitchen Library Series, Thanksgiving & Christmas, by Chuck Williams (Time-Life Books, 1993).

  • 1/2 orange
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 tart apple, such as Granny Smith, pippin or McIntosh
  • 3 cups fresh cranberries
  • 1 1/4 cups sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp. ground cloves


  1. Squeeze the juice from the orange and set the juice aside. Remove and discard the membrane from inside the orange rind and cut the rind into small dice. In a small saucepan over high heat, combine the rind and the water and bring to a boil. Cook for 10 minutes, then drain and set aside.
  2. Peel, core and quarter the apple. Cut into 1/2-inch dice and place in a saucepan. Sort the cranberries, discarding any soft ones. Add to the apples along with the orange juice, orange rind, sugar, cinnamon and cloves. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat to low and cover the pan partially. Simmer gently, stirring occasionally, until the sauce thickens, the apple is tender and the cranberries have burst, 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Transfer the cranberry sauce to a heatproof bowl and let cool for 1 hour before serving. Or cover and refrigerate; bring to room temperature before serving. Transfer the cranberry sauce to a sauceboat and pass at the table.

Makes 3 1/2 to 4 cups.


  1. Gorgeous colors! Pretty soon...snow! Love the sauce.

  2. wonderful colors ,love the recipe...have a good day.....

  3. I am a side person with an eye to turkey sandwiches the rest of the week. What a special blessing you will have at Thanksgiving this year!

    Sorry to be so long answering your question about my knowledge of the "Main Line". My dearest friend lived in Bela Cynwyd (sp?) for years while her husband was Chief of Ortho at UPenn. We visited often.

    Have a wonderful holiday with your precious baby.


  4. Your cranberry sauce looks wonderful, as do all your photos. What a gorgeous array of fall pictures! And your Thanksgiving meal looks truly scrumptious.

  5. I do miss the fall colors and leaves, so thank you for the lovely photos! Not that I don't love Florida, but the season changes here are not as distinct.
    I'm a side person too. I like turkey, but my plate is always filled with sides and a tiny portion of turkey. :)
    Fun to have another way to make cranberry sauce, Christine. It looks wonderful.
    Your baby's first Thanksgiving and Christmas! Such an exciting time....

  6. Homemade cranberry sauce is always one of my favorite things on the table! I'm always looking for new versions and I really like the idea of adding apple. Sounds delicious!

  7. This year, we are responsible for making a few dishes - cranberry sauce and stuffed mushrooms. I can't wait!

  8. Hola Christine,

    I am a side dish person. I love to prepare many! This cranberry sauce looks delicious, I could just imagine tasting it with the stuffing.

    Thanks for this sweet and savory recipe. Have a great week :)

  9. The sauce sounds really yum, although I don't eat meat and I wouldn't know what to pair it with... any suggestions:-)


  10. I can't believe that Thanksgiving has come so quickly this year! I think I enjoy the side dishes the most Thanksgiving day and then turkey leftovers starting the day after.

  11. I don't normally eat the turkey, but I definitely eat the cranberry sauce and all of the other yummy sides. I love the addition of apples and oranges to this cranberry sauce.

  12. Oh the sides! I sing odes to the sides! And also love cranberries paired with oranges and spices. Keeping this. I'm not allowed to change the potatoes, the stuffing, the pies, the turkey, the vegetables but I can spice up some cranberries. Your photos just put me in the midst/mist of autumn - which has quickly left Minnesota.

  13. Thanks for your comments everyone!

    Alessandra- cranberry sauce is quite versatile and does not need to be paired with meat. I like to have cranberry sauce with brie cheese and crackers.

  14. I'm a turkey person and the sides come second to me. Love your cranberry sauce. I'm always a bit shocked how many people don't make their own when it's so easy.

    Your fall photos are beautiful Christine.

  15. You're in such a lovely area. It must be refreshing after NYC. I'm definitely a sides person because we don't eat meat. Sides and dessert. What more do you need?

  16. I'm in Canada so we don't have thanksgiving now - we had it last month. But I have to say, I'm a sides person. turkey is good for sure - especially happy free-range, organic, local turkeys. But i can't get enough smashed potatoes, roasted brussel sprouts, 2 (no, 3) homemade buns and gravy... oh dear... i can't wait till Christmas!

  17. So glad to hear that you have landed in such a beautiful area. Your cranberry sauce looks so beautiful. The picture of Alex in your previous post is precious. Time does fly. Hold on to the moments. Have a lovely family Thanksgiving Christine.

  18. tradition is good-but it's always fun to change things up just a little bit for the holiday feast, which is why the sides rule! so much opportunity for tasty dishes. love the color of your relish.
    Happy Thanksgiving, Christine!

  19. This boosts the flavour of the traditional ranberry sauce to be served with my mashed potatoes, stuffing and side of turkey.

  20. I always go for sides - kind of the same way I seem to enjoy appetizers more than the main course. This cranberry sauce would be great on a sandwich of leftovers the next day!

  21. sounds like a lovely meal. and how special that your little one will be celebrating his first t-giving!

    i am definitely a sides person. i love stuffing/dressing the most. :)

  22. Beautiful Autumn pictures! Love the cranberry sauce. There are lots of cranberries now. I should start making too :D

  23. What a special Thanksgiving this will be for you :)

    Delicious cranberry sauce and beautiful photos!

  24. Such a lovely sauce! I can't believe he is 6 months already...wow!

  25. How time flies, 6months wow, these are the best months (well they all are,lol) I love cranberry sauce, this year I mixed it up and added giajillo chile to the mix, yummy!

  26. Your cranberry sauce sounds awesome with the spices! Gorgeous autumn pictures!

  27. I am most definitely a sides person! This cranberry sauce is just the kind I like, too :) Enjoy your first Thanksgiving as a family of three!

  28. These are such great pictures! I love freshly made cranberry sauce!

    I am a new follower of your blog!

    I would love it if you checked out my blog some time:

  29. Cranberries are such a huge favorite of mine & I've grown more in love with them with each passing year! I'm definitely all for the sides and desserts. I'm more into the turkey for leftover turkey salad sandwiches or salads.

    It was so great stopping by and seeing all the lastest updates here. Can't believe how much the baby has grown...it sure does fly by!! Love all the fall pictures since I'm down here in South Florida.

    Denise @ Creative Kitchen

  30. If the simple cranberry sauce that I just made with orange zest tasted great, I'm sure your recipe would send me to the moon!
