I've had a full day already, and the wine tasting hasn't started yet. This morning I got up at seven to beat the crowds at Rockefeller Center's ice skating rink. When I arrived I was a bit surprised to find hundreds of people in line to receive a free custom fitted shirt from Pink, a luxurious British dress shirt company.

Those Brits do professional attire very well!   As part of a PR campaign for a new TV show, White Collar, premiering this evening on the USA network, Pink was giving away custom-fitted white shirts.
The expected wait was eight hours, and even at that estimate people were not deterred and were willing to suffer cold temperatures. For an item valued at $150, I couldn't blame them.  

I was not so willing to wait so long in the cold for a shirt, even if it was one of the better giveaways in New York. But as it turns out my opinion didn't matter, because the line had grown so long that it was closed off at 8:30am, which was half an hour after the event started. Welcome to New York. It was a bonanza event, but not for me.
So I continued on my way to the ice skating rink at Rockefeller Center. I only fell once on an attempt to twirl.
I took pretty pictures. This is a gilded statue of Prometheus, Greek good who brings fire to man. 
I admired others performing stunts on ice.

When I was done ice skating, I grabbed a complimentary coffee from the White Collar Bar, and was happy to at least receive free coffee. I was fortunate to make that stop because as I passed by the free shirt line, the bouncer just happened to allow a few people in, one of which was me. I felt so lucky!

So there I was in line. Do you know how cold it can get if you're just standing doing nothing? It was uncomforably cold! While I waited in line, I saw the character David Wallace of the comedy show, The Office. I'm a big fan of The Office, so it was rather a big deal. And following four long hours, I got fitted for a white collared Pink shirt, which will be Fed Ex'd to me in two weeks. This will be one of my more memorable 'only in New York' experiences.

Updated: My shirt arrived, and I couldn't have asked for a better experience!
And the shirt...


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

I LOVE skating at Rockefeller Center when I in town - such a classic activity.

I'll be tuning in for the premiere of 'White Collar' tonight - looks like it has some promise!

HoustonWok said...

what a cool event! Hey you skate! I can't skate if my life depended on it. I don't suppose the big xmas tree is up yet huh?

NMOS said...

That sounds like an awesome day. Free, expensive shirt.....meeting a celebrity.....floating around on a popular spot of New York, etc. I love big cities like that.

Anonymous said...

Ice skating is so cool! You look like you are having lots of fun! great!


Mardi Michels said...

Oh how much fun is it to live in NYC!!! Just a tiny bit jealous up here in Canada.... ;-)

Deb in Hawaii said...

Sounds like good timing and a fun day. Can't wait to hear how the wine tasting went. ;-)

Meals by Misty said...

I've only been to NY once and I didn't ice skate. I did ice skate once in TN and all I really remember about it is that it hurts like He** when you fall! You look so graceful. And Pink?? I adore her. I might have to book the hubby and I a ticket for Christmas! I was so rushed when I made the trip and it was over 10 years ago. Looking at Delta now :) Happy Saturday. Hope you don't have a wine headache!

Anonymous said...

I love your pictures of ny. I went last year and its an awesome place, cant wait to go back.

Mama Freemans' cafe' said...

Thanks for letting me go along with you in your travels.It has rained here for days and the ground is so saturated that us farmers are afraid our crops are to be delayed for harvest and we are concerned about future weather keeping us out of the fields. Corn prices may take a decided upswing if we dont get our crops harvested. I have been stuck in the house for the past week but today the sun is peeking out so maybe the monsoon is over! Love the picture of the wrought iron bridge.

Heather S-G said...

Ice skating already...slow down cold weather...I'm not ready for you yet!! Looks fun, though ;)

Rebecca said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog! It's not actually a dedicated food blog like yours, but my love of cooking does manage to seep in quite a bit! I hope you enjoyed the iceskating (the dutch are very big on this)!!

chow and chatter said...

oh what fun will take Jasmine!! you look so cute love it

Fresh Local and Best said...

Veggie Girl - I hope White Collar was interesting, I recorded it and still need to see it.

Houston Wok - The Christmas tree is not up yet, but as soon as it is, I'll post photos. I love how jazzed you are about the city.

NMOS - It was a GREAT giveaway and an exciting event.

Hippie Mom - Thanks!

Mardi - You'll have to visit sometime soon. I'm jealous of your trip to San Francisco and all the activities surrounding it!

Deb- There's so many notes I have to organize and go through, it may be up in a few days. The wine tasting was amazing!

Misty - Christmas in New York is quite nice, let me know, and I'd love to help with recommendations.

Heavenly - Thanks!

Mama - The bridge is in Central Park, it's quite beautiful.

Girlichef - I want it to slow down too. I'm loving the fall!

Rebecca - I'd love to see photos of you ice skating too!

Chow - You should bring Jasmine along. Go in the morning session at 8:30am before the crowds. Jasmine would be so cute on the ice - well - anywhere!

Reeni said...

Oh what an all-around fun day(besides the cold four hours)! And what luck to get in line for the shirt. You have to show us when you get it! And to see the guy from The Office - so cool - he looks so nice.

Fresh Local and Best said...

Cinnamon-Girl - I am looking forward to showing the shirt when it arrives! Thanks for visiting.

Brilliant Sulk said...

There is ALWAYS something fun to do in NYC. Lucky you!

Divina Pe said...

This is one of the places that I would love to visit. It's beautiful and romantic. And it's suck a lively city.

Unknown said...

After living here in NYC for over 4 years, I have yet to skate at Rock Center (I've only done Bryant Park, partly because they have a temporary Cdn-esque bar called Celsius set up there in the winter). Love PINK shirts! Heard about that promo too, but didn't make it. Love living here in NYC!

Dolce said...

A great day indeed! I have never skated at Rockfeller Center... because I cannot beat oversleeping during the week-end... !

John Dryzga said...

That looked like a fun day in the city. I've never skated in Rock Center, only Wollman Rink in Central Park.

Michelle said...

Did you get a shirt? LOL!