I blinked and you turned one! It's been the fastest year of my life.


Mari Nuñez said... 1

This year has gone so fast, one already!! He is handsome :) Many blessings.

Belinda @zomppa said... 2

Look at those dimples! Happy b-day, cutie!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said... 3

How time flies. He looks so grownup in the blue sweater on the bottom right. What a doll. Happy birthday Alex.

Simply Life said... 4

happy birthday - he is so cute!!!

Fun and Fearless in Beantown said... 5

Happy 1st Birthday, Alex!

From the Kitchen said... 6

Happy birthday sweet boy!


White Hot Oven said... 7

Happy birthday Alex! Hope this second year will be filled with as many smiles and giggles as the first. xo

Claudia said... 8

Sometimes it feels like warp-speed, doesn't it? His smile goes brighter and brighter. Happy Birthday, Alex!

About Last Weekend said... 9

Gorgeous photos, really wonderful!

bunkycooks said... 10

Happy one year Alex! This is just the beginning. :-)

Sara McCarty said... 11

Happy birthday, Alexander! You are one super loved and lucky baby! How is it even possible that a whole year has gone by. I swear you told me you were pregnant like a week ago. And within a few weeks, our little man will be here too. What an amazing year it's been. Cheers to the next 365 days!

tasteofbeirut said... 12

My favorite photos are the ones with mom and child; you look so serene and motherly and beautiful and of course your Alex is a beautiful little boy. Congrats!!!

T.W. Barritt at Culinary Types said... 13

One year old, already? We all blinked - but he looks very handsome and happy! Congratulations!

Deana Sidney said... 14

whoa... you're right, time flies and Alex is such a person already. Happy Birthday!

Unknown said... 15

Oh, Christine, from looking at those photos: what a fabulous year you've had with your little guy :) Congrats and happy 1st year to all of you!!

La Table De Nana said... 16

You are both picture perfect.
Lovely post.

sally said... 17

Wow! It's already been a year! Happy birthday to Alex.

Stephanie said... 18

Oh and what a beautiful year it has been! Happpy Bday to yuor baby!

Delicious Dishings said... 19

I cannot believe he's one already! The first year flew by! Happy birthday, Alex!

~Lisa~ said... 20

I've been so behind on blogging! I can't believe your baby is already one. Congrats again Christine! My lil princess has been keeping me busy. Hope all is well!