It's five minutes to ten o'clock Tuesday morning and I'm crossing Wall Street to meet with food blogger, Hagan Blount of Wandering Foodie, who is spearheading the 93 Plates project. For the entire month of January, Hagan is eating and blogging his way through three meals a day of food experiences. So far he is more than two-thirds of the way to completion, has gained ten pounds and is feeling good about it.

Being the sociable foodie I am, I went along with Hagan on two of his ninety-three plates and found out the unexpected challenges with condensing three meals a day at scattered locations and writing under time constraints for 31 days straight. Our first stop was at The Waffle Truck.

"You know, I don't think I've ever eaten food from a truck." That is, if you don't count ice cream.
"Really?" Hagan responded, surprised but too preoccupied by scouting for The Waffle Truck to dig deeper.
"Where is this truck?" I asked.
"Their website said Coenties Slip for Tuesday, did you check their website this morning?" asked Hagan.
"Yup, I did." I responded. This wasn't looking good.
Hagan pulls out his phone to check The Waffle Truck's twitter status. "They updated three hours ago to say that they are at 58th, between Lexington and Third!" Followed by $^#@*&!, (bleep), and then (bleep), and lots more (bleep)!

So we head to the upper end of midtown to 58th and Lexington, this basically shaves off an hour from our schedule, not to mention is UTTERLY AN-NOYYYY-ING! Which brings to my attention the question of how someone like moi survives. I have not fully imbibed the social networking scene and this disadvantage was transpiring before my eyes, I've failed to keep up with a moving food establishment. It did occur to me to check twitter earlier in the morning but alas I over-relied on the website. Did I mention I don't have an iPhone? Did I have to mention it? Doh! I'm so out of touch. It would have been handy, but I'm rarely in these situations so I don't feel too deprived.
Fast forward to 58th and Lexington. The Waffle Truck is nowhere to be seen. Hmmm. Is this really happening again? Hagan and I headed to the nearest wifi spot, which happens to be at the MacDonald's. Did you know that Micky D's is offering free wifi as of January 15th! Wow-za! Still not enough to get me to dine at the Golden Arches, but sweet!
After a flurry of typing, Hagan's face turns red. Why? "They just updated half an hour ago that they moved to 43rd and 5th. What the (bleep, bleep, bah-bleep, bleep?)" So what do you do when you're pressed for time and have been defeated by a moving waffle truck? Go to the next best thing, in our case it was Starbucks.

What can I say about Starbucks? It's consistent, which means it's predictable, which means it should yield some level of comfort. Plus it's a great place for those needing a table, chair and wifi for their mobile office.

I had bread pastry covered in powdered sugar, which was soft, plain and good as expected.

Hagan had a sugar crystal topped donut, which he enjoyed.

Hagan asked, "Which Starbucks do you like to go to?"
I responded, "The nearest one." While there's a wide spectrum of opinions on Starbucks, I have to say that one thing I really appreciate is it's consistency. Whether it be the one in London or the two in Houston that are directly across the street from each other, you know what you are getting wherever you are. And starting the day with getting what you expect is worth quite a bit to me, especially after chasing after a waffle truck.

Next stop was Fishers of Men II on 125th and 6th. I think this was my first time in Harlem, if you don't count visiting Columbia University. It's amazing how many people were on 125th Street just hanging out. The streets were truly vibrant and buzzing!

Fishers of Men offered a much more predictable and smoother experience with short menu and fast turnaround, and gospel music to top it off. We started with a chili cheese grilled hotdog, buns toasted which I enjoyed.

Next we had the fried fish, shrimp and chips piled high and accompanied by a vinegary hot sauce and tartar sauce. Lightly battered and crispy, you couldn't go wrong with this order. We both agreed the hot sauce really made the plate come alive. I was such a coward, I ate but four bites and called it quits. I have a fear of deep-fried foods which was magnified when I sat down. So what did I do afterward?

I redeemed myself at One Lucky Duck with a raw, organic, vegan Mean and Green Shake.

Fresh Local and Best thanks Fishers of Men II for contributing the meal.

When you have time, please visit Hagan's post on Fisher's of Men and Starbuck's. 


T.W. Barritt at Culinary Types said...

Kudos to Hagan for a brave and courageous undertaking. I've eaten at the Waffle Truck and it's worth tracking down.

Cocina Savant said...

The fish, shrimp, and chips look especially good. What kind of fish is that?

kat said...

How frustrating to chase around a food truck you can never catch

Christo Gonzales said...

look at it this way - you took great photos!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry you had to run all over town! I'm also without WiFi on the run and often feel out of the loop! Wafel and Dinges is good though (they were on Throwdown with Bobby Flay last night) - Sometimes they pop up at markets, making them easier to catch (they had a stall at the Unions Square market).

3 hungry tummies said...

That sure is a crazy day! Good on you for refusing to eat at the golden arches :)

Beth said...

You're more dedicated than I am--I don't know if I would ever chase a food truck! But then I would likely be starving, and have to eat at the nearest option!

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

This post is funny on so many levels... I have been following the 93 plates quest, and am always entertained. What a great idea!

But chasing a moveable restaurant... and in the age of twitter, failing... Only in New York

Anonymous said...

Ha LOL! I would totally chase a food truck too :D.

Chef E said...

This was a fun adventure! and DB is right your photos tell a good story!

Flour said...

I've never seen any pastry from Starbucks look so fresh/soft! Wow!!!
I wish the Starbucks in my area were more consistent. My co-workers and I sometimes consult with each other(on whether or not the coffee is good), before venturing out for a cup. LOL

Very nice food photos! I'm hungry:)

Robin, David, Simon and Leo said...

I was laughing out loud reading your adventures looking for the Waffle Truck. You're lucky to have such amazing options (even if they are had to track down).

Anonymous said...

I've heard about Hagan's quest at Foodmayhem! Sounds like you had some great eats and a fun time!

Ravenous Couple said...

is he trying the new foodie version of supersize me? ;) sorry for the bad experience of food trucks, while we have nothing against them per se, it's experiences like yours and many that we've heard about (not showing up on time, changing locations etc) that makes us stay away.

Julia said...

I think this sounds like fun! But that might just be the country mouse in me speaking. I miss tracking down new places. Btw, good idea on the juice!

Namitha said...

lol..grt story :-)Fish and chips look very tempting..!

Delicious Dishings said...

That definitely sounds like a crazy day -- chasing a waffle truck again. I'm so disappointed that you didn't actually get to eat waffle truck food. It would have been interesting to hear about it. I am glad I have plans to go to Starbucks this afternoon though because you've just given me a craving.

Joanne said...

Wow. I can't imagine eating out for every meal for a month. That is insane! At least NY offers up plenty of options for doing that. He definitely won't run out of places to frequent. And at least it looks like he can afford to gain some weight ;) The Fishers of Men II meal looks yummy, even if it is super unhealthy.

Michelle said...

OH my word...three meals a day, gained 10 lbs and it looks like he may gain another 6-8 at least before he's done!

Art and Appetite said...

Oh gosh Christine, you got me drooling so bad to the point where I almost drowned. Please take me there, now! Hehehe.

Thanks for sharing this post.

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Wandering the street looking for the best food is my kind of day well spent.

Gera@SweetsFoodsBlog said...

Smiling with your adventures at the big apple!! So beautiful pictures and the snowy donut is for me :)

All the best,


Mimi said...

How disappointing not to get your chance to eat at a food truck, especially a waffle truck.
Thanks for taking me to NYC today. Where are we going tomorrow?

Kim said...

I can't imagine eating out three times a day for a month. Sounds like you all had a somewhat frustrating but fun experience I checked out the One Lucky Duck site and that looks like it's a really cool place to go. Only in NYC.

The Diva on a Diet said...

Wow, what an adventure. Bummer about the Waffle Truck but I'm diggin' the Fishers of Men coverage. Cool. Thanks for the tip on 93 plates ... I can't wait to read up on it!


Reading this post is like watching Chef vs. the City (oh how i love that show!) what a fascinating food journey you have with Hagan, (i'll go visit his blog after this) and in NYC!!! i'm so jealous... any food blogger in San Diego too?

Fresh Local and Best said...

Thanks everyone for your enthusiastic comments!

Cocina Savant - I think the fish in the fish and chips is catfish.

Impromptu Diva - Sarah from SJGourmet is in San Diego. She produces wonderful baked goods on her blog.

♥peachkins♥ said...

I love this post! that is quite an adventure....

Kathleen said...

He's only gained 10 lbs? I'd have gained 110lbs! I wish they had more food trucks where I live. I guess then I'd finally figure out how to twitter!

Sook said...

Wow, Christine, sounds like you're having lots of fun with other food bloggers. That is totally awesome! Love this post.

The Duo Dishes said...

Only a guy could eat out that many meals and not fret the extra pounds. He's a trooper!

La Bella Cooks said...

That was quite an adventure and your photos turned out stellar!

White Hot Oven said...

I guess it's chili dog day for the both of us!

So brave of you Christine :) Are you going to keep up trying to track down the truck or leave it to Hagan?

Beautiful pictures of the buildings, just beautiful.

David said...

It's your bro from another mum.ahh i've been so out of the loop lately,this trip looks so fun,delicious and filling. Hmmm the chili cheese dog looks scrumptious and the doughnut, wow. Thanks for sharing.take care

Donna-FFW said...

I think it sounds like a most fun way to spend the day.. I would have loved to have tagged along, maybe I couldve helped with the truck;)

Penny said...

Love your photos. I love New York. Can't believe Hagan has only gained ten pounds.

MaryMoh said...

Love all the photos. My gosh...that fish, shrimps and chips....looks delicious! Must be a very satisfying meal.

Lori said...

I love your write up and story. So interesting to learn about all the food related personal endeavors. And I had to laugh at the frustration over the Waffle truck. Speaking of Waffle trucks, I wis there were one on my street right now. Sounds good for breakfast. :)

Mari Nuñez said...

Bread looks yummy! I miss my N.Y. Loved the pictures.

Joy said...

HAHA what a frustrating venture!! I think I'd be cussing like a sailor as well if I couldn't find that dang waffle truck...I looove waffles -- have you ever tried chicken and waffles? I had fun experiencing your food adventures, haha always entertaining Christine!

NKP said...

What an adventure! I want that big container of fried stuff..
In Toronto the only savoury food you can get from a truck is hot dogs. They recently allowed 6 or 8! new carts to have other things.. heavily licensed and took years in court to allow them - and they are controlled by the gov't! Anyway, nobody I know has ever seen them...

TKW said...

How annoying about the waffle truck!! ARGH!

Looks like a good lunch, however. I cannot believe you fear the fried! :) said...

Sounds like a lot fun! My bf and I had a phase of following food trucks but it's died down since I'm cooking at home all the time. Can't believe you've never tried the Waffle Truck before! If you ever come across them, you have to try the liege with spekulos and ice cream.It's ridiculously good!

P.S. You need an iPhone. It's one of life's necessities :)

The Blonde Duck said...

I'm sorry, but I think the roaming waffle truck is hilarious.

Mini Baker said...

wow! Those hot dogs look amazing!

Lea Ann said...

Great post. I'm sure enjoying your blog, so glad I found you.

Dolce said...

I am actually meeting with Hagan on Saturday next week. Should have gone with him to dinner at Markt 2 weeks ago but I was sick so I had to cancel last minute!!

(this bread pastry from Starbucks looks fine to me... as long as I don't know the calories inside...)

Kitchen Butterfly said...

What a fantastic outing......So, joining Hagan for more stops???????

Barbara said...

The fish and chips? Oh man.

Reeni said...

That hot dog looks totally delicious! I haven't eaten one of those in about a year! Off to check out Hagan's posts.

chow and chatter said...

oh poor guy he misses the truck, but the fish and chips look great lol

ann low said...

Thanks for sharing this post. I wonder what's the taste of sugar cyrstal topped donut? Looks really crystal ;D

Angie said...

What a great article, nothing like chasing food on the move, lol, the best sausage here is at lowes, the guy who owns the cart makes it homemade, its the most amazing hot sausage ever, but he's not always at our neighborhood lowes, so we have to keep an eye out.

sophia said...

I LOVED this blog! I would LOVE to hang out with this guy Hagan. He sounds exactly my kind of buddy! Love a foodie who will be willing to eat his way for good food, 10 lbs extra or not!

Katy ~ said...

A fun post! Too funny about chasing the elusive truck via Twittering. I don't have all those gadgets either LOL

Anonymous said...

Great great post! Love the picture from lucky duck. I might ask you to borrow it one day ;-D}?!

Gloria Baker said...

I think you will have a really fun time Christine! xx gloria

Selba said...

The pictures look interesting :)

Ju (The Little Teochew) said...

Running all over the place - kinda like the Amazing Race! :) Cute cute post!

Angie's Recipes said...

The hot dog looks EXCELLENT!

4wilder said...

Hilarious blog! I could so picture you and Hagen's "adventure" chasing that elusive Waffle Truck! Love your answer to Hagan's question about your favorite Starbucks- the closest - you know what you are getting, wherever you are. Your photos as always are gorgeous; I especially enjoy the curves and colors of onebeaconcourt.

The Glamorous Gourmet said...

Wow - I can totally empathize with Hagan! I'm cooking my way through a cookbook on a schedule and it definitely adds a level of intensity to things! That darn, elusive Waffle Truck:)Too funny - thanks for the chuckle!

Deb in Hawaii said...

Still looks like a fun albeit frustrating foodie day! Your photos are beautiful as usual!

Kelsey B. said...

I LOVE the waffle truck!!!